Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:58 AM

Chapter 1419

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Back in the car, Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "husband, you are really smart. Obviously, I have decided to perform without reservation. Now I have said it through the mouth of journalists. I think you're the one with the most

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "our two albums add up to only 20 songs. Even if we add those ten new songs, it will only be over 30 songs. If we don't go all out, I feel sorry for the fans who spent money to watch our concert."

Zhao Wanqing nodded and suddenly asked, "husband, when you were walking on the red carpet, you said that something happened to the company. What's going on? "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and told the story of storm game company again: "tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Zhang Yuan and Yunling will come. The next time, let Zhang Yuan live in the manor

Zhao Wanqing said, "I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Husband, have you already guessed it? Otherwise, why did you add such a clause to the original contract? "

In this world, the person who knows Xiao Yunhai best is Zhao Wanqing.

She is very clear, although her husband in weekdays does not tune, likes to joke, but in the work, is the mind is careful very, and has the ability to know people.

Since in the acquisition of storm game company, Xiao Yunhai wrote this in, Zhao Wanqing never believed that he was made up of.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "my wife is the one who knows me. I have a great advantage, that is, I am generally accurate. When I bought storm games, they actually disagreed. But the situation is better than people, there is no way, they have to reluctantly agree. But I can see from their eyes that there is something different from other people in charge: ambition. After all, they are young people. How can they work for me all their lives. So I asked people to write this in the contract, so as not to have an accident like today

Zhao Wanqing secretly admires her, but she says, "husband, I find you are really crafty now."

Xiao Yunhai burst out laughing and said, "it's obvious that you don't use the right words. You should describe me more appropriately with words such as intelligence, ingenuity and thoughtfulness

Zhao Wanqing cut a, smile curse way: "less stink beautiful."

The next day, Xiao Yunhai early came to the headquarters office, waiting for the arrival of storm game company employees.

At about nine o'clock, Xiao Yunhai heard the sound of disorderly footsteps coming from outside, almost hundreds of people.

Soon, the door was knocked, Xiao Yunhai called out: "come in."

Hula suddenly, the office poured into a large group of people, all with resignation letters in their hands.

Even if Xiao Yunhai's office is big enough, it's not completely full. There are many people standing outside the door.

The group leader who took the lead yesterday said, "Mr. Xiao, we..."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and didn't let him speak. He said, "since you have made a choice, don't say anything more. Since I was in charge of storm games, I think it's not bad for you. At the very least, the salary is higher than any other company in the world. But I didn't expect to be able to compete with their two founders in the end. Well, give me all your resignation letters. You are the first group of people to leave since the establishment of my company. I hope you have a better future. "

"If you hand in your resignation letter, you can leave. I'll ask the finance department to call your bank card directly for your salary this month, so that we can get together and have a good break. "

Xiao Yunhai did not say any words to retain, even if many of these people are technical elites.

He knew that even if he could keep people, he couldn't keep them at all. It's better not to delay anyone.

With storm game company's reputation in the world, it is not difficult to gather some excellent employees.

For half an hour, Xiao Yunhai received 183 resignation letters. Every employee said that he was sorry when he handed it to him.

When the last one finished, Xiao Yunhai looked at the thick stack of resignation letters on the desk and made a good job of it. He said, "it's much less than I expected."

Storm game company has more than 600 people in total, 180 of whom have gone, but only 30% of them have gone. They have not really broken their muscles and bones, and have never recovered.

As long as Zhang Yuan and they come here, I believe we can finish this stall soon.

Pick up the phone, Xiao Yunhai dialed Allen's number, let him gather the rest of the staff in the company's large conference room, he will hold a plenary meeting.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai came to the meeting room.

Seeing everyone sitting there with a trace of loss in their eyes, Xiao Yunhai knocked on the table and said in a loud voice, "what are you doing? Didn't you just leave some colleagues? What's the big deal. Raise your head, all of you, and cheer up. I have something to announce

Although Xiao Yunhai seldom appears in the company, his prestige is very high in the hearts of employees. Of course, this prestige is mainly brought by money.

Hearing his words, everyone looked at Xiao Yunhai.Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I'll announce the following matters. Due to the large number of people leaving this time, a lot of work will inevitably be affected, so everyone's work will be redistributed by Allen, and the burden is estimated to be heavier than before. Of course, I won't let you do it in vain. My salary will increase by 50% every month in the future. "

"Wow, it's great to get a 50% increase in salary."

"Our salary is already the first in the industry. If we increase it by 50%, we can't envy our colleagues."

"The brothers who quit are in a bad way this time. I'm sure they'll regret it in the future. "

The staff under the stage heard the salary increase, one by one suddenly came to the spirit and whispered there.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you are really good. I just had a look that I couldn't love. Now when I heard about the increase in money, I felt as if I had taken a big pill, and I was in high spirits. Can we not be so realistic? "


"Ha ha ha."

The staff answered in unison, and then they couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that everyone was back to life, Xiao Yunhai was also very happy in his heart, and continued: "all be quiet, I haven't finished yet. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, our storm game company will usher in a group of technicians from China, with very high level. The leader is Zhang Yuan, the founder of 3D imaging technology. He will take over the work of the company next. Alan, you have to cooperate with him. "

Ellen's eyes were on Xiao Hai.

It is reasonable to say that after shermore and Matthew leave, it should be Alan who is in charge of the company.

Now suddenly there is a Zhang Yuan, what kind of reaction Allen will be has become the focus of attention.

Xiao Yunhai has communicated with Allen before, and Allen also knows that he is not the main material. He has no objection to this.

"Don't worry, boss. I will cooperate with Mr. Zhang. " In front of the public, Allen assured Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction and said, "very good. The third thing is about game shares. As we all know, world of Warcraft has been a great success in the world. The market value of world of Warcraft has increased by dozens of times, and the daily turnover has reached 300 million. This is all due to everyone. "

"Originally, I wanted to announce the news after the concert. Now that something has happened, I'll tell you in advance. I'm going to take two percent of storm game's profits and distribute them to all of you. Every month, in addition to your salary, you can also receive dividends. Don't think it's not much. According to the current situation, at least $150 million a month can be reached, and you can get at least 200000. "

Hearing the heavy news, everyone was stunned for almost three seconds, and then the overwhelming applause broke out in the whole conference room.

"Damn it. I heard it right. It's amazing."

"Two hundred thousand a month, even a gold collar, can't get so much money."

"Mr. Xiao is so grand. It's a good thing I didn't go, otherwise I would have to regret my death. "

The staff were talking, one by one excited red face, the whole scene was noisy.

Xiao Yunhai didn't care about them. After three minutes, he said, "don't be too happy. The reason why there are so many dividends is that "world of Warcraft" is sweeping the world. If one day, it can't work, and there's no good game connection, let alone 200000 dollars, even if it's 2000 dollars, it doesn't have to be. So we have to work on new games, not just for me, but for you. "

"Well, do you have any questions for me to answer? Take advantage of this opportunity to ask. "

A fashionable young man stood up and asked, "Mr. Xiao, when do we start to pay dividends? How is the proportion allocated to individuals? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I will study this with Alan. The general idea is to take out most of the shares and divide the dividends equally, and reward a small part. "

"Boss, can we stop hiring? Although more than 180 colleagues have left today, we can finish all their work. "

"Yes, that's right."

Others agreed.

Xiao Yunhai was happy and said: "you are afraid that after the new employees come, let your dividend be reduced. It's really insidious. This problem depends on the situation. If all of you can complete the following work with the same quality and quantity as before, of course, there is no need to recruit any more people. But if you can't, you can only recruit a group of new people outside. So the problem is with you, not with me, understand? "

"Yes." They all answered in unison.

"Mr. Xiao, I have another question. Our company ... "

after Xiao Yunhai's several reward measures, the employees of storm game company not only did not have turbulence because of the large number of employees leaving, but their enthusiasm and enthusiasm for work were even higher. Some employees were even glad that so many people had left. Otherwise, they would not have received so much money.Back to more than ten questions in a row, the employees left with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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