Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:01 AM

Chapter 1417

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The crowd came back in, and at this time the momentum had been suppressed by Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai probably counted it and said, "it's about Xie Mo and Matthew."

"Mr. Xiao, why do you want to drive them away? We should know that our storm

the game company can be today, and they both have made great contributions. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "who said I drove them away? Is it good for me to get rid of them? Is it good for the company? Moreover, the two of them are shareholders of our company. Although I control the shares, I have no right to drive them away at all. "

"Mr. Shaw, why did they leave?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "they want to go out and start a business by themselves. Yes? Do you want to go with them? "

The R & D team leader said, "Mr. Xiao, I have been following both of them since I started working. I'm sorry to leave. "

Another technician said, "I want to leave, too."

"Both of them are gone, so it's not interesting to stay here. Mr. Xiao, I resign. "

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao. I quit, too."

Next to Allen, angry, said: "you bastards, how can you do this? Does Mr. Xiao treat you well on weekdays? Inspired by whirlwind technology, schamer and Matthew set up a new game company,

in order to become their own boss and make more money. You used to be technicians.

Do you think they will be better than Mr. Shaw? "

"Ellen, we joined the storm not because of you, but because of Shermer and Matthew. They share the same dream with us, which is to design the best game. We have a common language, and Mr. Xiao is superior. We can't find any common ground. "

Looking at the leader of the R & D team, Xiao Yunhai was not angry. On the contrary, he was very appreciative. He clapped his hands and said with a smile: "good, very good. I'm deeply moved by your loyalty. In that case, anyone who wants to leave will write me a resignation letter, which will be delivered here at 9:00 tomorrow morning. I'll ask the financial staff to pay you this month's salary. All right, go back. I hope you have a good future. Hehe, it seems that I am not a good boss. "

The R & D team leader took the lead and bowed deeply to Xiao Yunhai and said, "no, you are a good boss and a generous boss, but we really have no common language. I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "thank you for your evaluation. I hope you won't regret your choice today. Go ahead. "

After the crowd left, Allen said in a hurry: "boss, you let them all go. What should our company do?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "even if I force them to stay, what can I do? Do you think they will still have the passion of

before? Alan, there's something you can't force. How many people do you think will go this time? "

Allen thought for a moment and said, "there are more than 700 people in our company. Most of them have been recruited by them. However, there are nearly 100 people who can be regarded as loyal. They are all core members with strong business ability. If they're all gone, then storm games will be in big trouble. "

"Will world of Warcraft be affected?" Xiao asked

Alan said, "No. Although I can guarantee that there will be no problems with world of Warcraft, I'm afraid that the research and development of the war of the king is...

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "I'm responsible for the technician's problems. I know a very good man in China. I believe he can introduce me to some experts. "

Xiao Yunhai is talking about Zhang Yuan.

A few days ago, Xiao Yunhai asked Xiao Yunling and Zhang Yuan to go home for dinner. After listening to Zhang Yuan, he said that the project he was responsible for had been completed and was taking a rest.

Now his own game company has such a big problem, Xiao Yunhai wants to transfer him to be the person in charge of the research and development of "battle of the king". With his level, it is certainly not a difficult thing to make a game.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Xiao Yunhai will find the right person, so that he will get through the difficulties.

After Allen left, Xiao Yunhai called Zhang Yuan.

"Brother, can I help you?"

Xiao Yunhai did not have any nonsense, said bluntly: "Zhang Yuan, my storm game company is in big trouble, it is estimated that more than 200 people will go at once. If you're OK, I'd like you to come and be the person in charge for me for a period of time, mainly to maintain the normal operation of world of Warcraft and develop a game of war of the king. When you find the right person, you can retire. How about it? "

Zhang Yuan said with a smile, "no problem. I have nothing to do now. Big brother, do you want me to bring some technical talents to the place? "

Xiao Yunhai said happily, "of course. You can pull as much as you can. I'm here for more. If you can keep them in storm games, that's the best. "Zhang Yuan said: "big brother, I am very confident about the technical level of these people. But I'm afraid the salary you have to pay them is not cheap? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the salary is OK. I give them 50000 dollars a month. If you can help get "battle of the king" done, each person will be awarded 200000 dollars. There is another calculation of outstanding contribution. How about it? "

Zhang Yuan said: "OK, I'll contact them right now and use the fastest speed to get there. I think there will be about 20 people, all of them are top experts. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you don't need to book a ticket. I'll send my private plane to pick you up. I will leave your mobile phone number to the pilot, and he will contact you on his own initiative. By the way, if Yunling is OK, you can call her here to play for a few days

Zhang Yuan said: "she took an exam this morning, and then she had winter vacation. I'll talk to her later

After finishing the game company's business, Xiao Yunhai rubbed his face and breathed deeply.

Look at the time, it is already five o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai left the company and drove to his villa manor.

He will take Zhao Wanqing to the premiere of Bickerman's new work "King Kong".

Back home, Xiao Yunhai simply had a dinner, changed his clothes, and then went to Yanhuang cinema with Zhao Wanqing, who had been prepared for a long time. It was already 6:40.

As the most powerful director of Magic Movies in Hollywood, Bickerman's "King Kong" premiere has attracted the attention of at least 100 media reporters.

They had cameras, cameras, all standing on both sides of the red carpet.

More than 50 people came to support the show, most of them were artists from Marvel comics.

In the distance, thousands of fans were shaking their fluorescent sticks and shouting the names of their idols. The atmosphere was very warm.

"King Kong" premiere of the red carpet show has no rules, from 6:30, who will go, bickervin and starring David hannett, sexy queen Gillian stood at the door to meet them.

There are only ten minutes left before the end of the red carpet.

Bikewen can't help but feel anxious when he sees that Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing have not arrived yet.

"Where are Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao, David?"

David said, "when I called at that time, Mr. Xiao said he would arrive in ten minutes. It should be about now. "

At this time, dozens of stars who walked the red carpet had passed by. For five minutes, no one came. Even the reporters began to whisper.

"Who else? Such a big brand. "

"I think it's a very good person. Otherwise, bichoven would have removed the red carpet

"Isn't it Kung Fu Xiao and goddess Zhao? I heard they arrived in Los Angeles yesterday. "

"Well, very likely."

"Look, here comes a long version of the Great Wall."

"It's Kung Fu Xiao's car, and they're here."

The car stopped slowly. Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing walked out of the car with a smile on their faces.

The scene immediately rang out the warm cheers and screams, the fans saw them, Qi Qi excited, the atmosphere of the scene reached the climax.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing hold hands, just like kings and queens. Wherever they go, they cause countless fans to cheer.

The flash lights in the hands of reporters are like flares, which make the whole night sky as bright as day.

The red carpet is not long. It took Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing only one minute to pass.

Two people and bickervin, David, Gillian embrace respectively, Xiao Yunhai full of apology said: "sorry, something happened to the company, we came late."

Bickervin was stunned and asked with concern: "boss, what's wrong with the company?"

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile: "it's the game company's business. It's already handled. Don't ask more questions. Come on, let me see what you've done

"I'm really nervous about that," Bickerman said. I hope this film can get into your eyes. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I know your strength."

While joking, several people walked into the cinema and came to the cinema where the premiere ceremony was held.

In addition to dozens of famous stars, there are many well-known film critics, filmmakers, editors of newspapers and magazines, etc.

Bickerman invited so many people all of a sudden. He obviously had great confidence in King Kong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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