Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:41 AM

Chapter 1432

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Max Garcia, President of whirlwind electronics headquarters on Wall Street, looks gloomy after watching the video.

He had long anticipated that Yazhou electronic technology company would march into Europe and the United States. He had sent people to inquire about it. He learned that they had formulated the strategy of attacking China first, then Asia, and finally coming to Europe and the United States. He was a little relieved.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yunhai suddenly started cooperation with GM without any sign, and still built factories directly in Europe and America, which made Max Garcia feel deeply uneasy.

Because he is very clear about the gap between his own whirlwind electronic products and the other party, otherwise, he would not have planned to purchase Yazhou at the beginning.

At this moment, he felt deeply regret that he should not have provoked the storm game company.

Taking a deep breath, Max Garcia called R & D and asked, "do you have a clue about your research? We have to develop a system that can compete with everything as soon as possible. Otherwise, we'll have to knock it out. "

"Have you got a clue? Good. How much research and development costs are needed and how many scientific and technological talents need to be assembled. I will provide you with whatever you say. "

"Well, that's it."

Hearing the good news from the R & D department, Max Garcia's face was slightly relaxed and said, "absolutely not

can make Kung Fu Xiao better. Didn't he pretend to be generous? Well, I'll send you an invitation to join the star meteor game company. I'll see if you can't find it. "

Star meteor game company is a new company founded by Xie Mo, who resigned from storm game company. It will be officially listed at 10 a.m. the day after tomorrow. Although Max Garcia has only 30% of the shares, he still attaches great importance to it.

Because this is his personal investment, all the shares belong to him, and whirlwind electronics company has nothing to do with it.

If Shermer and others can develop a game like world of Warcraft, his daily income will exceed 100 million, which is more than that of whirlwind.

Therefore, in order to make it famous, Max Garcia invited the owners and stars of many famous Wall Street companies to attend the inaugural reception of star game company on the morning of January 15.

Xiao Yunhai is coming to New York soon. Garcia hit him in the face with a meteorite.

As soon as he thought of it, Max Garcia asked people to make an invitation to invite Xiao Yunhai and his wife to the reception.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing flew to New York in the afternoon after attending the conference.

Before leaving the New York airport, Xiao Yunhai saw dozens of media gathered outside.

Xiao Yunhai said in surprise: "wife, this is a big trouble, we seem to have been caught by reporters."

Zhao Wanqing said, "how do they know we arrived today, husband? What should we do now?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said with a bitter smile, "what else can I do. Since we can't get out, we have to break in. "

Fortunately, they came here with more than ten bodyguards, or they would have to be eaten by reporters.

Just as they were about to face the reporters, a man with sunglasses and powerful air passed by them, followed by a large group of assistants and bodyguards. It seemed that he was a star.

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, light Yi a, way: "the reporter outside does not seem to be waiting for us?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "yes. The last one was paramount's new rising artist, Billy quille. Not long ago, he made a film called "my heart flies". It is estimated that he came to New York to promote it. "

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "wife, how do you know so clearly?"

Zhao Wanqing showed her eyebrows and said, "I can't help it. Who makes people handsome. Take a look and I'll remember

Xiao Yunhai cut a, disdainful said: "this boy's style is not small, can I be handsome? Even if it's similar to me, can you have my kung fu? "

Speaking of this, Xiao Yunhai reached Zhao Wanqing's ear and whispered, "especially in bed."

Zhao Wanqing's face suddenly blushed with shame. She twisted Xiao Yunhai's arm and scolded, "you stinky rascal."

Two people make a laugh, suddenly heard a shrill cry outside the airport.

"Billy, I love you."

"Billy, you are the best."

Apparently Billy quailer was outside the airport, and fans were screaming excitedly.

Xiao Yunhai had a smile on his face and said, "let's go. With this new star as a shield outside, we can rest assured. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded, took Xiao Yunhai's arm and went out.

There are only two bodyguards nearby. The other bodyguards are about 10 meters away from them, which is also an arrangement to minimize people's attention.

Out of the airport exit, Xiao Yunhai saw that Billy quille was surrounded by reporters, the long gun short barrel almost stabbed him in the mouth.

Although the other party is in the interview, but did not take down the sunglasses, put on a cool look, seems to enjoy the feeling under the spotlight.Xiao Yunhai smiles and then prepares to leave with Zhao Wanqing.

Who knows, a loud voice suddenly called out.

"Look, that's Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao. They're in New York."

A young reporter, who was not tall enough to interview Billy quailer, accidentally saw Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. He was excited and called out.

In a flash, all the reporters looked at the exit.

When they found out that it was really Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, the reporters in front of Billy quailer disappeared instantly and all went to interview Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing.

And his fans put up the welcome signs and rushed to the two.

"Go for your autograph. It's Kung Fu Xiao and goddess Zhao."

"I didn't expect them to arrive in New York quietly. I was lucky."

The appearance of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing made Billy quille's eyes empty. Even those fans who paid for it ran to the other side, leaving him messy in the wind.

Billy quailer took off his sunglasses, showed a pair of gloomy eyes, and said bitterly, "are they deliberately dismantling my platform? That's ridiculous. "

On hearing this, the agent next to him was secretly happy: "I don't want to see what kind of goods I am. Can I compare with others? Don't say you are a first-line star of two years, even if it's the movie queen, they are not necessarily in the eyes of others. You can't have that spare time. You can't tell me. "

This Billy quailer has a bad temper and a little moody. Both his agent and his assistant are scolded by him.

If it had not been for his close relationship with Franklin, Paramount's boss, these people would have left long ago. Who would have been so cowardly.

Seeing that he was unintentionally humiliated by Xiao Yunhai and his wife, although their faces were filled with indignation, their hearts were already full of joy.

Billy quailer coldly looked at Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing for a full minute, this just pulled this face to leave.

He knew that his wealth, fame and influence were so different from Xiao Yunhai. If other stars, with his temper, really want to touch each other forward, but in the face of Xiao Yunhai, even if they give him the courage of ambition, they dare not go to Xiao Yunhai's trouble.

Xiao Yunhai is he et al. As soon as the other party's cold eyes are put on his body, they immediately feel it. They just look at each other with the rest of their eyes, but they don't care.

The other side is just a little star who has just made a name. He is not qualified to put it in his heart.

"Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao, your concert in Los Angeles was a great success. What's different about this visit to New York? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you go to have a look, don't you know?"

"Do you have any new songs to show up at the concert?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, but very few. You have to understand that after a musician has written more than ten new songs, if he can still write more than ten new songs in a few days, it is simply God. I'm just an ordinary person with limited brain capacity. I really don't have that ability. "

"Mr. Xiao, I don't know which one you support most in the presidential election of the United States?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned. Obviously, he did not expect that this reporter should ask such a question: "the choice of the president of the United States should be in the hands of all the American people. I am not an American, and I have no right to interfere, and I dare not interfere. "

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, our husband and wife are really tired, and we are not in the mood for an interview. Sorry, we're going back to the hotel to rest. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, escorted by bodyguards, passed through the press group.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing looked at each other and walked to the fans at the same time when they saw the fans holding their autographs and shouting their names there.

After signing dozens of names and taking photos with many fans, the two just took the host's car and stayed in the hotel.

After taking a hot bath, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing fell asleep. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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