Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:15 AM

Chapter 1408

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After introducing all the six singers, Zhao Wanqing asked, "husband, I want to ask you an old question. Who do you think is most likely to win the prize

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I know all these six singers basically. Eliot, David, needless to say, my opponent in the singer's night. Sister Na, that's my sister. But I'm a little annoyed with her. How many times has she been shortlisted? Ten or twenty. There are at least four or five awards. If I give her the prize again, my God, I think it's a little inappropriate. And Chen Huan, like sister Na, has won the golden cup award for best singer several times. If he wins the prize, it will be meaningless. But the other two young and beautiful female singers baolingrong and Beth are different. If I were a judge, I would definitely choose one of them

"Ha ha ha."

"Emperor Yun, who is beautiful and chooses whom?"

Eliot and Chen Huan shook their heads, all smiling and not angry at Xiao Yunhai's ridicule.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "it's really that the dog can't spit out ivory. I'm so angry."

Xiao Yunhai suddenly put his arm around her shoulder and said, "it's just a joke. In my heart, you will always be the most beautiful woman. "


the audience yelled again.

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "what's up. I tell you, this is the best way to coax your wife. I don't believe it. You go back and try. Come on, it's time to get down to business. Let me see who was the best singer last year? "

Xiao Yunhai tore open the envelope, looked at the card and said, "it's him."

"Who?" asked Zhao Wanqing

Xiao Yunhai said, "guess. First of all, he is a Western gentleman. Secondly, he sells more than 60 million albums. Finally, he competes with you for billboard rankings

Hearing this, the fans on the stage yelled one after another.




Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes, it is Eliot. Seeing him reminds me of an old saying that ginger is old and spicy. "

"Ha ha ha."

Eliot stepped onto the stage, hugged Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing respectively, and said, "let me make it clear that I am not a piece of ginger, and I am not spicy either."


"Ha ha ha."

No one expected that Eliot, who had always been calm and measured, would suddenly utter such a humorous sentence and laugh all over the place.

Eliot continued: "and I strongly appeal that Xiao should not be the award guest in the future. He is obviously interested in young and beautiful beauties. I am afraid that he will deliberately mispronounce his name when he is angry. I'm glad he didn't get it wrong this time. I guess it's because Miss Zhao is by his side. If you change another person, it's hard to say

"Oh, I'm laughing. I didn't expect Eliot to be so funny

"I knew that if there was a cloud emperor, there would be no laughter. You see, even Eliot was taken into the ditch by him

The fans laughed and talked softly.

After making a little joke, Eliot said, "I'm sorry to say that if Miss Zhao also takes part in the competition, I won't be in it. Before, when Miss Zhao's "forever in my heart" album was released in North America, I tried my best to stop her from climbing the billboard, but I didn't expect to lose in the end. But since the jury has awarded me the award, and there are so many fans supporting me, I will continue to work hard, at least I must be worthy of the honor of the best singer. Thank you

After Eliot walked off the stage with the cup, Xiao Yunhai said: "next is the time to listen to songs. Let's give you the warmest applause to welcome Ms. Zhao Wanqing next to me to call you a song "in my song". Please enjoy it. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

Hearing that Zhao Wanqing was going to sing, and it was a song he had never heard before, applause and screams rang through the whole venue.

At this time, a piano slowly appeared on the stage through the elevator. Xiao Yunhai went to the piano, nodded to everyone and sat down.

The applause and the screams got louder.

"Damn it, this is the emperor playing the piano, singing after sunny."

"Now we have ear blessing."

Soon, the clear and natural sound of the piano, the melody did not give people amazing, but better in the ear, like a trickle of general, flowing in people's ears.

Until Zhao Wanqing's singing started, the ordinary melody seemed to have life, which made people feel a kind of unspeakable feeling.

"Without a little bit of precaution, and without a trace of worry, you appear like this, in my world, bring me surprise, can't help it."

"But you must be like this, in my unconscious, quietly disappeared. There is no news from my world, and the rest is just memories...

Zhao Wanqing's voice is soft and lazy, and the lyrics are simple, straightforward, easy to understand, without any twist, which suddenly enters people's hearts.In particular, she also deliberately went to the side of Xiao Yunhai, nestled in the piano, and looked at Xiao Yunhai from time to time, the kind of sweet even a fool can see.

"You exist in my deep mind, in my dream, in my heart, in my song. Br >

in my heart, the song of Zhao Wanqing is only a part of my heart which is full of emotion.

There were applause and cheers.

After listening to the first paragraph carefully, Bao Lingrong said: "the lyrics are simple, the melody is simple and endurable, and it is catchy. There is no fancy at all, but the words between the lines make people feel a kind of sincere feelings, which is really very good."

Ningxia said with a smile: "yes. This song has all the elements of fire. Watch it. It will be popular in China after tonight. "

In the previous life, the song "in my song" was popular in the streets and even on the Spring Festival Gala of that year, which made the original song wanting fire in a mess. Almost all the parties of major TV stations had her figure.

"I still remember that we used to walk through that busy Lane side by side, even though you and I were strangers and passers-by. But they still feel each other's eyes, a heartbeat, an unexpected happiness, as if it was a dream. Destiny....

"you exist in my deep mind. In my dream, in my heart, in my song... "

after Zhao Wanqing finished her song, there was a storm of applause and screams from the audience.

"That's great. It's a great song."

"The product of emperor Yun must be a fine product. There is nothing wrong with it."

"The lyrics are simple, the melody is beautiful, and the singing is so eloquent that I even heard the scene when I was in love with my husband before."

"I have to say that it's really great after yunhuangqing. I don't need to say much about this song. It must be hot. "

On the stage, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing stood up, bowed to the stage, and then went back to the backstage hand in hand.

All of a sudden, they were surprised.

"No, it's not right. After the song is over, isn't it supposed to be sung by Emperor Yun?"

"That's right. Why are you going down here?"

"No, we want the emperor."

"Yes. Yunhuang, have one. "

I don't know who yelled such a sentence, and all the fans on the scene immediately cried out.

"Yunhuang, have one."

"Yunhuang, have one."


when other singers heard the voice of their fans, they felt mixed feelings.

Even Bao Lingrong, a new star singer, has to admit that he is too far away from Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. At least, fans will never let themselves return to the stage in such an occasion.

Rong Xingwen obviously did not expect such an accident at the scene, but although he was young, he had been through the battlefield for a long time without any confusion.

After looking at the list of performances, he said, "don't worry, everyone. The good play is in the end. Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao went backstage to change their clothes. When the next prize is awarded, they will appear. It's called the song of "Xiao Huaxia". It's called "the song of the Hongchen"

"When Miss Zhao was singing, Mr. Xiao accompanied her. When Mr. Xiao sings, Miss Zhao will dance with him, so please don't worry. Oh, no, I'm a little too talkative. There's no secret at all. "

Hearing the host said so, fans immediately laughed out, the scene of order again returned to normal.

Next, the most popular male singer and the most popular female singer were captured by Eliot and baolingrong without any suspense. After they finished their speech, the lights on the scene suddenly dimmed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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