Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:18 AM

Chapter 142

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In Zhang Xuedong's office, the silence was terrible, and the air seemed to have condensed.

After five minutes, Zhang Xuedong finally broke the peace in the room and said to Su Yingxue, "call Xiao Yunhai now. No matter what he is doing, you ask him to come here as soon as possible. It's right here. "

Su Yingxue nodded and called Xiao Yunhai.

There was another silence in the room.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai came to Zhang Xuedong's office. Seeing the scattered glass of tea cups on the ground, Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly. It seemed that things were not like what Yue Changting said, but "there was a small conflict".

On his way, he received a phone call from Yue Changting, and he knew the whole story. Although Yue Changting will only make things worse, Xiao Yunhai is still very grateful for his kind of heart.

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be a pair of do not know the appearance, the tone relaxed to the public to say hello.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang. Nice to meet you. Well, Mr. Wang is here. Is there anything wrong with this? "

It is the first time that Zhang Xuedong met Xiao Yunhai. It must be said that the unique temperament of Xiao Yunhai made Zhang Xuedong feel a little good about him, but it was also a little fleeting.

Zhang Xuedong, with a gloomy face, asked, "I sent someone to look for you today. Have you seen it?"

Xiao Yunhai pretended to think about it and said, "do you send someone to look for me? I didn't see it. "

"No?" Zhang Xuedong was angry and laughed at Xiao Yunhai's words, "I asked people to ask you to buy your song, you..."

"Oh..." Xiao Yunhai interrupted Zhang Xuedong's words and suddenly realized: "Mr. Zhang, what you don't say is the fool named Zhang Liang? Mr. Zhang, I heard that he is your nephew. You should discipline him well. This guy is really too much. Because you are his uncle, he even said that he would buy me two classic songs with 500000 yuan. I almost didn't get angry. If there is such a good thing, let alone half a million, I will go. "

Zhang Xuedong frowned when he heard Xiao Yunhai's confession. He felt that something was wrong.

He didn't know the details of the incident. He only knew that Xiao Yunhai refused Zhang Liang's request, but Zhang Xuedong didn't know what Zhang Liang said.

Zhang Xuedong said: "well, even if Zhang Liang is not suitable, he is an old man in the company. At least you can't sneer at him. And I heard that not only Zhang Liang, but also Lin Yuying, you don't pay attention to it, do you? "

"Mr. Zhang, the conscience of heaven and earth." Xiao Yunhai's face was full of grievances: "when Mr. Zhang Liang just passed by, I explained to him well and promised to write him a song in the future. Who knows he doesn't listen to me. He thinks I'm perfunctory and threatens me that no matter how good my album is, it may not be released. I couldn't get angry. That's the conflict. If you don't believe it, you can ask LV Daodao. As for Lin Yuying......

"as for Lin Yuying, it is because of me that she has a problem with Yunhai." Su Yingxue took the words: "Lin Yuying, relying on her status as a big star, bullies new people and seizes the recording studio. Her agent, Yang longlong, is even more sarcastic to us. Mr. Zhang, you may not know that none of the new employees signed by our company in the past two years do not hate Lin Yuying. "

"Yingxue said it well." Wang Lin interposed: "Lin Yuying's wind evaluation is the worst in the company. If it wasn't for President Hu, I would have let her go. "

Seeing that Zhang Xuedong's attitude was somewhat relaxed, Xiao Yunhai continued: "Mr. Zhang, as the helmsman of the music department, I know that the starting point of your work is to consider the overall situation of the company, but my album has cost us too much energy and hard work. We are running for 20 million sales. Even if we can't reach it in the end, we are still sure of eight million. "

"If Mr. Zhang Liang can wait, I can promise to write him a song within a month. As for the songs in my album, I will never sell them. If the company is forced to do so, I'd rather destroy it myself than destroy it in other people's hands. "

"Mr. Zhang, I'm just a newcomer. Although I have some fame, I haven't really established myself in the music world. I hope you can give me a chance to soar."

After listening to the three people, Zhang Xuedong felt that things were not what he thought.

He said, "I'll find out a lot from the beginning to the end. If things are like what you said, even if Zhang Liang is my nephew, I will not let him go easily. You go back first. Work as usual tomorrow. As for Yue Changting, hum... "

Wang Lin said," Mr. Zhang, you may know that Lao Yue's temper is always like this. There was nothing in his mind but music. You have a lot of adults, so don't worry about him. I'll bring him over tomorrow to apologize

Xiao Yunhai also said in a tone: "yes, Mr. Zhang. Mr. Yue's attention to this kind of album has reached the level of being possessed by the devil, so the reaction is a little excessive. Please don't take it to heart. "

"Go back to me, old Yue." After that, Zhang Xuedong lowered his head to work on his own affairs.Xiao Yunhai originally wanted to persuade him again. Wang Linchong shook his head and the three went out together.

When Xiao Yunhai closed the door, he said to Zhang Xuedong, "Mr. Zhang, I forgot to tell you something. Mr. Zhang Liang mentioned Lin Yuying at the end. I doubt that Lin Yuying was involved in this matter. I even suspect that she is using the knife to kill. "

Zhang Xuedong had a flash in his eyes and said, "I know it in my mind."

After Xiao Yunhai and the three left, Zhang Xuedong picked up the phone and dialed Zhang Liang.

After a while, Zhang Liang came in.

Zhang Xuedong asked him to close the door, then threw the document in his hand, pointed to Zhang Liang and said, "you are very good. Half a million want to buy two classic songs, such a good business, you give me introduction

Zhang Liang saw that things seemed to be wrong with what he expected and said: "uncle, did Xiao Yunhai come in and say something? You must not believe it. "

"Believe in what? What don't you believe? Who can you hide from what you say in public. I'll ask you one thing. Is it Lin Yuying's idea that you want Xiao Yunhai's songs? "

Zhang Liang said, "No. I just heard her talk about Xiao Yunhai yesterday. By the way, I met her twice today, and she didn't say anything? "

"Tell me everything she says."

Zhang Liang didn't dare to hide, so he said everything about Lin Yuying.

Who is Zhang Xuedong? Where can you hear Lin Yuying's careful thinking.

Although she did not directly say things, but every sentence in the guidance and stimulation of Zhang Liang, his nephew is just a pig, was sold back to the other side to count money. No wonder he can't get up in the past two years. His IQ is really worrying.

Zhang Xuedong scolded Zhang Liang severely and finally waved to him: "you go out. Xiao Yunhai has promised to write you a song. You should be careful of Lin Yuying in the future. That woman is not a good thing. It's better not to touch or not to contact. Go back. "

Although Zhang Liang is not smart, he is not a fool. He knows that he has been cheated by Lin Yuying. Where can he resist it.

As soon as he came out from Zhang Xuedong, he went to find Lin Yuying. As a result, Lin Yuying was severely humiliated in public and left in disgrace.

Xiao Yunhai and Su Yingxue bid farewell to Wang Lin and return to Xiao Yunhai's villa together.

Su Yingxue looked at Xiao Yunhai's expressionless face and said, "today in the office of general manager Zhang, you handled it very well. Yunhai, in the future, don't be too sharp. After all, you are a new person. Although you have already gained a good reputation, your foundation is too shallow and you have no corresponding position in the company. So even the past artists like Zhang Liang dare to trouble you. "

Xiao Yunhai said blandly, "I understand. This afternoon, I made a joke in front of Mr. Zhang, and finally promised to write a song to Zhang Liang, in order to win his full support. As long as my first album has achieved more than 8 million, plus the popularity of my recent plays, I believe I will have the status of a real first-line star at that time. Even if Mr. Zhang saw me later, he did not dare to scold me casually like today. All in all, artists still rely on their own works. "

Whether in the past life or this life, the division of the entertainment industry is similar. No entry, three line, second line, first line, top and Emperor superstar.

Because Xiao Yunhai has produced two best-selling martial arts novels in succession, and has sung many songs which are widely sung. In addition, he won three golden cup awards at a young age. Therefore, it took him only a few months to reach the top level of artists. I have to say it's a miracle.

But among all the first-line artists, Xiao Yunhai is only at the primary stage. Although he has won many Golden Cup Music Awards, his gold content is relatively low.

Compared with those of the old front line, no matter in terms of status or fame, they are still a little worse.

As for the top artists and superstars on the front line, let alone the superstars.

In this world of China, the top artists must be those who have won the golden cup award as the film emperor or the film queen.

The emperor's superstar is even more demanding. The best one who has won the golden cup award at least three times can have such a qualification.

Su Yingxue looks at Xiao Yunhai, who is not surprised by PET Rong, and feels uneasy for no reason. If an ordinary artist is wronged like this, he must be angry and scolded. However, Xiao Yunhai is calm and terrible. His whole body exudes a momentum of not being angry and self-confident, and there are cold flashes in his eyes from time to time.

"Sea of clouds, you......" Su Yingxue suddenly did not know what to say. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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