Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:53 AM

Chapter 1423

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Xiao Yunhai returned home and sat down on the sofa.

He felt a little tired after dealing with so many things today.

Seeing the tired face on her husband's face, Zhao Wanqing made a cup of tea for him and said, "husband, are you very tired today?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "it's not physical fatigue, it's heart fatigue."

Xiao Yunhai briefly said all the things that happened today. After hearing this, Zhao Wanqing said, "David Stern is really scheming with a tiger. Isn't he afraid that you really sell the shares to each other? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "yes, of course he is. So I deliberately gave him a phone call to scare him and let this old guy play tricks on me

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "you are really bad. Honey, photos of you drinking coffee with Vanessa Bessie have been posted on the Internet. It says that you and a beautiful woman are meeting in a cafe, smiling and close. Hehe, the facts are all there. You can't argue. "

Xiao Yunhai was shocked and said, "Damn it, it's only half an hour, OK? It's too fast. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "this is the power of the media. I'd like to tell you something more. The box office of King Kong's premiere night came out. After only three screenings, it won 238 million dollars in North America. Moreover, the reputation of the movie was a mess. The average score of rotten tomatoes on the Internet reached 8.79 points. "

Xiao Yunhai snapped his fingers and said, "I knew that the King Kong movie is no problem."

It's said that Chinese people are afraid of nagging, and Westerners are no exception.

As soon as they mentioned "King Kong," director bickervin called him.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "director Bickerman, congratulations. Look at the current situation," King Kong "should be sold well, mainly to see if it can exceed 10 billion dollars."

Bikvin confidently said, "it will be more than that. By the way, I'm calling to tell you that I want to set up my own director's studio. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "no problem. I'm going to ask the company to release this story and give the directors and actors in Hollywood a little more fire. "

Yesterday, Xiao Yunhai asked the film queen Sheila Lucia to send out the news of the establishment of a personal studio, which caused a burst of turbulence in Hollywood. If you add bickervin now, it will be even more out of control. Other entertainment companies can't stop it even if they want to.

Sure enough, when Hollywood artists learned that Bickerman was going to set up the world's first director's studio, they were suddenly calm down.

Those who feel that they have two brushes have submitted their applications to their companies, including the eight major Hollywood film companies.

General film industry

dorton Welch looked at more than ten Hollywood directors and actors in front of him. He had a headache. He scolded Xiao Yunhai over and over in his heart. He did not know how many times, but his face was full of smiles and said, "are you really ready, everyone?"

Big director Ivan said: "boss, we are all serious, please agree."

Dorton Welch saw the expectation of the crowd and knew that he couldn't agree. He said with a wry smile, "OK. Now that you have decided, set up a studio under our company. "


The crowd cheered.

After they left, dorton Welch picked up the phone directly, dialed a number, and said, "quickly publish on our company's homepage the establishment of a studio by 13 directors and superstars, including Ivan and kozmo."

This guy is also full of bad water. Like Xiao Yunhai, he likes to do such things that are harmful to others and not beneficial to himself.

I'm in bad luck, so I'll just have bad luck together.

GM and marvel, one of the big eight Hollywood film companies, agreed. Naturally, those small companies couldn't stop it. They all followed Xiao Yunhai and DaoDun Welch and spread all the news about their stars.

In this way, within a month, the individual studios of hundreds of Hollywood stars have been set up.

As a weathervane of the entertainment industry, Hollywood will quickly spread all over the world, let alone such a big thing.

As a result, stars from China, Europe, Asia and other regions have learned from each other. Not only directors but also singers have joined in and set up their own personal music studios.

These things are not in Xiao Yunhai's consideration. After attending the board of directors of STEL network company, he and Zhao Wanqing went to the Los Angeles Sherry theater for rehearsal that night.

Vincent, who had come to the theatre for a long time, saw the two men and met them in a hurry. He complained, "gentlemen, there are three days left for the concert. Can't you come here earlier?"

Xiao Yunhai said embarrassed: "these two days have been dealing with the company's affairs, so delayed the rehearsal time. However, you can rest assured that we have practiced below for many times. As long as we cooperate with the band, there will be no problem. "

Vincent nodded and said, "that's good. Jack and Joey, come here for a secondA very handsome white man in his twenties and a beautiful girl who seems to be younger than a man come up to Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing respectively.

The man is very atmospheric, the performance is natural and generous. And the girl is a little shy, see two people slightly nervous.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Vincent, do you want the two of them to be our performing guests?"

Vincent nodded and said, "I was so excited that I promised you to donate all the income from the concert. Well, I'm sorry to think about it now. Therefore, I have decided that in each of your next concerts, I will arrange two singers from our company to be singing guests. If you can't make money, you can try to earn some popularity and come back. You can rest assured that the singers I choose are all talented, otherwise they will not be signed into our company

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's the best."

Vincent turned his head and said, "Jack, Joey, you two go on stage and sing it again. Show it to Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao. I tell you, if you can't get through, you don't want to go to the concert. "

They both nodded solemnly and stepped onto the stage.

After singing, Xiao Yunhai clapped his hands and said with a smile, "the two voices are very distinctive and very good. Vincent, it's OK for you to sign a singer

Vincent said, "of course. Xiao, if you can help them write two songs, it will be more perfect. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "do you think writing songs is as simple as eating and drinking water? For this concert, I

wrote 16 English songs in one breath, which inspired me to write other songs. "

Vincent nodded and said, "that's right."

In the next few days, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing have been rehearsing at the Xuelan Grand Theater. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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