Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:38 AM

Chapter 1434

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Xiao Yunhai was naturally clear about his mind. With a faint smile on his face, he said, "thank you very much for your praise. Ah, besides making money, those of us who do boss don't want their subordinates to get better and better. The higher their achievements, the happier we are naturally. Since then, they have made great achievements, and we also have light on our faces. Shermer and Matthew are two very good young people. They want to start a business on their own. I support them very much. It's just that the two of them have enough ability, but their experience in the market is still a little insufficient. It is said that Mr. Garcia is also a shareholder of star meteor game company. At that time, we must give them a good help. "

Xiao Yunhai's words are not only appropriate, but also regard Xie Mo and Matthew as his own people, which shows his atmosphere and mind.

One CEO on Wall Street sighed, "great. No wonder that Mr. Xiao became the richest man in the world in his twenties. With what he just said, people felt his mind of embracing all rivers. Mr Garcia seems to be a bit of a chicken in comparison with him

The boss next to him nodded and said, "yes. I thought that Mr. Xiao would be cruel to his two traitors, but I didn't expect that on the contrary, there was a kind of kindness in and out of people's words. If this is his real idea, Mr. Xiao's courage is really admirable. If everything is performed by him, then his city hall is really frightening. "

It's not easy for the people here to break out in the cannibalism of Wall Street. The people's eyes are very spicy.

Only through a few words, it will be a person's analysis of eight to ten, really very powerful.

Max Garcia chuckled: "I believe meteorite will succeed. At that time, please support Mr. Xiao a lot. "

He is feeling very bad now, as if his all-out punch, hit a virtual force cotton, not only did not hurt the other party, but also hurt himself.

Although he had a smile on his face, his heart was full of anger.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "my people, of course I will support."

With that, he took up a glass of red wine, touched Max Garcia, and said with an extremely sincere look, "I sincerely hope that Starfall game company will be popular all over the world."

Resisting nausea, Max Garcia said thank you, lifted his neck, and drank a drop of the red wine from his glass.

"I'm sorry. I'll take care of the others."

After drinking, Max Garcia barely smiles and leaves.

Xiao Yunhai whispered in Zhao Wanqing's ear: "if you have tolerance, you will be strong if you have no desire. What the ancestors said was too correct. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "I think the whirlwind president was not very good when he left. I guess you're going to burst your stomach. "

At this time, from the storm game company job hopping in front of Xiao Yunhai, said: "Mr. Xiao, we come again to apologize to you."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "you didn't have to apologize. On the contrary, I want to thank you. Because without you, there would be no world of Warcraft. What I just said is from the heart, not superficial. If there is any difficulty after the meteorite, please come to me. Come on, guys. "

Several people listen to tears are about to flow out, a red eye, said: "Mr. Xiao, thank you."

Xiao Yunhai touched them with his glass and said in a low voice, "you can help Xie Mo and Matthew in the future

pay attention to Garcia, and don't let Xingxiao become his company in the end."

Several people nodded at the same time.

Next, Xiao Yunhai became the focus of the audience, surrounded by people.

He has no business on Wall Street and can't come twice a year. People are very curious about him and come to talk to him.

Xiao Yunhai gave full play to his communicative ability and had a good laugh with everyone. His witty and humorous speech made people feel good about him and made them laugh from time to time.

In the distance, David Steele narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "how about max? Not easy to deal with? "

Garcia nodded and said, "I didn't expect him to be so young and the city hall to be so deep. Not only did not get angry, on the contrary, he took a step back and played himself as a broad-minded man. It's really amazing. "

David Stern said: "but everyone has his weaknesses. Kung Fu Xiao is almost impeccable in every aspect, but only the beautiful Miss Zhao is his weakness. Therefore, if you want to defeat Kung Fu Xiao, I'm afraid you have to start with Miss Zhao. "

As soon as David Stern's voice fell, Xiao Yunhai in the crowd felt uncomfortable. He glanced around and saw David Steele. Xiao Yunhai confessed his guilt to the people and came to him.

"It's only been a week, Mr. stern, and we've met again. I don't know how the company is doing recently? Did that Miss Bessie give you no trouble? " Xiao Yunhai said with a smile.

David Stern said: "the company is doing well. Mr. Xiao, I want to thank you for not selling the shares to that Miss Bessie. "Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "Mr. stern, you should really thank me. Miss Bessie wanted to buy my shares at a 50% premium, and I almost fell in love. Once I agree, Mr. stern, how long do you think you'll be able to hold the presidency? "

David Stern said, "Mr. Shaw, I'm afraid you're doing it for your own sake."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. To me, your threat to me is far less than that of the Bessie family, so I didn't sell it to them

David Stern narrowed his eyes slightly and asked tentatively, "Mr. Shaw, have you ever been in contact with the Anderson family? You don't want to sell them shares, do you? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "you don't have to worry about Mr. stern. However, you can rest assured that I will make your position as president secure. Hehe, it's really funny. I wanted to pull you off my horse, but now I have to consider it for you. It's really changeable. "

David Stern said, "wouldn't it be better if you sold me the shares."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "that's not good. It's not a good thing for me that you're too secure and nobody on the board can compete with you. "

There was a trace of appreciation in David Stern's eyes. Even as an enemy, he had to admire Xiao Yunhai. He sighed, "the biggest mistake Hanks has made is that he shouldn't take the initiative to provoke you."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. stell flattered me. In order to prepare you in advance, I'll tell you the truth. Next, stern networks is likely to have a successor to the Anderson family. Well, two of America's most powerful families are together, Mr. stern. You can do it yourself. "

Xiao Yunhai then left.

David Stern frowned and said, "the days ahead will be wonderful." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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