Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:42 AM

Chapter 1431

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Out of the cafe, Xiao Yunhai and Christie went straight to the headquarters of general pictures.

Christie said, "Mr. Shaw, this Mr. Apollo Anderson is not a simple character. I suspect that the oil mine should be his own, not a joint property of the Anderson family. Otherwise, he would not have sold it so easily

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "to be the first inheritor of hundreds of families is naturally a person of outstanding talent and intelligence. It doesn't matter. We didn't lose anyway. "

Christie nodded and said, "yes. We paid 340 billion dollars to buy 25% of stell. Fifteen percent of the $250 billion stake is basically unprofitable. In this way, we are equivalent to an extra large oil field. Although only 20% of the shares, but the value is immeasurable. I think we can make at least 500 billion dollars in ten years. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is not more than the company of stell network to earn more."

The two were chatting and laughing in the car. After a while, they arrived at the general film headquarters.

Yazhou electronic technology company Xia Fujun and his staff have been here for several days. Last night, all the relevant details have been settled. Xiao Yunhai came here just to sign the contract.

Seeing dawton Welch and Xia Fujun and others, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you can sign the contract directly. I can't use it."

"Don't you say there's going to be a press conference for cyclone Garcia?" laughs dawton Welch

Xiao Yunhai patted his forehead and said, "look at my brain. I'm so busy that I forget about it."

Xia Fujun said: "Mr. Welch has informed the media that a media conference will be held in a five-star hotel at two o'clock this afternoon. At that time, your name on the agreement bookmark will be completed."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "good."

After lunch, Xiao Yunhai and DaoDun Welch came to the meeting hall with their own staff.

At this time, dozens of media reporters stood in their positions early, and cameras and cameras were in full force. As soon as Xiao Yunhai and Welch appeared, the shutter sound crackled, and the eyes of those who flashed flashlights were dazzled.

After the reporters shook hands, the reporters signed and answered their names.

"Mr. Welch, it seems that your general motors company has never sold mobile phones, computers and other products before. Why do you want to cooperate with Mr. Xiao's Yazhou electronic technology company this time?"

Doughton Welch shook the rice grain mobile phone in his hand and said: "because the rice grain mobile phones and tablets produced by Yazhou electronic technology company are very excellent, I used it for almost a month, and the performance is excellent. It is the best mobile phone I have ever used. Moreover, this series has become popular in China, with more than 50 million mobile phones and 25 million tablet computers. We have every reason to believe that they will also be popular in Europe and the United States. GM always makes money and does what it does. Naturally, we will not let go of such a good business. "

"Mr. Welch, do you mean Yazhou's rice products are much better than whirlwind?" "I didn't say that. However, I have used whirlwind mobile phone before. I feel that rice grain mobile phone is much better in terms of shape, feel and performance. Later, I learned that the original rice grain mobile phone used a new universal system, which was 30% better than all the systems on the market. "

"Wow, it's a third better. That's good."

"It's no wonder that whirlwind has not been able to compete with rice grains in China. The gap is too big."

"Welch said that, which was the biggest blow to the whirlwind. It seems that he is ready to compete with the whirlwind. "

The reporters were whispering.

A female reporter asked Xiao Yunhai, "Mr. Xiao, are you suddenly cooperating with GM this time to retaliate against the whirlwind? Because we all know that it is they who support the two founders of storm game company to leave, which makes more than 180 employees of storm change jobs. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "this beauty thinks too much. I cooperate with GM because I want to make money, and GM also wants to make money. How could it be to retaliate against others. You know, it's a business of hundreds of billions of dollars. It's not a joke. It's impossible to get angry. "

"Hundreds of billions of dollars? Does Mr. Xiao mean that rice grain electronic products can be sold for hundreds of billions of dollars in Europe and the United States? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. Both GM and Yazhou are confident of making rice bigger and stronger, and believe that they will be loved by European and American friends. Because our mobile phones and tablets are the best electronics today. "

What about the whirlwind

Xiao Yunhai didn't think about it, so he said, "whirlwind is not good. Their system is not as good as our universal system, and the shell of our mobile phone is curved design, which is the first in the world, and it feels very comfortable. If you don't believe it, you can have a good feel after our products come into the market. "Anyway, Xiao Yunhai is not as polite to whirlwind as doyton Welch.

"Mr. Xiao, I heard that two heads of storm games company had set up a new company on Wall Street in New York. What do you think of this?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I respect their choice. Both Shermer and Matthew are excellent game designers, and they are not very old. It is normal that they want to go out and make a career with their own efforts. A lot of people on the Internet are saying that I hate them to the bone. I can assure you that this is nonsense. I am grateful to them for their great contributions to the company in the R & D and operation of world of Warcraft. It's not just them. If storm game company has employees who want to go out and fight in the future, I will never stop them. I hope they can make their own sky outside. "

"Mr. Xiao, are you sincere? It sounds a bit fake. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "every word is true. I still have such a mind. Well, let's talk about the storm game company. Today is our Yazhou and GM's press conference. Don't ask any other irrelevant questions. "

"Mr. Xiao, do you think..."

half an hour later, the press conference is over.

Xiao Yunhai said to Xia Fujun, "general manager Xia, the next thing is up to you. Whether we can surpass the whirlwind depends on the sales in Europe and America. "

Xia Fujun nodded and said, "don't worry, Mr. Xiao. I'll cooperate with Mr. Welch."

After chatting with doton Welch for a while, Xiao Yunhai returned to the villa.

The cooperation between Huaxia Yazhou electronic technology company and general motors company soon spread all over the world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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