Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:46 AM

Chapter 1428

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Soon, Zhao Wanqing's new song was finished, and the whole scene was filled with applause and cheers.

"It's so good. I'm in tears."

"The past is back. Listening to this song really reminds me of a lot of things that happened before

"I love this song. If the next level is like this, then I must be excited to death. "

On the stage, Xiao Yunhai stood up, went to Zhao Wanqing, put his arm around her slender waist, and asked, "do you think this song sounds good?"

"Good to hear." The fans answered in unison.

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I'll be relieved. The following song is also a new song, which needs to be sung by men and women. Its name is "I want to spend my time loving you". I hope you can enjoy it. "

there is no doubt that this duet song, which was popular all over the previous life, has caused a tsunami once again.

Next, it was the turn of two young people from the original record company to sing.

Xiao Yunhai worried about the two people's problems, so he said: "I'm really tired after singing so many songs in a row. This time, I invited two heavenly kings and two new people. The two newcomers are my junior brothers and sisters in the original record company. Their voices are very good. I hope you can give them a big round of applause, will you

"Good." Idol's request, the fans are naturally competing in response to the applause.

Vincent took a deep breath and said, "Xiao is a good guy. If he doesn't say those words, Jack and Joey will go up suddenly, and I'm afraid the fans will blow them down. There is no way. Although they are very excellent, they are still far behind Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. "

Jack's heart is full of gratitude to Xiao Yunhai. The singing of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing is really amazing. He has a lot of pressure. He is afraid that he can't sing well and cause dissatisfaction among fans.

Now Xiao Yunhai said so, which is equivalent to connecting himself with him, and the pressure is naturally much less. In other words, even if there is a problem with himself, the fans will just laugh it off, rather than blow him out.

However, since he can make Vincent look at him differently, Jack naturally has two brushes. His performance on the stage is very good, and the typhoon is also atmospheric. Although there is still some gap between him and Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, he still won the applause and applause of the fans.

As a girl, Joey is a little shy and timid, but when she comes to the stage and faces 100000 fans, she doesn't feel nervous at all. With her beautiful appearance, she gets more applause than Jack.

After the two newlyweds finished singing, Xiao Yunhai's passionate songs and dances began again. This time, he brought the Kung Fu tiantuan that he had cooperated with. More than ten people danced the break dance and the space dance step at the same time, so that the fans on the stage danced and screamed.

Three hot songs in succession made the atmosphere under the stage extremely hot. At the same time, hundreds of people fainted.

In this way, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing appeared alternately, interspersed with some new songs from time to time, which made the fans ecstatic.

To be able to hear so many new songs in a concert has never happened.

During this period, David and Eliot came on the stage as singing guests. Their stage experience was more than that of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, not to mention their strength. They won the applause of fans.

The concert ended after three hours. Compared with Huaxia, it was an hour less. There was no way. Their English songs were much less than Chinese songs, but the scene was more popular.

After the fans came out, many reporters couldn't wait to interview.

"This beautiful lady, what do you think of Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao's concert?"

"It's one of the best concerts I've ever seen. I love both of them

"Do you think the concert is good, sir?"

"Of course, is it worth saying? We have 13 friends in all, and now only nine of us are left. The other four have fainted excitedly. If it doesn't look good, how can such a thing happen. Excuse me, please. We need to get to the hospital quickly. "

All the fans interviewed have hoarse voices, but no one said that Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's concerts were not good-looking.

The number of people who fainted at the concert broke the Guinness world record, with 432 people, and hospitals in Los Angeles were packed.

Backstage of the concert, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing had just finished their makeup and changed their clothes when they heard a knock on the door.

Xiao Yunhai opened the door and saw Vincent standing there with a middle-aged woman and two 17-year-old children, followed by four bodyguards with sunglasses.

Xiao Yunhai immediately responded and put out his hand with a smile and said, "Hello, Mrs. Kelly. Nice to meet you."

Kelly reached out his hand and shook him. He said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm glad to meet you, too. Sorry, my two children are super fans of you and Miss Zhao. I'm sorry to disturb you this timeXiao Yunhai let several people into the room and said with a smile, "this should be our honor."

Kelly saw Zhao Wanqing, her eyes brightened, took her hand, and said, "Miss Zhao, no wonder you will be a goddess. It's so beautiful."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "madam, you are a great beauty."

Kelly said with a smile, "I'm in my forties. I'm a beauty. Come on, Lisa. Didn't you always want Miss Zhao's signature? Now she's here. What are you waiting for? "

With a pen in her hand and Zhao Wanqing's album in her hand, Lisa, flushed with excitement, went to Zhao Wanqing and said, "Miss Zhao, I'm your loyal fan. Can you sign my name? It would be better if we could take another picture. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "of course, no problem."

On the other side, Xiao Yunhai is also entangled by Wayne, signing and taking photos.

After finishing, Lisa and Wayne's faces were covered with contented smiles.

After a few more conversations, Kelly left, without mentioning a word about the presidential campaign.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing send them to the car. Seeing the car slowly leaving, Xiao Yunhai said, "no wonder they are all saying that this Mrs. Kelly is a good wife of the president of the United States. It's really true."

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "yes. This lady only chatted with us and never mentioned her husband's re-election, which fully shows her high IQ

Every thing that politicians do and every word they say has a special meaning. For example, Kelly didn't say anything this time, but it was more powerful than saying.

The subtext is that I've believed what you said to Vincent. You can't help my husband, but you can't help anyone else. In this way, even if Xiao Yunhai has his own feelings, he has to weigh carefully whether it is worth offending the president's wife.

Xiao Yunhai turned to Vincent and said, "what's the relationship between you and the president's wife?"

Vincent shrugged and said, "it doesn't matter. It's just in one camp."

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "I really thought I was deaf. When you saw Mrs. Kelly on the bus, you called her aunt, didn't you? "

Vincent opened his mouth with an incredible look and said, "my voice is so small that you can hear me even though I'm more than ten meters away from you. Are you still a man? "

Xiao Yunhai patted him on the shoulder and said, "so you'd better give me less attention. My ears can hear the sound of ants moving within 100 meters. Do you think you can hide those whispers from me? However, if you can pass on my meaning to your aunt, it will save me a lot of trouble. I'll forgive you this time. "

Vincent, with a sad face, said, "Shaw, I swear that I will never whisper in front of you in my life."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you can remember the best. The next stop of our concert is New York. Have you finished it yet? "

Vincent said: "don't worry, everything is ready and there's no problem. By the way, I'd like to ask you, those ten new songs you sang tonight are so classic. Do you plan to make them into an album

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "let's wait until the concert is over."

Vincent said, "remember to come to me. I've been busy with your concerts all the time. You can't tear down bridges and kill donkeys. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "you are a good Chinese speaker. You can even use such idioms as grinding and killing donkeys. It's very powerful. Don't worry, we'll find you to make our future English albums. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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