Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:56 AM

Chapter 1421

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Seeing Xiao Yunhai, David Steele stood up in person, shook hands with him, laughed and said, "Mr. Xiao, I heard that there is something wrong with your game company. Not only have more than 180 workers gone, but also the two giants have left. Well, "world of Warcraft" is now popular all over the world. What happened at this juncture is really unexpected. If you have any difficulties? Just tell me. We will certainly be able to help you

Although David Steele's hypocritical appearance almost made Xiao Yunhai spit out his lunch, Xiao Yunhai still showed a smile more beautiful than flowers, and said: "the old one will not go, the new one will not come. Shermer and their departure, for our storm game company, is equivalent to a branch scattered leaves. I also hope they can do better than the storm. As for the difficulties, I really don't have them. You know, there is no shortage of talents in Huaxia. Not to mention 180, even if it is 1800, I can recruit them in three days. However, I still want to thank Mr. stern for his concern. You can see that my tears are falling

The people in the meeting room saw two big men "reciting their heart to heart" there. They all scolded in their hearts: "they have already torn their faces. What are you doing with this set? It's disgusting."

"The game company is OK, that's the best," David Stern said with a smile. Mr. Xiao, do you have a look at the difference between today's board of directors and the last one? "

Xiao Yunhai glanced around and put his eyes on a young woman who was full of enchanting figure in professional clothes. He said with a smile: "a beautiful lady suddenly appeared in a big man's pile. It's really comfortable."

With a smile, the woman stood up, held out her hand with ease and said, "Mr. Xiao, I've heard a lot about you. My name is Vanessa Bessie, and I've been working at Citibank before. "

Xiao Yunhai was shocked in his heart, but his face was still and said, "it's Miss Bessie. I'm glad to meet you."

In the United States, there are two families are the best, one is the Anderson family, the other is the Bessie family.

Since the founding of the United States, these two families have been engaged in a variety of commercial activities, almost penetrated into all aspects of the United States. For example, the famous Citibank is the property of the Bessie family, whose shareholders are all members of the Bessie family.

If it wasn't for the fact that their family branches were too large, so many people, and they were fighting with each other, I'm afraid that the whole United States of America would belong to the Bessie family. Even so, the Bessie family's industry is estimated to be at least $50 trillion.

The Anderson family is not much worse, but the problem is also internal, and more serious than the Bessie family.

As the saying goes, two tigers are not allowed in one mountain, and the two families are fighting fiercely in all aspects.

Since Winnie Bessie came from Citibank, she must be a member of the Bessie family, but Xiao Yunhai doesn't know whether she is a core member or a side member.

When they were seated, ash asked, "Mr. stern, I don't understand why Ms. Bessie came to our board of directors. Is she also a shareholder?"

David Stern said with a smile, "the reason I have this board of directors is to announce something to you. That is, Ms. Bessie has already owned 6.4% of the shares in stell networks and has become our major shareholder. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "I don't know how Ms. Bessie's shares came from?"

Vanessa Bessie said with a smile and a smile, "of course it's bought."

"Mr. Shaw, Miss Bessie bought all the shares in the hands of other shareholders who didn't arrive," said David Stern

Xiao Yunhai suddenly realized and said, "so it is."

"I don't know what you think of Ms. Bessie's personal application to raise 100 billion US dollars and acquire 3.6% of the shares in the company?" said David Stern

"I totally agree. With the joining of Miss Bessie, our future development will be more bright

"Yes. Miss Bessie's joining stell is in itself our greatest support. After the news gets out, the market value of the company will certainly soar. "

David Stern's supporters have expressed their support for winnissa Bessie's joining.

Only Xiao Yunhai and ash sat there without saying a word. They knew that their plan to get rid of David Stern could not succeed.

Although winnissa Bessie is young, she knows that it is not an oil-saving lamp. The people who can come out of Bessie's family can be ordinary people.

"Mr. Shaw and Mr. ash, are you going to welcome me?" Vanessa Bessie brushed her hair lightly, and a professional, but never obnoxious smile appeared on her pretty face.

Williams ash said, "how could it be? Miss Bessie has worked for Citibank for three years, and her achievements are obvious to all. I certainly welcome her

"Thank you, Mr. ash," said winnissa Bessie, smiling with satisfaction. How about you, Mr. Xiao? I have always regarded you as an idol. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at her deeply, sighed, and said, "why should Miss Bessie have to wade in this muddy water?"Vanessa Bessie said with a smile, "stell networks is one of the best in the world, and I'm certainly interested in it. Don't Mr. Xiao welcome me

Xiao Yunhai's eyes have always been very precise, and her sense is even sharper. On the surface, Vanessa Bessie seems to be a charming beauty, but in Xiao Yunhai's eyes, she is a wolf in sheep's clothing, absolutely belonging to the extremely dangerous character.

David Stern, for some unknown reasons, let her become a shareholder of STEL network company, and will certainly regret this decision in the future.

Perhaps it was not herself who could drive David Stern away, but the unfathomable Miss Bessie.

Xiao Yunhai's mouth curled slightly and said with a smile, "Miss Bessie, welcome to join our big family in stell. To tell you the truth, beautiful women like you sit here much better than those before. "

When Winnie Bessie heard this, she immediately laughed, but she was afraid of Xiao Yunhai to the extreme.

The other side's eyes are really too sharp, as if he had seen through his inside and outside, and there was no more secret on him.

In this way, Vanessa Bessie replaced Xiao Yunhai's other shareholders. After capital injection, she acquired 10% of the shares, becoming the third largest shareholder after Xiao Yunhai.

Next, David Stern began to explain the company's future development.

Xiao Yunhai didn't hear a word in his heart and quietly walked out of the meeting room. David Stern's face showed a proud smile.

Coming to a nobody's corner, Xiao Yunhai dials Kristi's phone directly, then tells the story of Vanessa Bessie, and says, "Ms. Kristi, with this Miss Bessie joining, our plan to control stell network company has completely failed. How much can I make if I sell our shares now? "

"In terms of the current market value of stell networks, at least it can make more than 25 billion," Kristi said. Of course, if you want to sell it, it must be a 20% premium, so you can make another 60 billion dollars. Mr. Xiao, since the Bessie family has sold out, have you ever thought about selling shares to them? I believe their offer will satisfy us. "

Xiao Yunhai didn't think about it, so he refused: "absolutely not. With the strength of the Bessie family, once they get rid of David Stern and take control of STEL network company, it will be like creating a big Mac enemy for us. My relationship with David Steele is at its worst, but his threat to me is far less than that of the Bessie family

Christie was silent for a moment and said, "Mr. Shaw, your vision is indeed very long-term. I once read the romance of the Three Kingdoms, a book written by China. I think that the situation of STEL network company is very similar to that of Wei, Shu and Wu. David Stern is Wei, you are Wu, and winnisa Bessie is Shu. If you quit, that would be the happiest thing for David Stern

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "so my shares are either not to be sold. If I want to sell them, they must be sold to a person who can stand on three legs with them, so that they can fight with each other. As long as it is not a dominant family, it is the best situation for us. We used to have 25% of our shares, which were financed by Vanessa Bessie, and now we have 24.2%. It's up to you, Ms. Christie

Christie nodded and said, "don't worry, Mr. Shaw. I'll find a good match for David Steele and Vanessa Bessie."

After speaking, Xiao Yunhai returned to the conference room. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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