Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:20 AM

Chapter 141

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Zhang Liang said: "uncle, you haven't met with him. You don't know what he is like. Relying on his talent, he didn't pay attention to us old people. Not to mention anything else, it is a singer like Lin Yuying, who can beat her down in public. Let alone me. If you don't believe it, you can call Lin Yuying and ask about it. Many people also saw it that day. "

Zhang Xuedong frowned, picked up the phone and dialed Lin Yuying in the past and asked about the situation.

Lin Yuying's face is exquisite. As soon as I guess, it must be Zhang Liang who told Zhang Xuedong about Xiao Yunhai. Such a good opportunity, Lin Yuying where will let go.

Therefore, she was full of grievances and embellished Xiao Yunhai as a new man who did not understand the superiority and inferiority.

Her eloquence is much better than Zhang Liang. She spoke for ten minutes before she hung up.

At this time, Zhang Xuedong was already full of frost and said angrily: "the new people are really lack of discipline. Liang Zi, go and talk to Xiao Wang and ask him to inform Wang Lin, Su Yingxue and Yue Changting to come to the meeting at five o'clock. How unreasonable, once this kind of atmosphere is formed, our company will be very good in the future. "

"I'm going, uncle."

Zhang Liang turned his head and left with a proud smile.

At 4:50 p.m., when Su Yingxue arrives at Zhang Xuedong's office, Wang Lin and Yue Changting are already sitting there.

So, she said in a hurry: "Mr. Zhang, two teachers, I'm really sorry. Today, I accompanied Dong Piao to shoot the advertisement. I was in a hurry. I didn't expect to be late in the end. "

Zhang Xuedong's notice time is five o'clock. Su Yingxue came here ten minutes in advance. In fact, it is not late. But she had to apologize. No matter what the situation was, it was not appropriate to let the leader wait for herself.

If in the past, Zhang Xuedong would not have said anything, but now he is at the crossroads full of anger, where can he control it.

"Yingxue, you are an old man in our brokerage company. Why are you so unruly. Mr. Wang and Mr. Yue are so busy that they all come here in advance. Are you still busier than them? Well, I've been with other people for a long time, and I've got some bad things. "

Zhang Xuedong's words are very serious and ugly. Su Yingxue was scolded in a daze. She didn't know what happened to vice president Zhang, who was always gentle and gentle? It's like taking gunshot.

Su Yingxue apologized again. Wang Lin waved his hand and said, "it's me and Lao Yue who came early. It's none of your business. Mr. Zhang, who made you so angry? "

"Who else can there be but your baby, Xiao Yunhai?"

Wang Lin showed such an expression. When he received a call from Zhang Xuedong this morning, he realized that something was not good. Someone was making Xiao Yunhai's idea. So he gave Xiao Yunhai a preventive injection in advance and told him to deal with it carefully. Unexpectedly, he didn't prevent it.

Su Yingxue has some doubts in her heart. Xiao Yunhai is busy recording her own album these days. How could he suddenly involve vice president Zhang? It's strange.

Zhang Xuedong continued: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Yue, you are the pillar of our company's music department. Is Xiao Yunhai's album too much? It's a waste of resources to put ten top songs on one album. I just asked people to find him, hoping to make him sell two songs. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yunhai not only refused, but also ridiculed the people who went. A new man has so much courage. If he becomes a superstar in the future, will he dare to come to me and hit me in the face? A new guy like this shouldn't make an album for him

Su Yingxue said cautiously: "Mr. Zhang, as far as I know, Xiao Yunhai doesn't seem to be such an unruly person. Is there any misunderstanding in the middle?"

Zhang Xuedong asked, "do you mean I'm wrong? Is it true that I have nothing to look for? "

Su Yingxue quickly shakes her head and is about to speak, but is interrupted by a low voice.

"Mr. Zhang, you're right. You're wrong. You're looking for trouble."

Su Yingxue is stunned and turns to look at the gloomy Yue Changting. This is the rhythm of falling out.

"Mr. Yue, you're crazy. What are you talking about?"

Wang Lin didn't expect that Yue Changting would insert such a sentence. What is this doing? It's slapping Zhang Xuedong in the face, and it's still a slap in the face.

Hearing Yue Changting's words, Zhang Xuedong couldn't believe his ears. He stretched out his trembling fingers to Yue Changting and said, "what do you say? Do you say that again? "

Yue Changting stood up, went to Zhang Xuedong, and said word by word: "you are wrong. You are just looking for trouble. Am I clear enough? "

Wang Lin came from the side and grabbed Yue Changting. He called out, "Laoyue, what kind of a fool are you doing?"

"What am I doing? Why don't you ask him what he's doing? " After scolding Wang Lin, Yue Changting turned his head and yelled at Zhang Xuedong: "what's wrong with the new man? New people are not our company's people, can't make albums. For what? We have been working hard all day and night to record all the songs. If you ask someone to ask for songs, what do you want to do? Do you want to rob"All the songs in Xiao Yunhai's album are written by him. Why should he give them when others want them, just because he is a newcomer? This album is the best album I've ever made in my life. Every song in it is a classic. Once it is released, it is not impossible to seal a king in the first World War. You'd better know that you're going to make a mess in it. Xiao Yunhai has a good temper. If I were, I would have to break that man's leg. I'll tell you to stop learning from me

"Yue Changting." Zhang Xuedong picked up his cup and fell to the ground. He pointed to the door and said, "get out of here."

Yue Changting scornfully said: "you don't put on your leadership's broken airs for Laozi. I'm not scared." Then he turned and slammed the door and left.

At this time, Wang Lin's intestines that he regretted were going to be green. If he had known this, he should have told Zhang Xuedong clearly this morning and cut off his thoughts.

Xiao Yunhai's album is so excellent that Wang Lin knows that as a top music producer, he also understands Yue Changting's feelings. But no matter what, you can't be so impulsive.

"It's over, it's all over. Xiao Yunhai's album is going to die without a disease. " Su Yingxue sighed in her heart.

If Yue Changting doesn't do this, maybe Xiao Yunhai's album can continue to be produced, at most, it's just to pay some price; but after Yue Changting's such a fuss, Zhang Xuedong will certainly introduce measures to punish Xiao Yunhai, otherwise, where will his face go.

But Su Yingxue can't blame Yue Changting. After all, he is also for Xiao Yunhai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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