Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:49 AM

Chapter 1426

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Vincent left, Xiao Yunhai squinted and said, "wife, do you really don't know if Vincent is coming?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "husband, what do you mean is that he has known it?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I am sure he knows 100% of it. This boy obviously has a party with ADAMS. When he was just speaking, he used a tone of no matter, but he was lobbying us to support Adams. Maybe, after he goes out now, he will go directly to box 1 and report my attitude to the president's wife. "

Zhao Wanqing felt that Xiao Yunhai's judgment was reasonable and asked, "what do you do?"

Xiao Yunhai smiled and said, "cold mix. Don't you think it's a good thing? As soon as he used to say, the president's wife knew it in her heart. When she meets, she will stop at that time. After all, they are all people with identity, and they can't be killed. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded.

Xiaoyun Haidao: "OK, we don't want to take care of these things. Now, the most important thing is to do a good job of the concert. Let's get ready, wife, shall I change your clothes? "

Zhao Wanqing saw his narrow appearance, and said: "no need."

Xiao Yunhai guessed that it was right. Vincent left their lounge and went straight to the No. 1 box.

There was a middle-aged woman in her forties, with a dignified temperament, drinking coffee, and beside it was a man, a woman and two 16-and-7-year-old young people, where she was talking excitedly about the concert.

They are Adams' wife Kelly and two children Lisa and Wayne. Of course, there are no bodyguards in it.

Seeing Vincent coming in, Lisa and Wayne stopped talking and politely called his brother.

Kelly smiled, and made a sit in gesture, and said, "Vincent, what is Mr. Shaw's attitude?"

Vincent, sitting opposite Kelly, said, "aunt, Mr. Shaw has a very clear attitude towards the American presidential campaign, and he is far away from helping."

I'm afraid Xiao never dreamed that Vincent would have a relationship with the president's wife, and was very close.

Kelly had two cups of coffee and said, "that is, he won't help us, and he won't help them, right?"

Vincent nodded and said, "that's what you can understand."

Kelly asked, "can he believe that? "

Vincent laughed:" aunt, there is a saying in China called "one hundred gold.". Few people can do this, but Xiaogong is just one of them. From the point of view that I have been in contact with him for such a long time, this man can only be friends and not enemies. Uncle Xiao was very dissatisfied with his help to stire network company. He is only in his twenties and is the richest man in the world. If he is ten years later, no one knows what he can achieve. David Stern's company looks like a bull on the surface, but in fact, Neri is no longer. So I hope my aunt will go back and advise her uncle. It's better to draw a line with stire network company, and not close to it. "

Kelly thought, nodded, and said, "I'll talk to him when I go back. Kungfu Xiao and his wife have hundreds of millions of fans in America. They only need to shout and shout. At least, they can draw tens of millions of supporters to your uncle. It's a pity that he can't get his support. "

"Aunt, it's obvious that my aunt is the dominant father, looking at the current situation," Vincent said. As long as Xiao doesn't help his uncle's opponent, it is the best phenomenon for us. By the way, will you go to the backstage to see him after the concert? "

"Of course, it's going." Lisa interface: "I need to sign them."

"There are also photos," Wayne added

Kelly said with a bitter smile: "see no, even my children are their fans, you say how powerful they are."

At 8 p.m., the stage was completely dark. Countdown appears on the large screen.

"10.9.8...". "

fans on the stage shake their fluorescent sticks and shout after the big screen.

When the final number reaches one, fireworks on the stage burst out, Xiao Yunhai and zhaowanqing shot directly from under the stage, and then put in an extremely oxfork position, left to right, standing in the eruption of fireworks, motionless.

Tens of thousands of fans didn't expect the two to start like this. After a long time, the cheers and screams were all over the place.

"My God, this kind of appearance is really handsome."

"I love them."

"It's just great for both."

Just one of the opening moves, American fans will no longer sit down, and they stand up and shout to the two on the stage with all their strength.

This is the way Michael Jackson used to appear in a concert. Xiao Yunhai directly copied it, but it turned from one person to two people, and the effect seemed very good.

Fans off the stage broke out, Xiao Yunhai and zhaowanqing were deaf, and there was no expression on their faces, and they were still like two statues.After about a minute or so, the familiar music began to ring, which was the prelude to Billie Jean. As like as two peas of music, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing moved together, kicking their arms and twisting around one meter in the vicinity. The

was almost identical.

"She is more like a beautiful queen from a movie scene

isaiddon't mind

but what do you mean iamtheone

who will dance on the floor around"


naturally, Xiao Yunhai sings the song. Although Zhao Wanqing's vital capacity and endurance can hold on, there are still many songs behind her, so she must keep them in the early stage Physical strength, but Xiao Yunhai does not have this problem. Even if he was allowed to sing and dance for a day, he could hold on.

In order to keep pace with Zhao Wanqing, Xiao Yunhai deliberately reduced the frequency, but their movements were still full of explosive force and aesthetic feeling, perfectly matched with the melody. Where to raise the hand, where to kick the leg, where to rotate, how large the amplitude is and how fast the speed is. It's just as if the dance has been measured. The changing dance is dazzling.

The fans under the stage are all crazy. Applause, screams, cries and cheers are going to overturn the roof. They are dancing with the rhythm and constantly venting their excitement.

It was enough for Xiao Yunhai to dance alone. Now there is another Zhao Wanqing, which is killing people.

"She said iamtheone

while dancing on the floor around

shetold mehername was billie jean..."

in the middle of the song, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing stood at the same time in the predetermined area, then their legs did not move and their bodies tilted forward until they reached the angle of forty-five degrees. It lasted about ten seconds, and then slowly recovered.

As soon as this action violates the physical rules, the fans' enthusiasm is even higher, just like the eruption of a volcano. They only know to express their excitement at this moment by shouting desperately. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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