Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:45 AM

Chapter 1429

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Xiao Yunhai's and Zhao Wanqing's first concert was a complete success, and they were praised everywhere on the Internet.

"What's an incomparable concert? I've learned it now. "

"In the past, I thought that many singers' concerts had been very good, but compared with the Kung Fu Xiaos, I suddenly found that the concerts I watched were rubbish."

"432 people were stunned in a concert. If someone had told me before, I would have regarded him as a psychopath. Now, I believe it. "

"The next stop of Yunqing's world tour is New York, and God bless me to get a ticket."

Not only the fans, but also the musicians have published their comments on Yunqing's concert on their homepage.

"This concert of Kung Fu Xiao and his wife is one of the most popular and best concerts I have ever seen, none of them." Said Eliot's teacher, Jed Mercurio.

"In this concert, I not only heard the most powerful song that almost made my heart jump out, but also heard the sounds of nature that moved me to tears. I just want to say that from today on, I am their most loyal fan." Said Katrina Graham, a music star.

"Xiao's musical talent is really amazing. The new songs and classic songs at the concert made me feel good. I wanted to have a concert in a few days, but now I'm going to terminate this program. No way. The gap is too big. Let's settle down. " Said Edward Morris, one of Eliot's top singers.

The praise of numerous singers and fans has made Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's Queen of pop more stable. No one doubts their status in the music world. At the same time, their New York concert has become the focus of attention.

The next morning, Yunyi began to sell tickets for their second concert, which greatly improved the sales of the website.

The ratings of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's concerts were released by Yunqing TV station, with the highest ratings of 44.9% and the average ratings of 24.8%. There is no doubt that they won the top ratings of the day. At the same time, the advertising revenue of the concert was announced. The total revenue was 56.2 million US dollars, and the ticket profit was 32 million dollars. All of them were donated to the American Red Cross.

Their kindness has won unanimous praise from fans. Some even ask to double the ticket income, leaving people speechless for a while.

Just as everyone put their eyes on the concert, Xiao Yunhai, the focus figure, was drinking coffee in a coffee shop, with Kristi, his chief economic adviser, sitting next to him.

It's just that her face is not good at this time.

Originally, I had an appointment to meet at 10:00, but now it has been ten minutes. The other party still hasn't come, and his face looks good. That's strange.

Xiao Yunhai saw Kristi's watch from time to time and said with a smile: "don't worry. Maybe this young man of the Anderson family is just to make us angry

"Mr. Shaw, you are the richest man in the world. Although the strength of the Anderson family is several times stronger than ours, it belongs to their whole family. It is not the personal property of this Apollo Anderson. It's really unreasonable of him to hang us up so deliberately. I don't think we need to talk to him any more. Recently, the stock price of stell network company is soaring. We can wait a little longer, and there may be better buyers. "

This time, Xiao Yunhai and Kristi came to this cafe to discuss with Apollo Anderson, the first successor of the Anderson family, about the 24.2% share of STEL network company.

a few days ago, Kristi sent the news to the outside world, which immediately attracted the attention of many rich people. More than 30 people contacted Kristi.

There are even members of the Bessie family who want to fish in troubled waters and get these shares.

Unfortunately, Christie is no one she doesn't know, no rich or company with a name in the economic world.

After careful screening, Christie found three rich people who were both capable and impossible to cooperate with Miss Bessie. The first choice was this Apollo Anderson.

The contradiction between Anderson and Bessie family has a long history, not only in the business sector, but also in the political and military circles.

Therefore, selling shares to the Anderson family is undoubtedly the safest, but I didn't expect this young master to be so unreliable.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "No. You see, isn't that coming? "

Christie looked around and saw a young man with sunglasses and a smile coming up. Behind him were four strong bodyguards, all of whom seemed to have guns in their waists.

Xiao Yunhai secretly said that these young masters and ladies of the big family are also very poor.

In order to fight for property, they have to pay special attention to life safety, for fear that they will die in the hands of their brothers and sisters. Xiao Yunhai estimates that even if they sleep, they will have to open their eyes.Although Apollo Anderson's identity is not ordinary, Kristi still did not give him a good face, said bluntly: "Mr. Anderson, if you are not interested in STEL network, please do not come to amuse us. Our appointment was ten o'clock, but you were fifteen minutes late. It doesn't matter to me, but Mr. Xiao is very busy and doesn't have much time to wait for you here. "

Apollo Anderson, with an apologetic look on his face, said, "Miss Christie, please don't be angry. I didn't mean to be late. There was an urgent delay. I sincerely apologize to you, Mr. Xiao. "

With that, Apollo Anderson bowed slightly to Xiao Yunhai.

Even Xiao Yunhai didn't expect that the successor of the Anderson family would be such a gentleman. He thought that the other party was an ignorant but arrogant person. It seemed that he was wrong.

It is also true that since the Anderson family has been able to stand for hundreds of years, there must be a scientific way to choose successors. It is impossible to have an incompetent successor, or they will not be able to pass on to today.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Anderson's words are heavy. Please have a seat."

Apollo Anderson politely said thank you, and then sat opposite Xiao Yunhai, with a straight upper body and a smile on his face.

Xiao Yunhai secretly said: "this is the real aristocrat. However, if you let yourself follow the noble etiquette like him, you might as well die. "

Xiao Yunhai ordered a cup of coffee for him and said, "Mr. Anderson, may I ask why you are interested in stell network company?"

"To tell you the truth, I'm not interested in STEL networks, I'm interested in Miss Winnie Bessie," said Apollo Anderson

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and asked, "do you like her?"

Anderson shook his head and said, "of course not. Let's say that we have been fighting with the Bessie family in America for hundreds of years, and we will try our best to understand every member of them. In the Bessie generation, what I value most is this winnissa Bessie. She has the means, the courage, the action is vigorous, and does not stick to the Convention, quite has her grandfather's style. If it wasn't for being a woman, I'm afraid she would have been the first heir. This time, she suddenly became a shareholder of stern networks, with the aim of driving David Stern away and taking the position of President himself. I suspect it's a test of her family. Of course, I can't let her succeed in such a powerful person. So when I learned that Mr. Shaw was going to sell shares in stell networks, I had Ms. Kristi contacted. "

After listening to his words, Xiao Yunhai's heart suddenly rose a burst of waves, can't help but ask: "you are so calculating all day, don't you feel tired?"

Anderson was stunned at the smell of the speech. Obviously, he didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai would suddenly have such a problem. After a long time, he sighed: "tired. Who likes to fight with people every day, who doesn't want to spend life easily. But we have no choice. Since we were born in this big family, we have to pay the price for it while having wealth and status. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the price is too high. If it was me, I would rather set up my own house and not be the successor. "

Anderson said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, some things are easy to say, but they are more difficult to do than to go to heaven."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "you are right. Hehe, we seem to have a long conversation. Let's get to the point. How much are you going to pay for my shares? Now, the market value of stell network company seems to be growing rapidly because of the Bessie family

Anderson said, "I know. Mr. Xiao, I can buy you 15% of your shares at a 30% premium. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "don't you plan to buy them all?"

Anderson said with a smile: "I bought the shares just to stop Vanessa Bessie from taking over the whole of stell networks. Now David Stern holds 38 percent of the shares, and as long as I own more than 12 percent, I can guarantee that he won't be ousted by Vanessa Bessie. Therefore, I don't need to buy all of your shares. Please agree. "

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, his brain turned quickly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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