Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:21 AM

Chapter 1404

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Seeing the "world of Warcraft" on the market, Xiao Yunhai didn't play it, but he knew very well that the game that Stern spent three years building was definitely the enemy of world of Warcraft, so Xiao Yunhai would do so. At the same time, he also released a message that he would choose three days to play freely every quarter, so as to improve the loyalty of players to world of Warcraft.

Shermer Moore said, "I see what you mean. As a matter of fact, we were caught off guard by this. They spent a full $1.1 billion to promote Tianxia. If the results of the first three days are not good, I will ask the navy to spread various posts on the Internet to make it stink

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said: "in fact, we just need to start. There will be countless online game companies to help us with the rest. One "world of Warcraft" has already made them suffer a lot. How could they possibly take another one? "

Shermer Moore said, "boss, you are so smart. Yes, we are not the only one who wants to kill Tianxia. The major game companies in the world are more anxious than us. If we really let the world rise and share the world equally with world of Warcraft, we will have a better life without them. "

Xiao Yunhai did not expect wrong, other game companies are really covetous of "the world".

Due to the "world of Warcraft" sniper, has been crazy like this game players on the "world" is not very interested.

On January 1, the number of games downloaded from Tianxia was not large, with only four million copies worldwide.

Although it is much better than ordinary games, don't forget that Tianxia is a free download, and it costs 1.1 billion US dollars for publicity, and the advertising is overwhelming.

But now this score is obviously not in line with the expectations of the players.

Seeing this, Shermer Moore began to summon the Marines to attack heaven.

What makes him feel speechless is that he has not yet waited for him to make a move, and the Internet has been full of news about the collapse of "the world".

On each big famous forum, innumerable water army sends out the post crazily. Look at the scale, at least more than 100000 people.

"Shit, the world is a broken game. No wonder it's free. It's not fun at all. "

"Is this the cross era game that Stern has spent three years building? God, I'm going crazy. It's one of the worst games I've ever played

"Stern game company is so pathetic that it only got more than 4 million copies of free downloads. I can't believe how they did it. "

"It's over, stern games is over. If David Stern doesn't reform quickly, I'm afraid the game company will die soon. "

"Go and play world of Warcraft." the world of Warcraft is really boring. "

"Compared with world of Warcraft, the screen, settings and playfulness are not on an order of magnitude."

"These game companies are just too annoying," Shermer Moore said, after seeing the Internet's overwhelming number of Posts saying "the world" is not fun. He didn't dare to fight against stern, so he threw dirty water on us. I haven't done it yet. You have pointed out the world of Warcraft, as if you are afraid that the other party doesn't know that we did it. That's ridiculous. "

As the saying goes, all people make money, but when they are destroyed, their bones are destroyed.

When everyone is saying something bad, we can imagine how much impact it will have on the public mind.

Stern network company is really too unlucky, because of the early regardless of the cost of the crazy publicity, attracted the game companies all over the world. With "world of Warcraft" as a warning, where can they sit.

David Stern obviously didn't expect such a problem. When the reporter asked the question, he was furious and pointed at Xiao Yunhai without any cover up.

"I'm very dissatisfied with Kung Fu Xiao. As a shareholder who owns 25% of the shares of stell network company, Kungfu Xiao did not contribute to the development of the company, and even dealt with us in turn. "The world" this game is thousands of developers day and night, full of three years to develop the game, did not expect to usher in the attack of Kung Fu Xiao. "

"In order to suppress us, Kung Fu Xiao let world of warcraft free for three days, so that the download volume of" world of Warcraft "only reached 4 million sets. This is your ability. We are convinced that we have lost. But it's not good to call on the water army and spread the world all over the Internet. It's not good. It's too much. If we have the ability, we will fight with real weapons. It will be disgraceful to win with this kind of conspiracy. "

His words soon spread all over the world. People saw that the world's top ten richest people denounced Xiao Yunhai, the world's richest man, in public, and immediately became interested.

Xiao Yunhai, who has been practicing singing at home, naturally won't be a shrinking turtle. What's more, he didn't do things online at all. He really didn't want to carry the black pot, so he made an exception and took the initiative to accept an interview with Yunqing TV reporter.

"First of all, let me explain why world of Warcraft is free for three days for two reasons. The first is really to thank the players for their love of the game, and the second is to suppress the world, as Mr. David Stern saidThe reporter who interviewed him opened his mouth and was shocked beyond words. He didn't expect the boss to say so. He quickly asked, "Mr. Xiao, are you really trying to suppress Tianxia?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this matter can be seen by people with a clear eye. There is nothing to admit. Stern game company is too cruel. Their posters and slogans are everywhere in the world. If the game companies including our storm are not nervous, it's just bullshit. We are so popular with world of Warcraft that we are naturally worried that the world of Warcraft will have an impact on us, so we have three free days. We are competitors. I am open and aboveboard, and I believe everyone can understand. "

To Xiao Yunhai's identity and status, we can see things at a glance. If he doesn't admit it, it will be criticized. It's better to simply admit that when the time comes, we just need to guide public opinion, and there will be no problem.

Reporter asked: "Mr. Xiao, all the major forums on the network are sending" the world "is not fun, this is your masterpiece?"

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "Mr. David Stern has wronged me. With my reputation and personality, I assure you that my storm games company and I have never posted such posts on the Internet. Judging from the density of posts, there are at least 100000 people, and it seems that there are all over the world. I think Xiao Yunhai has a lot of skills, but I definitely don't have the ability. I secretly contacted more than 100000 people and asked them to blackmail the world together. "

"Do you mean someone else?" the reporter asked

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is not one person or two people. It should be a group of people. I guess it's "world of Warcraft" of stell game company that is too feared. With the support of players, my "world of Warcraft" occupies 60% of the whole market. From the perspective of the influence of "world of Warcraft", it will be half of the world with "world of Warcraft". How much impact will this have on other game companies. One can't stand it, and another one can't even eat. So I think it's probably made by game companies all over the world. It's just that stern and I are the most contradictory, so I became the first bird. Of course, this is my guess, but I think it should be

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao. Finally, in your mind, what do you think of the world game? Can you comment on it? "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and spread out his hands: "I've been preparing for the Los Angeles concert recently. From morning to night, I'm so busy that I can't play any games. However, if I want to play, I will only play world of Warcraft. I don't think there is any game that can be compared to it. Oh, I'm sorry, but I made an advertisement for world of Warcraft , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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