Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:21 AM

Chapter 140

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Zhang Xuedong, 46 years old, is a powerful figure in Tianhua company. He is in charge of the propaganda department and the music department.

"Liang Zi, it's very difficult for me to fulfill your request. Xiao Yunhai wrote all the songs on his album, and the copyright is also in him. Unless he agrees, it's very difficult for us to take them from him. "

The young man sitting opposite him, named Zhang Liang, is a distant relative of Zhang Xuedong. With the help of Zhang Xuedong, he has become a signed singer of Tianhua. A few years ago, it was very popular for a while, but now it has basically disappeared. At most, I have to do some business performances outside.

A few days ago, he heard Lin Yuying say that the company was making a new album for Xiao Yunhai, and the first classic, so he found his Uncle Zhang Xuedong, hoping to get two songs from Xiao Yunhai's album, so that he could make another fire.

"Uncle, what's wrong with this. You are the vice president of the company. He is just a new man. He dare not refuse your request. Besides, we just want him to write two songs. Since he is so talented, let him write two more songs? What do you say? "

Zhang Xuedong frowned, thought about it for a while, and said, "well, I'll call director Wang and listen to him."

Zhang Liang's father once saved Zhang Xuedong's life. For this reason, he paid the price of a leg, so Zhang Xuedong loved Zhang very much. If someone else had made such a request, Zhang Xuedong would have let him go.

"Mr. Wang, are you still busy?"

"Is it Mr. Zhang? Hello! This is not the late stage of Xiao Yunhai's album. These songs are all good songs. Even if they are handed over to Yue laoguai, I'm not sure. So as soon as I was free, I came by myself. Can I help you? "

Zhang Xuedong tentatively said, "Mr. Wang, I want to discuss something with you. I think Xiao Yunhai's ten songs are top-level and even classic songs. Would it be a pity to put them all in one album? After all, there are many singers in our company. "

"Mr. Zhang, I understand what you mean. However, now that Xiao Yunhai's ten songs have been recorded, we can't tell him that the company wants two of his songs. That's unreasonable. Besides, he wrote all these songs, and I'm sorry to say that

"What if Xiao Yunhai agreed?"

"That must be all right. But I don't think the boy will agree

"All right, Mr. Wang. I see."

Zhang Xuedong put down the phone and said to Zhang Liang, "Liangzi, the key point of the matter is still on Xiao Yunhai."

Zhang Liang said, "then I'll go to him."

Zhang Xuedong nodded and ordered: "remember, you are going to ask for help this time. You should stop your bad temper. Xiao Yunhai is a talented artist and also the winner of the golden cup award. You should be polite. If not, don't offend him. "

Zhang Liang promised, but he didn't think so. It's just luck that I won the golden cup award. What's so great about it.

Out of Zhang Xuedong's office, Zhang Liang met Lin Yuying and her agent, Yang longlong.

"Brother Zhang, where are you going

Zhang Liang said, "I'll go to Xiao Yunhai to ask for a song."

Lin Yuying's eyes brightened and said, "brother Zhang, be careful. Xiao Yunhai is not a master who respects his predecessors. A few days ago, I was beaten down by him. Now that he has won the golden cup award, he can't be more arrogant. I don't think you'd better not go there, lest he be scolded. "

"He dares." Zhang Liang eyes a stare, arrogant said: "in our company, dare not give me a new face, I have not seen it. Isn't it just two songs? I asked him for his face

Lin Yuying said with a smile, "that's it, that's it. Look at my mouth, I can't speak. I said, brother Zhang is the general manager of Zhang. Even if Xiao Yunhai has the courage, he dare not refuse you. Then I'll wait for your good news. It's done. You have to treat me. "

Zhang Liang said with a smile, "OK, no problem."

Lin Yuying looked at Zhang Liang's disappearing figure with a smile. She suddenly snorted and said with disdain: "a straw bag. I really feel like a green onion. But for everyone's sake, who would have paid attention to Zhang Xuedong. "

Yang longlong said with a smile: "Yuying, you have a good way. In silence, he gave the boy such a big trouble. "

"Hum, who let Xiao Yunhai annoy me. People like Zhang Liang have always been short of success and more than failures. Wait and see. How long can Xiao Yunhai be arrogant? "

Through the relationship, Zhang Liang quickly found Xiao Yunhai who was shooting MV.

"Xiao Yunhai, I'm Zhang Liang, the singer of our company. You're lucky. I saw two songs on your album. Sell them to me. Don't worry, I will never treat you badly. Two songs 500000, how about that? It's already a very high price. "

Zhang Liang looked at Xiao Yunhai with a disdainful look and waited for the other party's reply.

Before that, Wang Lin secretly called Xiao Yunhai and told him that someone was missing his song. I didn't expect the other party to come so fast, and it came in less than an hour, and the tone was still so tough.Originally, he promised Wang Lin on the phone that he would explain well with the visitors. Can see the other side that kind of high on the expression, Xiao Yunhai heart also has anger, talk is very cold.

"Sorry, I don't know you. Also, this is the scene of MV shooting. Please leave and don't disturb our work. "

Zhang Liang was stunned. He seemed to hear a joke. He pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "you don't even know me. You are really a new man."

After shooting these days, LV Pengfei and Xiao Yunhai have become good friends. He was worried that Xiao Yunhai would not know Zhang Liang's identity and would suffer losses. So he came to Xiao Yunhai and whispered to him, "he is the distant nephew of Zhang Xuedong, vice president of the company, and a typical second generation ancestor. A few years ago, Mr. Zhang made great efforts to cultivate him, belonging to the kind of people who can't drag mud to the wall. However, it's better not to offend if you can. After all, Mr. Zhang stands behind him. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and gave Lu Pengfei a look of gratitude.

Zhang Liang said triumphantly: "Xiao Yunhai, how is your consideration?"

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly, forced to suppress the anger in his heart, and said without expression: "this album cost me countless efforts, I will not promise you. However, when I have the chance in the future, I can tailor a song for you

Xiao Yunhai can say such words, is the limit he can bear.

If he had not been a newcomer and didn't want to fall out with the company's top management like Zhang Xuedong, he would have driven Zhang Liang away.

However, in this case, Zhang Liang was not satisfied with his answer.

"I don't want to wait for the future, and you don't want to excuse me. Do you sell it or not? "

When Xiao Yunhai heard Zhang Liang's words, he could not control his temper, so he resolutely said, "don't sell."

Zhang Liang listened and said coldly, "Xiao Yunhai, don't think about the new album too simply. Even if you can make it, you may not be able to release it. I don't know how many new people like you have seen. They are arrogant and don't know how to respect their predecessors. They feel that they are everything, but they have not become inferior goods. I'll give you another chance. Will you give it or not? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed angrily and said, "Why are you so annoying? I said not to sell, what are you still talking about here? This is the scene of the MV shooting. If you don't have any business, get out of here. I don't have so much time to play with you. "

Offending a colleague is a very unwise thing for a newcomer like Xiao Yunhai, but the other party's words are too much. In this case, if he doesn't fight back, it will be a bit cowardly.

Besides, once he agreed to Zhang Liang's unreasonable request today, it is estimated that Li Liang and Wang Liang will come to ask for songs tomorrow. Will Xiao Yunhai have to compromise? Therefore, to drive away Zhang Liang can be regarded as an example to those who have misdeeds.

"Good, very good. No wonder Lin Yuying said you are very arrogant. Xiao Yunhai, let's see. " After that, Zhang Liang left angrily.

And the last sentence he left caught Xiao Yunhai's attention.

"Lin Yuying?" Xiao Yunhai narrowed his eyes and said to himself, "it seems that there is a shadow of Lin Yuying behind this matter."

Zhang Liang returned to the company with a livid face, and just entered the door, he met Lin Yuying again.

When Lin Yuying saw Zhang Liang's iron green face, she knew that Zhang Liang must have failed, but she said, "brother Zhang, how are you? It's done. I told you the news. When the singing becomes popular, you will have to invite me to dinner

After listening to Lin Yuying's words, Zhang Liang showed a hard to see expression. He said to himself, "he is the best newcomer in the golden cup award. His scenery is boundless. I'm Zhang Liang. I'm just a star who's out of breath. How can people give me face? " With that, he went straight to Zhang Xuedong's office.

Lin Yuying showed a proud look and said in her heart, "Xiao Yunhai, who are you going to offend me. Well, I'll see if you can sell this album

Zhang Liang came to Zhang Xuedong's office door, took a deep breath, knocked on the door, got permission, and walked in with a face of grievance.

Seeing no one in the office, Zhang Liang cried, "uncle, you have to support me. I went to Xiao Yunhai to talk about it. Who knows what I got back was a sarcasm. To say that I'm just an out of breath singer, it's just daydreaming to get his songs. He also said that I was the second generation ancestor. If it was not for the support, it would be impossible to sign in to our company. Finally, he told me to get out of here and not to disturb him to shoot the MV. Uncle, I don't have any skills, but after all, I'm your nephew. It's too much for him to say so. "

Zhang Xuedong said dubiously, "is Xiao Yunhai really saying that? It's impossible that he's a new man who doesn't know the rules? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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