Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:17 AM

Chapter 143

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When Xiao Yunhai heard Su Yingxue's words, his face softened a little and said with a smile: "don't worry, sister Xue, I'm ok. I just thought about some things. I was fascinated. Sister Xue, what do you think Zhang will do to teacher Yue? "

"At most, it's a review. What else? Is it impossible to expel a top musician like Yue Changting. If that's the case, other music companies will have to come crazy to sign him up. Mr. Zhang is not so confused. Don't worry. Mr. Yue has to write more than ten reviews a year. All of them are disrespectful to their leaders. It's just that he didn't expect to make so much noise this time. "

"With Mr. Yue's temper, does he really write a review?"

Su Yingxue rolled her eyes and said, "are you kidding. Even if you kill him, he can't write. It's all written by Wang Lin. In fact, the leaders know all these things, but they pretend to be ignorant of them. They can also be regarded as finding a step for themselves. You'd better concentrate on your album. We don't need to worry about Mr. Yue. Well, I hope everything goes well next

The next morning, Xiao Yunhai called Yue Changting and asked about the situation. Yue Changting told him that it was all right and that everything had been settled. Xiao Yunhai put his heart down and put himself into the shooting of the album MV.

Lin Yuying returns to the office and sits on Cao Huaqiang's leg, letting Cao Huaqiang's hand reach into his own nurse's clothes.

"Brother Qiang, do you agree or not? You're the boss in charge of the film and Television Department. You can't even do this. "

Cao Huaqiang ha ha ha a smile, while rubbing in front of the full beauty, while saying: "this is just a small thing. Wait a moment, I'll call Lu Pengfei and ask him to bring someone back and concentrate on making a single MV for you. I don't understand how this new man named Xiao Yunhai offended you. You should be allowed to deal with him like this. "

A trace of hatred flashed on Lin Yuying's face: "he humiliated me in the audience. Of course, I want to make him look good. If you don't give him a lesson, those younger generation will not have to climb on my head. Anyway, brother Qiang, you have to help me with this matter anyway. "

Cao Huaqiang raised his eyebrows and said, "don't worry, it's OK. By the way, my wife is not at home tonight. Come and have a good chat. "

Lin Yuying said in a coquettish way, "but there is an activity to be attended by others."

"Then cancel the event." Cao Huaqiang's words are very domineering, his mouth playfully said: "how? Little darling, wings hard, want to fly. I used to see you several times a month, but now every time I call you, you say something is wrong. It makes me very unhappy

Lin Yuying said in a soft voice: "look at what you said, as if I deliberately hide from you. You don't know how busy a line of red stars are. This advertisement and that activity can kill me all day long. OK. I'll cancel the event tonight and I'll come to you. Are you happy? "

"That's about it." Cao Huaqiang laughed and asked her to get up. In front of her, he called Lu Pengfei, saying that the company had an important task and asked him to bring people back quickly.

Lin Yuying was satisfied with this. She gave Cao Huaqiang a smile and said, "brother Qiang, thank you. I'll be at your house on time in the evening

Cao Huaqiang nodded, got up and slapped Lin Yuying's buttocks: "you little goblin, how can I kill you tonight? I'll wear you a stewardess dress, ha ha. "

After Lin Yuying went out, the lust in Cao Huaqiang's eyes quickly disappeared. He snorted and said, "it's beyond my control to rely on your rotten goods. Xiao Yunhai? It seems that this boy has offended a lot of people. Xia Chengfeng asked me for help, and Lin Yuying asked me to ask him for trouble. This new man is really interesting

In the studio, Lu Pengfei put down the phone, his brow was tight and his face was gloomy, and he was about to drip water.

He pulled Xiao Yunhai aside and asked, "Yunhai, have you offended Cao Huaqiang, general manager Cao?"

After more than half a month's shooting, they are very familiar with each other, and they match each other as brothers.

LV Pengfei is very optimistic about Xiao Yunhai's album. He has listened to all the songs in it. He thinks that it is very possible to win the first World War. Therefore, he takes it very seriously and regards it as his own work to make a comeback.

But watching Xiao Yunhai's five songs, MV is about to be finished. Suddenly, he received the order of Cao Zong to let him leave, which made LV Pengfei very dissatisfied.

"Cao Huaqiang?" Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I have never been in contact with him. Lugo, is something wrong

Lu Pengfei nodded and said, "I just received a call from Mr. Cao and asked me to take the crew back to the company."

"What?" Xiao Yunhai said in surprise.

It's really a wave of ups and downs, vice president Zhang's matter has just been solved, and now there is a vice president Cao.

Well, there are only three vice presidents in the company. When two of them find the door, there is only one deputy general manager in charge of logistics. If he comes again, that's all.Oh, this album is really a disaster.

"Lui Ge, I want to ask you something. Is Lin Yuying always related to Cao? I offended Lin Yuying the other day. "

"Lin Yuying?" LV Pengfei looked at Xiao Yunhai in surprise. Seeing that there was no one around, he approached his ear and said in a low voice, "Lin Yuying was promoted by Cao Huaqiang himself. Some people have seen them go in and out of the same hotel with their own eyes."

"I'll see, then, that it's cutting through the bottom. It must be Lin Yuying who made a stumbling block for me in the back. Lugo, take your brothers first. You can't get involved in me. "

Lu Pengfei said in a hurry: "how can I do that? It's not easy to shoot most of the ten years. How can we give up halfway. Whatever it is, let's hurry up and try to finish shooting "ten years" tomorrow afternoon. "

Xiao Yunhai listened and worried and said, "how can you explain to Mr. Cao in this way?"

"Whatever it is, let's give him a cut first and then a play. As for later, we'll talk about it later. Anyway, I'm tired of it. I'm going to be an assistant director of TV series. I believe that with my level, the deputy director certainly has no problem Lu Pengfei said boldly.

Xiao Yunhai nodded gratefully and said sincerely, "brother Lu, thank you. You can rest assured that if President Cao really opened you up, I will give you a better future. At the beginning of next year, I will shoot my first large-scale ancient costume drama "Legend of Zhen Huan", and then I will invite you to be the deputy director. "

"Legend of Zhen Huan" is Xiao Yunhai's sudden idea after he wrote "Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu".

During the shooting of "step by step, Xiao Yunhai, in addition to acting, stayed on the set to learn from Chen Qingqing.

Chen Qingqing is also good-natured. No matter what Xiao Yunhai asked, Chen Qingqing was patient to give him answers, so Xiao Yunhai's director level improved very quickly. Sometimes, even Chen Qingqing would ask Xiao Yunhai for advice when he encountered a problem.

It can be seen that Xiao Yunhai has already had the ability to guide films and TV plays independently.

Of course, there is a more important reason.

That is, "Legend of Zhen Huan" and "step by step startle" are almost the same. They are both part of the Qing Dynasty, mainly the part of the palace fight, and there is no big scene. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai made up his mind.

Now, one-third of the script of the legend of Zhen Huan has been written, and the rest is expected to be completed in half a month.

"Really?" Lu Pengfei said in surprise.

It has been his dream for several years to return to the TV drama industry. Unfortunately, heroes are useless. Now, he is very happy to get Xiao Yunhai's promise.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and continued: "in fact, I've watched the two TV dramas you've made these days. There's no problem with the quality. But your luck is not so good? I ran into two phenomenal TV series in a row. I feel sorry for you that you can only do the work of killing pigs. Lugo, get ready. If there is no accident, the crew will start to form in April next year. I'll let you know

Lu Pengfei nodded excitedly and said, "Yunhai, with your words, I will follow you. Hey, I guess Lin Yuying is a miscalculation this time. I'm afraid she didn't expect that we would shoot all the MV so soon, thanks to your amazing acting skills. Ah, unfortunately, if the heroine in the album is a little awesome, I'm afraid we can finish yesterday. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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