Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:52 AM

Chapter 1424

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On January 10, less than two days before Yunqing's world tour, Zhang Yuan took Xiao Yunling and more than 20 programmers to Los Angeles. Xiao Yunhai took eight extended version of Oster cars to pick up the plane.

Yuan Chang, a group of people coming out of the airport, saw a row of luxury cars outside, make complaints about each other.

"Damn it, American people are too arrogant, aren't they?"

"Who is this? With eight Oster luxury cars, it's an extended version. It's so hateful. "

"No, I have to take a picture of it and let netizens condemn this behavior."

Although they said so, everyone could hear the sour taste inside, and their eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Just then, the door of the first car opened. Xiao Yunhai stood out with a pair of sunglasses and looked at the group with a smile.

"Brother." Xiao Yunling cheered and rushed into Xiao Yunhai's arms.

Xiao Yunhai stroked her long hair and said with a smile, "ling'er, don't do this. Zhang Yang is looking at it. Be careful that he overturns the vinegar jar."

Xiao Yunling snorted and said, "he dares."

A young man with long hair and unconventional dress touched Zhang Yuan and said, "Yuanzi, don't tell me, these eight luxury cars are here to meet us?"

The others looked at him with their eyes shining.

Zhang Yuan said with a smile, "mouse, don't you recognize it? That's my big brother Xiao Yunhai. However, as you said just now, it's really a bit swaggering. I'll tell my elder brother that we'd better take a taxi. "

"No On hearing this, the young man, nicknamed mouse, was immediately in a hurry and said, "Yuanzi, what international joke are you making? Emperor Yun managed to drive the car over and let him go back empty. That's not appropriate. It doesn't give face. For the sake of being scolded by the netizens, we have to face it. "

"Yes. The mouse was right. We can't help but give the emperor face. "

"Yes. I'm so old. I haven't been in a car of this level. Good guy, eight cars came at once. It's so handsome. "

Zhang Yuan said: "well, stop talking nonsense. Let's go there quickly. He's a star. He can't stay here long. If you're surrounded by fans, it's a big problem. "

" OK, let's get there. "

Zhang Yuan and others took their luggage and came to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai patted Zhang Yuan on the shoulder and said with a smile: "thank you all for coming to Los Angeles to help me. Come on, let's get in the car and talk about it after we get to my manor. "

We all know that this is not a place to talk. Although we are excited to see the world's richest man, Emperor Yun, they are very measured. They drive to the manor villa in a car of three or four people.

Xiao Yunhai was naturally in a car with his brother-in-law and sister-in-law. He poured them a cup of tea and said, "Zhang Yuan, thank you very much this time."

Zhang Yuan scratched his head and said, "brother, we are a family. Why are you so polite. By the way, big brother, I'd like to tell you in advance. They are all dressed up in a fancy way, just like a punk, but their level is very high. Especially that mouse, the mind is very active, especially good at game programming, this time mainly depends on him. However, they are not used to management

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. As long as you don't break the law, you can toss with them. I have discussed with your sister-in-law that you and your group will live in the manor villa. Anyway, there are many rooms there, and there are housekeepers, servants and bodyguards. It's more convenient to handle anything. "

Zhang Yuan nodded and said, "OK."

The car quickly arrived at the destination and stopped in the ground parking lot of the villa.

People out of the car, looking at such a large manor, eyes are almost protruding, one by one excited.

"Damn it, is this the manor where the rich live on TV? My God, even the villas in our hometown are not as big as here. "

"Great. If only we could stay here for a few days. "

The mouse clapped his hands and said, "I said, can you not be so rustic? Rhubarb, take your saliva back to me. Is it disgraceful to lose it? "

The young man named rhubarb cut, disdained to say: "mouse, you don't come, just get out of the car, I saw your face shocked expression. Well, it's good to say that we are. "

"Nonsense," the mouse said. The evidence. Show me the evidence. "

"EEE..." people all yelled at the mouse one after another.

Obviously, this mouse is the living treasure of this group.

Xiao Yunhai clapped his hands, took off his glasses and said, "fellow students, welcome to my manor. Just now I heard someone say that they want to live here. Ha ha, no problem. During this period of time in Los Angeles, we should live here. "

"Yes." The crowd cheered, and the mouse jumped up with joy.Rhubarb quickly took out his mobile phone and took a picture of him. Then he shook his mobile phone and said with a smile: "mouse, can we calm down for a while? Don't act like a jerk. "

The mouse was speechless for a while.

People can't help laughing at his helpless appearance.

Xiao Yunhai asked the housekeeper to clean up the room for them, and then took them to the dining room.

Zhao Wanqing has been waiting there for a long time. After seeing the beautiful and outstanding Qing, people's eyes are almost straight.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Xiao Yunhai said: "ladies and gentlemen, Los Angeles in America is different from that in China. Almost every family has guns. At night, it is very chaotic. Robbery and theft may occur from time to time. Therefore, if you want to go out in the evening, you must come back before 10 o'clock. If you can't come back under special circumstances, you can call the housekeeper. He will send the bodyguard of our manor to protect you. When you go out, you must pay attention to your safety, understand? "

"Yes." They all answered in unison.

Xiao Yunhai held up his glass and said, "the game company's business is up to you. As long as you can help me develop the game of the battle of the king, I will never treat you badly. "

"Xiao, how much salary are you going to give us

Xiao Yunhai said: "look at your performance. If you can complete the research and development of the game with quality and quantity within half a year, in addition to the monthly salary, each of you will be rewarded with at least $500000. "


when the crowd heard it, they immediately yelled with excitement.

The mouse said with a smile, "brothers, let's drink to the emperor's 500000 dollars."


Under the stimulation of money, this group of lazy guys broke out unprecedented work passion, which let Xiao Yunhai completely put down his heart.

Although he didn't know how powerful these people were, he knew Zhang Yuan's ability, and how could anyone who could be admired by him not be able to do so.

In the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai advanced their salary of $100000 in advance, and asked them to go to Los Angeles for a visit, while he continued to rehearse with Zhao Wanqing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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