Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:12 AM

Chapter 1410

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After resting on the plane for seven or eight hours, I arrived in Los Angeles.

At this time, Los Angeles time is six four o'clock, came to pick up the plane is Xiao Yunhai manor villa housekeeper iver Spencer.

On the bus, Xiao Yunhai asked, "iver, is there any interesting news in Hollywood recently?"

Iver Spencer thought for a moment and said, "there are a lot of them, but they are all boring news. Such as the movie emperor and that actress compartment, who divorced with whom, who held the third wedding, and so on, messy, no value. However, recently, I heard that stars of several entertainment companies are making trouble, and they don't know whether it is true or not. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and asked, "what's the matter?"

"It's like it's about some personal studio thing, and I've seen it in some newspapers and magazines. It's impossible to tell whether it's true or not," said iver Spencer

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing look at each other. At the same time, Xiao Yunhai agrees to let him set up his own studio in order to sign David Harnett into his company.

It's not because of it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai picked up his mobile phone and called Raul.

"Raul, what are you up to

Raul said, "boss, I'm in a meeting with Miss Mo about the artist studio."

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said: "so coincidentally, I call you for this matter. I've just heard that many artists from Hollywood entertainment companies want to set up their own studios, right? Does our company have any? How did this happen? Tell me all about it. "

Raul said, "OK. The cause of the matter is Mr. Harnett. He... "

it turns out that since Harnett joined marvel, he has built his own studio at his own expense.

The big action of a movie emperor naturally attracts the attention of Hollywood media. Many stars didn't care too much about his personal studio at first. After all, it's a new thing. Who knows what the result will be.

Originally, this matter has passed in such a muddle headed way. However, when a financial staff member of Harnett's personal studio made statistics on the annual accounts, he found that in a short period of half a year, he had earned an income of 340 million US dollars. So, it was photographed and posted on the Internet.

No one thought that a star studio could make 340 million dollars, not counting David hannett's salary and advertising expenses, so Hollywood's attention was focused on David Harnett.

Those movie stars came to him one after another to learn from him, and David Harnett was troubled, but there was no way.

After knowing the whole operation process of individual studio, these big Hollywood stars are not calm now.

Although most of them are members of the club with tens of millions of dollars, they can make at most three films in a year. Even if the advertising revenue is added, it will be good to finally get 200 million dollars after tax.

And David Harnett's personal studio has made 340 million dollars in half a year. You can imagine how much impact it will have on them.

As a result, these movie queens, and even some first-line stars, have found their own owners and asked to set up their own studios under the company.

As long as he is still in his own company, he can do whatever they want. But those first-line stars and second-line stars can't. most of the company's income is from them. How can they be allowed to do so.

As a result, the contradiction between artists and companies arises, but most of them are in the second and third class entertainment companies. For example, the artists under the giants have not the courage to bargain with them.

But as long as the artists of those companies succeed, they will certainly unite to compete with the parent company.

Therefore, everyone is waiting for things to develop.

Hollywood's media are mostly in the hands of giants, and iver Spencer can only learn something from some out of fashion magazines.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Raul, how can David's studio make so much money?"

Raul said: "boss, Mr. hannett made three literary films in the second half of last year. One film was a fiasco and lost 60 million dollars. The other one was even with no profit or loss. The third film was performed by himself and made a big profit of 400 million dollars. Minus the loss of 60 million, it's 340 million. In this way, the big stars who think they are great will be red eyed, which makes the artists and their company have a conflict

Xiao Yunhai said: "what kind of mentality do we artists of Marvel still have now?"

Raul said, "let Miss Mo tell you about this."

Mo Yina is the manager of Marvel agency. She is very familiar with artists, and she is most appropriate.

"Sister Mo, long time no see."

Mo Yina snorted and said, "boss, it's good that you know."

In public places, Mo Yina still knows how to behave. She calls Xiao Yunhai her boss. But in private, it's different. For a moment, the sea of clouds, and then the guy, whatever they call them.After a while of laughing, Xiao Yunhai asked, "sister Mo, what's the situation of artists now?"

Mo Yina's tone was somewhat dignified and said: "they didn't talk to me about this issue formally, but I know that they are talking about it in private, and their psychology has changed a lot. The personal studio you set up is really attractive to them. If I were them, I would definitely choose to be my own boss. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "how can I listen to your complaint? However, I tell you, personal studio is not so easy to set up. After his luck, David made three films, one of which sold well, but they didn't think about it. If the third film was also finished, David would not die. You have to talk to artists about this. Don't let them think that setting up a personal studio is a sure win business. Its risk is much greater than that of entertainment companies. "

Mo Yina said with a bitter smile: "do you think they will listen to me? Now that Hollywood is red eyed, who wants to lose money. It's not just artists, but directors who want to set up studios. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems necessary for me to have a meeting with you. In this way, sister Mo, you invite all the artists of the company to come over tomorrow. I'll go and talk to them in person. This problem must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise the more the delay, the bigger the problem. By the way, what does David do now? No filming

Mo Yina said, "No

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, we must call him to the meeting tomorrow. Let him deal with the trouble caused by this boy. I don't care about other companies. We can't have any problems. Forget it. I'll call him. "

Mo Yina said, "OK. By the way, "King Kong" directed by Bickerman will premiere in North America at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening. Since you are here, would you like to step down for him? "

In order to establish his position as the chief director of Marvel comics, Bickerman's shooting of "King Kong" was extremely strict. Every shot was guaranteed to be perfect. The post production, let alone, was almost critical. So even though magic effects staff did their best for his film, it was still very slow until it was finally completed last month.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this matter will be discussed after meeting with director Bickerman tomorrow." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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