Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:00 AM

Chapter 1418

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With ten minutes to go before the opening ceremony, bichoven came up to the stage, took the microphone and said, "ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your time to attend the premiere of King Kong. "King Kong" cost me a lot of effort. Before the film was made, I asked the technicians of magic and fantasy special effects company to make props and make some special effects for scenes. After shooting, I hired more than 300 special effects workers to do all kinds of post work day and night, and finally spent more than half a year to complete. I dare say that "King Kong" is definitely the best magic film I've ever made. "

"Here, I would like to thank the post production staff of magic and dream first, and then Mr. Xiao. At the beginning, I took a script about gorillas to ask Mr. Xiao for help. As a result, there were too many problems. Just when I was extremely depressed, Mr. Xiao suddenly told me the story of King Kong, which made me very surprised. So after a few days of sorting out, "King Kong" script will be completed. It can be said that without him, there would be no King Kong. Finally, I would like to thank our "King Kong" crew for their efforts in the film. Now is the time to test our achievements. "

"The premiere time is coming. Next, please enjoy my movie King Kong."

At eight o'clock sharp, the movie starts, and everyone wears 3D glasses.

Different from the previous life, the first scene of bikvin's "King Kong" is in the boundless primitive forest. King Kong and a huge dinosaur fight for the king of the forest. The naked fight between the giant beast and the giant beast lasted for three minutes, which shocked all of us.

In the end, King Kong was better at tearing the dinosaur's mouth open.

It pulled the corpse of the dinosaur, stood on a huge stone, beat his chest hard, roared up to the sky.

Then, the name of King Kong appeared on the screen, and the film officially began.

"Shit, it's too real, it's bloody."

"No wonder bikven is so confident, just this beginning, let me feel a rush of blood boiling."

"Great, the big director is the big director, the special effects do is really no say."

"It should be magic and fantasy. "King Kong" is manwei's work. Can those special

staff not go all out? "

Zhao Wanqing whispered to Xiao Yunhai: "husband, this film directed by Bickerman looks very good. It really scared me just now

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "on the subject of magic, no one in the world can compare with Bickerman."

With a smile, Zhao Wanqing asked softly, "can't even you?"

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "half a dozen or so. From the lens just now, Bickerman has done the best in details. Even if you let me shoot, at most, it is at this level, or even worse than him. "

The plot of the film officially begins. A filmmaker takes the leading actor and heroine and a group of staff to an island near Sumatra island. Unfortunately, the ship experienced a severe storm and finally ran aground on the destination island of skeleton.

So a contest between man and beast began in this primeval forest.

This plot of "King Kong" is based on what Xiao Yunhai said, which is no different from the previous life.

The only difference is that the pictures taken by Kevin are more realistic and the scenes are more grand. For example, the scenes of beasts galloping, the scene of King Kong fighting with six dinosaurs and so on are much more wonderful than those in the previous life. In addition, with the immersive effect of 3D, everyone yelled.

Xiao Yunhai suddenly sighed deeply after seeing King Kong kill those dinosaurs.

Next to bickervin thought that there was something wrong with his film, so he quickly asked, "Mr. Xiao, what's the matter? Is it my movie that has a problem? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "it's very wonderful. But it's just because it's so wonderful that I feel a little bit sorry. "

"Why is it a pity?" Bickerman asked

Xiao Yunhai said: "you know the imax3d technology of our dream special effects company. Now many cinemas are undergoing transformation. If your movie "King Kong" is shot with imax3d camera, then the level of excellence will be doubled. "

Bickerman is a famous technology controller in Hollywood. Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, his eyes suddenly brightened and said, "Mr. Xiao, when I was doing special effects in my dream, I heard the staff there talk about imax3d. It's a pity that I've been promoting "King Kong" all the time. Otherwise, I would have gone to Yanjing the other day. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "when the" King Kong "is shown in China, you can go and watch it again to ensure that you have the desire to film. "

Bickerman said," I'm really looking forward to that. "

In the process of communication, King Kong is attacked by human beings and taken to the New York circus.

During the performance, King Kong was completely infuriated by the circus actor who looked like the heroine.It struggled to break the chain, beat the audience upside down, and then rushed out of the street, causing great damage to the city, and finally found the heroine.

It seems to think that the heroine said he wanted to see the beautiful sunrise, so King Kong took her to climb up the Empire State building. At this time, the American army had sent out planes, so King Kong and the plane launched a war.

Although Vajra's power was so great and powerful that he destroyed three fighters, he finally fell down from the Empire State building.

At this time, bikewen gives King Kong a close-up of the heroine's eyes. The attachment and reluctant to give up in it have moved countless people. Even Zhao Wanqing, who knew the story for a long time, shed tears.

This is the end of a movie of beauty and beast.

After the end of the film, there were warm applause and cheers.

"It's great," sighed one film critic. This is the most humanistic magic film I've ever seen, but the death of King Kong makes people feel very sad

The editor in chief of the entertainment and fashion newspaper nearby said: "the King Kong film is almost perfect in details, with exquisite pictures and full plot. The King Kong, dinosaurs and other creatures are vividly made, which is much better than the Lord of the rings. Marvel comics is going to make a lot of money this time. "

Under the leadership of bickervin, the crew bowed deeply to the people on the scene, and they were welcomed by overwhelming applause.

After a few words with Zhao Wanqing, she did not stay in the cinema.

At the gate of the cinema, the two were surrounded by reporters.

"Mr. Xiao, what do you think of the magic blockbuster" King Kong "directed by Bickerman

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it's wonderful. This film is not only a variety of dazzling special effects, lifelike biological war, but also contains a kind of humanistic feelings. In the field of magic film, I dare not say that there is no one coming after, but it can be said that it is unprecedented "

" if you are asked to rate him, what is your score? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "9.5 points."

"Do you mean that this" King Kong "is better than your" 2012 "

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "your question is too deliberate. "2012" is a disaster film, while "King Kong" is a magic film. How can I compare the two films with different themes? "

"Mr. Xiao, your imax3d technology has come out. It is said that cinema lines all over the world are preparing to transform cinemas. Like 3D movies, would you make a movie to announce the advent of imax3d? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a smile, "No. Because I don't have time, you know I'm preparing for the concert. It's said that many entertainment companies have started shooting with imax3d cameras. Even if I want to shoot, I can't compare with them. However, after the concert, I may make an imax3d movie. As for the relevant information of the film, we will release it to you at that time. "

"Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao, their Los Angeles concert is about to start. In Huaxia, many fans were so excited that they were in a coma or even died. Some of them couldn't put their hands off in the next performance. Recently, fans have been calling for the two to do their best. I don't know what they think? "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "my husband and wife have been discussing this issue. To be honest, we are also contradictory. The two fans who died unexpectedly in Feicheng concert made us feel really sad. What we fear most is that the same problem will happen again in the concert, which is really not what we want. If it was you, what would you choose? "

The reporter thought for a while and said, "perform with all your strength. I think a singer must be worthy of the overwhelming majority of his fans. He should not suppress his strength just because a small number of fans who are not in good health but disobedient. This is very unfair to those fans who spend more than 99% of the tickets. "

"Yes, I think so."

"Singers should try their best to show them to their fans. Otherwise, it will be unfair."

Other journalists also expressed support.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, then we will listen to you and try our best to perform."


The reporters were very happy to see Xiao Yunhai listen to his advice so much.

Then the reporters began to ask Zhao Wanqing several questions, which just let them go. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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