Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:18 AM

Chapter 1406

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On the evening of January 5, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to Yanjing Sports Center, the venue of Jinzun International Music Festival, to rehearse the songs they needed to sing.

At six o'clock the next afternoon, they arrived at the hotel rented by the sponsor.

It's January now, it's very cold, and there's a cold wind outside.

Zhao Wanqing is wearing a purple cheongsam, with her hair raised high and her figure concave and convex, showing her noble and elegant temperament.

Although Xiao Yunhai likes his wife's dress very much, he is still quite critical of her wearing so little for the party.

"Wife, in such a cold day, you have to wear so little. Why bother to come here?"

Zhao Wanqing wrapped up his down jacket, gave him a look and said, "I don't wear cheongsam. What do you think I'm wearing? Cotton padded jacket, cotton trousers, or a down jacket? On occasions like this, you have to endure the cold. Otherwise, it's strange that the media reporters can let us go. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "to die, we must face face and live to suffer. I can tell you, don't catch a cold. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "I know. Honey, is the heating a little small here? I'm still a little cold. "

Xiao Yunhai picked up a remote control, set the temperature of the air conditioner to the highest, then went to her side, pressed the quilt on her leg, and said with a smile: "now I know it's cold. I deserve it."

Zhao Wanqing made a face at him. Seeing his wife's rare appearance as a daughter, Xiao Yunhai couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Yanjing cultural and Sports Center has been a sea of people, waves and waves.

After three years of development, the Golden Cup International Music Festival has grown into an international music festival second only to Grammy in the United States of America. Hundreds of singers and musicians have come to attend the award ceremony. Therefore, the Organizing Committee of golden cup has also strictly selected the stars who walk the red carpet, basically above the first line. Those second-line singers, unless they are shortlisted for certain awards, have no chance at all, let alone those third-line and new singers.

There are thousands of fans from all over the world. They stand there one by one, shouting the names of their idols.

Every time a star comes out, it is bound to set off a climax.

"Dong Piaoxiang, I love you."

"Caroline, how beautiful you are."

"Leonard, come on, you're the best."


today's Chinese music circle is no longer the world of Chinese singers. Numerous foreign singers have come here in succession, and the total number is even more than that of domestic singers. In this way, the competition is naturally more intense.

It's really depressing to think about it. Foreign singers are marching into China, and they have numerous fans successfully. However, few Chinese singers, with the exception of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, are successful outside. It has to be said that this is a great pity.

As time went by, the couple watched TV for more than an hour in the hotel. During this time, they made up their makeup, which was their turn to play.

The golden cup organizing committee arranged them to appear in the finale as the two queen days who had successfully sold more than 100 million albums, and their names did not appear on the red carpet list. Therefore, outside fans did not know that they would attend the golden cup award ceremony.

After Eliot, the international king of heaven, and baolingrong, the new Chinese queen of heaven, walked down the red carpet. The reporters and fans were preparing to leave when they suddenly saw another extended version of the Great Wall slowly approaching. Everyone was puzzled.

"Isn't it over? How can there be stars? "

"Who is so good? I dare to walk behind Eliot and Lingrong. "

"In today's music world, only the emperor yunhuang and Qinghou can hold them down."

"They don't have time. They're preparing for the concert."

The conscientious reporters did not know who was coming, but they still focused on the door.

The car stopped slowly, and a waiter trotted over and opened the door respectfully.

When Xiao Yunhai stood out from inside, the whole audience was suddenly quiet, and no one spoke. They all looked at him with unbelievable eyes. After a full five seconds, the overwhelming screams, cheers and cries burst out like a flood breaking through the dyke and resounded through the night sky of Yanjing.

The flash lights in the hands of journalists are also crazy, lighting the whole night as bright as day.

"I didn't expect that after yunhuangqing, she came to attend the Golden Cup Music Festival Award Ceremony."

"They don't seem to be on the list? I'm so excited. "

"Now both of them have reached the point where all the mountains are small, and they don't even participate in the competition for awards. It's really surprising that they came here."

Although Zhao Wanqing has not yet come out of the car, almost everyone knows that she must be sitting in it.

Sure enough, Xiao Yunhai stretched out his arm and held a white jade hand. Zhao Wanqing appeared in front of the public.

Even if we knew it would be her, we still couldn't let the fans down.

"I love you after yunhuangqing.""You are the best after yunhuangqing."

Some fans even cried and rushed to the red carpet, which was blocked by security guards.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing are like a pair of golden girls holding hands. As they walk, they constantly wave their arms. Every time they wave, the scene falls into a frenzy.

The enthusiasm of the fans is like a flame, which makes the temperature of the whole scene soar to the limit.

The singers and stars who had already sat in the venue heard the deafening sound outside and began to talk.

Yao Na looked at the red carpet list and said in surprise, "brother Huan, I seem to see Eliot and baolingrong both come in. How can there be anyone behind them?"

Chen Huan is also a face of doubt, said: "I don't know."

"Aren't you a judge? Why don't you know? "

"I am a member of the jury, but not a member of the organizing committee. Listen to the sound, it seems that this pair of singers are very popular

"It can't be the Yunhai Wanqing couple. I vaguely seem to hear the name of yunhuangqing."

"I heard that, too. It should be the two of them. Only their popularity can hold Eliot and baolingrong down. "

"Yes." Yao Na looked at baolingrong, who was sitting not far away, and sighed: "there are talented people in Jiangshan generation. They have been leading the style for hundreds of years. I thought it was a miracle that there was a sea of clouds in the music world. I didn't expect that this year, no, last year, there was another character who wrote words and composed music. It was also a beautiful woman. It's really a blessing of the Chinese entertainment circle. "

Chen Huan nodded and said, "yes. It started in the first half of the year, and in the second half of the year, it sold 40 million copies in China with a piece of "water shadow". The rising momentum was even stronger than the sea of clouds in those years. The key is that her album is also the first classic. As long as she can maintain this level as long as she is the same as Yunhai, I believe there will be a third international queen in China in the future

Yao Na agreed: "I am optimistic about her future."

At this time, they said baolingrong was chatting with Tianhou Ningxia.

After hearing the sound outside, Bao Lingrong was also surprised and asked, "I thought that Mr. Eliot and I were the finale of the red carpet show of this festival, but it was someone else."

Ningxia listened carefully to the voice outside and said with a smile, "it turns out that they are here."

Bao Lingrong asked, "who is it?"

"Apart from Yunhai and Wanqing, who can hold you down?"

after hearing this, Baoling suddenly realized: "it's them. I have heard almost all Mr. Xiao's songs, which can be described by a classic. But sooner or later, I will surpass him. "

Ningxia patted her fragrant shoulder and said, "I support you. Come on, we must beat him. "

Other singers are also talking about Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, two famous couples in the world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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