Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:57 AM

Chapter 1420

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The two founders of storm game company, Shermer and Matthew, with more than 180 game technology backbones to set up their own doors, spread all over the United States in less than noon, causing widespread discussion outside.

To know that today's storm game company with "world of Warcraft" is popular in the world, and its reputation is frightening. At this time, the news of employees' collective departure suddenly came out, which naturally caused a stir.

"No," world of Warcraft "is so popular that employees even want to leave. It's too willful."

"Did Kung Fu Xiao do something to make people angry. Otherwise, a fool will resign. "

"Don't guess upstairs. Kungfu Xiao's employees' salary is the highest in the industry. What can happen to make people angry. What's more, he is very busy on weekdays and doesn't care much about the company. "

"What is it for?"

Storm games is in big trouble, and the happiest thing is old rival David Stern.

"Max, you are wonderful. With only 1.5 billion US dollars, the two giants of Xiao's storm game company have been settled. It's just like hitting his weak spot

David Stern laughed three times at the news and called Max Garcia, President of whirlwind technologies.

Garcia said triumphantly, "Xiao Yunhai's other industries are impenetrable, and all the responsible persons are loyal to him. The only person in charge of storm game company is two young people who are very ambitious. If you want to find trouble with Kung Fu Xiao, it's the best place to start. "

David Stern said, "well done. Storm Games has always been under the management of Shermer and Matthew. Although Allen is also a shareholder, he is weak in nature and has no ability to become a manager. Kung Fu Xiao wants to get storm game company back on track. I'm afraid it will take a lot of trouble. "

Garcia said with a smile, "David, your game company developed" heaven "and" world of Warcraft "equally. Since they have internal problems, don't you plan to add fuel to the flames?"

David Stern said: "I've already had people do it, but I'm afraid it's not going to work. As you know, Kung Fu Xiao has hundreds of millions of fans. If you want to engage him through the water army, you can't do it at all. It would be great if Matthew and his wife could say something bad about Xiao Yunhai in the interview

Garcia sighed, "I don't know. But the two of them did not dare to speak ill of him at all, and this time, they looked very guilty. Even those who quit, none of them spoke ill of Kung Fu Xiao. We have to admit that in this respect, Kung Fu Xiao is far better than us. "

David Stern said, "that's a shame."

Although David Stern sent a lot of water troops to spread Xiao Yunhai's story on the Internet, he stopped cooking in front of his powerful fan group.

What made him more depressed was that at noon that day, some reporters interviewed some employees of storm game company who resigned.

When asked if they quit because Kung Fu Xiao was not good to them, everyone answered No.

Originally, an opportunity to attack Xiao Yunhai was missed in vain.

At the time when David Stern was on the verge of success against Xiao Yunhai, Xiao Yunhai was talking to Xia Fujun of Yazhou electronic technology company.

Whirlwind technology company gave him such a big gift. If Xiao Yunhai didn't return it, it would be against the principle of reciprocity between Chinese etiquette and etiquette.

Just yesterday, the prince of GM talked with himself about the sales of rice grain electronic products in Europe and America. If the two sides reach an agreement, it will definitely be a huge threat to whirlwind.

Xia Fujun said: "Mr. Xiao, I had a long talk with Mr. Welch yesterday. The other side's price is too hard, we didn't negotiate. However, I'm ready to take people to a trip in the past two days and have a serious talk. If we can reach an agreement, we can certainly achieve good results with the influence of GM in Europe and the United States and the quality of our rice products. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what I want is not good results, but to defeat whirlwind. Mr. Xia, what price do they want? "

Xia Fujun said: "Fifty five points. I didn't agree. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "it's really not possible. The minimum is four or six. They hold 50% of the shares in the European and American Yunyi shopping network. If a deal can be reached, they can sell both online and offline, and the price can be set by them. So I'm going to call dawton right now and split it into six to four

Do what you say. Xiao Yunhai dials the number of DaoDun Welch immediately after talking to Xia Fujun.

"Hey, Xiao, I heard there's something wrong with your storm game company? Are you all right? " Asked Dalton Welch.

Xiao Yunhai said, "it's all solved. It's nothing serious. I just had a chat with Mr. Xia of Yazhou electronic technology company about the cooperation between the two companies. I learned that there was a problem in sharing. The bottom line is 4:6 for you, 6:6 for me. If you agree, I will ask Mr. Xia to bring someone to discuss the details with you. If I don't agree, I'll have to find someone else to cooperate with. "Dorton Welch seemed to be thinking about gains and losses. After a long silence, he said, "OK, I agree. Let's work together in proportion to the whole share."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "then I wish us a happy cooperation."

"To tell you the truth, Shaw, are you in such a hurry to deal with whirlwind technologies?" said dawton Welch

Xiao Yunhai did not deny it and said, "yes. I can't help but fight back. Dawton, I'd like to have a press conference immediately after the negotiations are completed. I have to show Garcia a little color

"No problem," dorton Welch chuckled

The cooperation between Yazhou electronic technology company and general motors company has been given by Xiao Yunhai in a few words, and the branch has been settled. The next thing is just a matter of details. I believe that the contract can be signed without Xiao Yunhai holding a concert.

Having lunch in the company, Xiao Yunhai came to Paramount Pictures headquarters again.

I just got out of the car and ran into Williams ash.

After shaking hands, Xiao Yunhai asked, "Mr. ash, do you know why David Stern called us to hold a board meeting? And put it in Los Angeles. "

Ash shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I'm sure it's not a good thing. I called our people yesterday and nobody answered except Alva Judith, and Alva was in Europe and I'm afraid he won't be here today. Mr. Xiao, I suspect there is something wrong with them. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "do you mean that David Stern may have bought their shares and thus completed his absolute control over the company?"

Ash looked worried and said, "this is the thing I fear the most. Mr. Xiao, if it's true, what would you do? "

Xiao Yunhai firmly said: "I will sell the shares of STEL network company, not to stay at all."

The reason why Xiao Yunhai bought shares of STEL network company is to drive away David Stern and become the president himself.

If someone else has completed holding shares, it is meaningless to be a shareholder who only pays dividends there. What's more, they have many industries that overlap.

However, Xiao Yunhai felt that David Stern's economic situation did not seem to have that ability.

Xiao Yunhai's reaction was not unexpected. He nodded and said, "I hope this doesn't happen."

When they came to the meeting room, David Stern and the shareholders who supported him were present, while Xiao Yunhai did not. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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