Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:48 AM

Chapter 1427

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In box one, Lisa and Wayne, two young men, couldn't stand it long ago. They screamed at the stage, and their faces turned red. All the old gentlemen and ladies' manners were forgotten.

It was the first time that the president's wife Kelly watched the live performance of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. She was shocked by the atmosphere and the appeal of their dance.

She has also seen many star performances, but no one like Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing let her get goose bumps and make her feel so passionate. I'm afraid she would have cried out like her fans if she hadn't put up with it.

On the stage, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's performances are getting better and better. The two people, who were originally standing face to face, suddenly started to dance in space at the same time, clearly moving forward, but their bodies were backward.

Since the appearance of Xiao Yunhai's space dance, no two people have ever danced against each other.

The effect is surprisingly good, because the fans have already begun to faint.

Yes, just the first song, more than a dozen fans fainted due to the lack of oxygen because they were too excited and were carried out by the staff.

Some were too close to the inside, so the staff couldn't get in at all, so the fans spontaneously lifted them up and sent them out.

Kelly saw this and sighed to Vincent, "it's crazy. If Kung Fu Xiao can say two words in support of your uncle's reelection in the current concert, I believe that great things will come true. "

Vincent was also a young man. His face had been excited by the performance on the stage. He was excited beyond words.

Hearing his aunt's words, Vincent nodded and said, "yes. Similarly, if he supported the other two candidates, it would be even more harmful to my uncle. So it's better to keep the status quo. "

Vincent knew that his aunt saw the fans' worship of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, and wanted to persuade him again. However, he had been in contact with Xiao Yunhai for a long time and knew that Xiao Yunhai was definitely not a person who could be talked about at will. Now that he has made a decision and wants him to change his inner thoughts, it is estimated that his relatives can do it, and he is far from it.

Kelly nodded and said nothing more.

The first song is finally over. Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing take off their glasses and bow to the audience at the same time. In return, they scream and cheer.

Xiao Yunhai's eyes were sharp. During the performance, he noticed that many people fainted and said, "ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to the concert held by our husband and wife. Just now I saw a lot of people fainted. I hope you don't get too excited. If you feel uncomfortable, please leave as soon as possible, so as to avoid problems, OK


The fans answered in unison, but no one wanted to leave.

The concert was broadcast live by Yunqing TV station in North America. Countless fans watched it at home. The passion was ignited by Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's first song. At the same time, photographers also photographed the situation of fans fainting.

At the end of the first song, fans have posted online to express their feelings at the moment.

"It's wonderful. The dance of Xiao and Zhao is just fantastic."

"No wonder people fainted or even died at their concerts. I saw it on TV, not to mention on the spot. "

"I regret it now. I sold the ticket I couldn't get for 5000 dollars. God, why don't I go to the scene. "

Is it a fool upstairs? Kung Fu Xiao and goddess Zhao jointly held a concert. You sold your tickets. If you steal it next time, please contact me and I will make you ten thousand dollars. My number is.... "

fans who can't go to the scene can only watch TV at home and make comments on the Internet from time to time.

At the concert site, Xiao Yunhai hugged Zhao Wanqing and said: "just now, our husband and wife practiced this song for a long time in order to keep the same movement. I think the effect should be pretty good. The next song is the song I sang in "singer's night" in China, called "bad", for you. Let's get up high. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai turned his head and gave Zhao Wanqing a kiss.

In the scene of screams, Zhao Wanqing waved and walked off the stage.

Next, Xiao Yunhai went all out to sing bad and beatit.

"Yourbuttismineignatell your right

just show your face

in broaddaylighti'm tellingyou


Xiao Yunhai showed his break dance completely unrestricted. The super explosive force, incomparable action frequency, and the penetrating and infectious voice brought people incomparable vision and hearing Feel the double enjoyment, every fan's adrenaline is soaring rapidly, the body can't help shaking wildly, no one can keep calm under such music.Many singers and musicians came to watch the concert this time. Not to mention the third and second line, there were more than 20 people on the first line.

Some of them contacted Xiao Yunhai in advance, watched in VIP rooms, and some liked the atmosphere of the concert, dressed up and hid among fans.

The best place for them to watch is to invite David and Xiao Yunhai to perform in person.

Eliot saw the dazzling dance of Xiao Yunhai on the stage, sighed deeply and said, "David, I'm sorry to be the singer now. In terms of live performances, I dare say that there is hardly anyone in the world who can compare with Xiao. "

David said with a wry smile, "who said no. I'm glad that he put us behind Miss Zhao. Her songs are relatively gentle and not so exciting. If I put it behind Xiao, I would be scolded by the fans. "

They are the leading figures in the music industry, or the first time to see such a hot scene.

For two consecutive songs, the fans on the scene have already yelled hoarse and poured water into their bodies one by one, for fear that their screams and cheers could not support to the end.

In the first ten minutes, more than 80 fans fainted, which directly broke the Guinness world record.

After singing three songs in a row, Xiao Yunhai said some words of thanks, and then walked off the stage, replaced by Zhao Wanqing's moving voice.

Zhao Wanqing is not only very comfortable in the wind and rain, but also in the wind.

After two consecutive songs from her album, Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "for this concert, my husband and I have made sufficient preparations. I believe you already know that my husband has written more than ten new songs. The next song is called "yesterday once more". I like it very much. He was supposed to sing, but I robbed him directly. Now please listen to me and hope I can impress you

When the fans heard it, the applause and screams went crazy.

"The goddess is ready to sing a new song. It's wonderful."

"The new song I've been waiting for is finally coming out. I want to feel it seriously."

Not only the fans, but also the famous musicians.

The deep and wonderful piano sound sounded, and the scene was full of applause. Originally, Xiao Yunhai had quietly arrived at the scene through the elevator and was sitting there playing the piano.

"When I was young I'd like to have another DIO

waiting form favorites songs

when playing I'd like a long

it makes mesmile.


yesterday's more is known to all and well known to all.

The lyrics are very beautiful, and the melody is more beautiful. Once Zhao Wanqing changes her singing style, her timbre becomes thick and deep, just like a subwoofer, full of appeal.

It has to be said that a good song is a good song. Zhao Wanqing only sang a part of it. The original noisy voice of the scene suddenly changed into a needle drop. Everyone stood there waving the fluorescent sticks in their hands, as if they were all immersed in the song.





that they're restartingsetting's

it's syesterdayonemore"

in the climax, Zhao Wanqing turned on all the penetrating voices, and every single word seemed to sing into people's hearts.

Eliot's eyes showed a trace of intoxication and said, "it's so beautiful. This is a song that makes me feel the most. The past reappears, but it's a pity that the past has passed and will never come back. "

Eliot once had a sincere relationship with a girl. He had been in love for five years. At that time, he was still young and did not have the status today. In order to achieve success, the girl abandoned him directly and let Eliot almost commit suicide.

From then on, he vowed that he would become the best singer in America, and then there was the king of heaven singer. However, his girlfriend was brilliant for a while, but he soon disappeared.

David knew about it. Seeing that his eyes were red, he seemed to have some feelings for the song. So he patted him on the shoulder and said, "some things can't come back, but we can look forward."Eliot laughed and said, "I didn't believe in love before, but since I met Xiao and Zhao, I believe that there is real love in the world. David, before long, I may be marrying my agent

David snorted. His eyes almost fell off. He opened his mouth. After a long time, he said, "you cow." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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