Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:08 AM

Chapter 1413

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Those second-line stars have no idea of setting up a studio for a long time. Now, the stars and directors above the first line are more entangled.

After a few minutes, Xiao Yunhai knocked on the table and said with a smile, "let me make a statement in advance that what Mr. Wagner and David said is not what we colluded to say in order to get rid of you. I'm also an artist. I'm very clear about everyone's desire for freedom. It's just that you have to do everything according to your ability. What's more, I dare say that the contract signed by the company has given you the greatest freedom, which is not given to you by Hollywood or any entertainment company in the world. At marvel, we have plenty of resources. You have a lot more choices than other artists, and you don't have to do anything other than acting. "

"Of course, if you want to set up a studio, I won't stop. Yesterday, Mr. Mo asked me what my attitude was, and my reply was that I did not support or oppose it. It was up to you to choose. Anyway, this matter is not urgent. Let's go back and think about it. If you want to have a try, go to Mr. Mo directly. However, I'd like to give you a final piece of advice. If you don't have contacts and the capital is less than 300 million dollars, you'd better not even think about it. Well, let's call it a day. "

All of them frowned and left the meeting room.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the thoughtful Bickerman and said with a smile, "director Bickerman, do you want to set up a director's studio of your own?"

Bickerman was stunned, then nodded and said, "I do have this idea. But after listening to David, I was a little worried

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you'd better go back and think about it. No matter what decision you make, I support it. "

"Thank you," bichoven said

At this time, Sheila Lucia seemed to have made up her mind, bit her red lips and said, "Mr. Xiao, Mr. Mo, I want to set up a studio of my own."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if you want to do it, just do it. Manwei will be your backing.". Your studio is the same as David's. Ms. Lucia, I wish you a wonderful studio. By the way, if you agree, we can publicize it. Aren't artists in other companies making trouble? We can give them a fire. "

Sheila Lucia said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, you are very bad. OK, I'll go to my home page and post this message. "

Half an hour later, the news that Sheila Lucia will soon set up her own studio spread rapidly in Hollywood, with stars already impatient to post in her comment area.

"Congratulations on the establishment of Sheila's studio."

"Being able to join marvel is definitely the happiest thing for Hollywood actors. It not only has a lot of resources, but also gives us the greatest freedom of

actors. I wish you all the best

"Sheila, you are lucky to have such an enlightened boss as Mr. Xiao. Come on. I wish you success. "


in less than half an hour, the comment area of Sheila Lucia's home page was captured by more than 40 Hollywood stars above the front line. This shows the attitude of everyone towards this personal studio.

Paramount Pictures headquarters

Franklin looked at Sheila Lucia's home page and said, "Shaw, you're a Hollywood jerk."

Like marvel, Paramount Pictures Co., Ltd., although the artists have nothing on the surface, they are turbulent in the dark. They just need a fuse and they will explode immediately.

When Xiao Yunhai came to Los Angeles, he couldn't hide from the entertainment companies in Hollywood. Even his meeting this morning was known to people like Franklin.

Everyone is waiting for the result of Xiao Yunhai's treatment, but he did not cancel David Harnett's studio, but went even further and agreed to Sheila Lucia to set up her own studio.

This is a fatal blow to Hollywood entertainment companies.

Marvel comics is now one of the eight Hollywood giants. Even it has agreed to set up a star studio for its artists. Why should other companies oppose it.

Paramount Pictures is good, at least on the surface, and the rest of the company is not.

In the afternoon, dorton Welch, one of the big eight Hollywood giants, looked at Ivan and kozmo in front of him. He had a headache and scolded Xiao Yunhai.

Within ten minutes of the announcement that Sheila Lucia was going to set up a studio, Ivan and kozmo came to him.

Welch knew that they were just two representatives of the company's artists, followed by dozens of stars.

Once they agree to their request, they will probably step into their offices one after another.

Most of Marvel's artists are pushed up by Xiao Yunhai. They have poor foundation and no ability. But GM is different. Let alone the movie queen, many first-line stars have the strength to set up studios.

"Is that how you want to leave the company?" dorton Welch asked with a wry smileIvan shook his head and said, "boss, this is not to leave, but to change the way of cooperation like David. We are still general artists."

"It's too big for me to report to GM headquarters," sighs dawton Welch

Kozmo frowned and said, "boss, in fact, it's good for the company to set up a studio. The company can only draw 10% from us, which means tens of millions of dollars a year. But now it's not the same. Once our films are successful, the company can also profit from it. Just like David, the loss of two films has no effect on marvel, and once it makes money, it makes a profit of more than 100 million. It's a lot more than when David was just an actor. "

Dalton Welch said, "I know about this. Well, I'll give you an answer tomorrow at the latest. How about that? "

Ivan and kozmo looked at each other and nodded.

After they left, dorton Welch looked sad. After a while, he took out his mobile phone and broadcast it to Xiao Yunhai.

Because of the cooperation between Xiao Yunhai and GM in Yunyi shopping online, the relationship between them is very good, so they speak casually.

"Xiao, the star studio you created really killed me. Just now our company's big directors and movie stars all came to me and asked to set up a personal studio. What do you say I should do? "

Xiao Yunhai grinned and said, "of course I promised them. Dawton, you have to understand that it's not before. The competition in the entertainment industry is becoming more and more fierce, and the value of stars will be higher and higher. You see, in less than two years, the pay of top Hollywood stars has risen to 60 million. So if you want to tie them to your carriage, you have to have a strong rope. The contract you signed obviously doesn't work, so use their studio as the rope. At least they won't have job hopping and so on

"What else can I do but agree?" dorton Welch said with a wry smile. Many of them still have one year's contract with us. If I don't agree, they will leave next year. Well, if you want me to say, it's all your fault. Without David, how could it have caused such a big shock in Hollywood. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you want to complain, go and complain about the person who has exposed the bill of David's studio."

Dalton Welch said, "come on, it's not good to blame anyone at this point. Xiao, I'm not just calling for Star Studios. More importantly, I'd like to talk to you about the sales of rice grain mobile phones and tablet computers of Yazhou electronic technology company , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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