Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:36 AM

Chapter 1435

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No matter what occasion, there will always be many circles, and what kind of identity will be in what kind of circle.

It's just like in today's cocktail party, Hollywood stars are a group, Wall Street owners are a group, and finally, a few better bosses, such as David Stern and Max Garcia, are in a group.

In addition, there are numerous small groups in the big circle, where people chat in groups.

Zhao Wanqing, the wife of the richest man in the world and the boss of Marvel Comics company, is also a superstar. No one dares to be disrespectful to her in any circle.

When Xiao Yunhai was talking to those bosses, Zhao Wanqing also came to the star circle and had a good talk with several female stars in Hollywood.

Not far away are a few male stars above the line, all slender, temperament extraordinary, looks more and more handsome, including the Billy quailer.

He was a mediocre drinker. He seemed to have drunk too much, and he swayed around gently.

A star looked at Zhao Wanqing, who was smiling and smiling, and sighed, "Miss Zhao is really beautiful. I've met a lot of stars, but I've met Miss Zhao in terms of appearance. It's no wonder fans call them goddess

"Nonsense, Mr. Xiao is the richest man in the world. Can his wife be beautiful? I said, ladies and gentlemen, who dares to offer Miss Zhao a drink? " A young star said.

People, look at me, I look at you, no one dares to cross.

I'm kidding. I'm far away from the identity of others. If I give you face, I'll just say two words to you. If I don't give you face, it's really embarrassing.

Because of what happened at the airport, Billy quille was dissatisfied with Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing in his heart. Now he drinks too much wine, and his brain is a little disoriented.

"If you look like a bear, why don't you just go for a drink? There's nothing to be afraid of. "

Everyone was not happy to hear what he said.

There is humanity: "you are good, you go."

Billy quailer said, "I'll go. I'll go."

Billy quailer has a good relationship with Franklin, has his own small temper in the company and circle, and his interpersonal relationship is very ordinary.

Seeing him staggering towards Zhao Wanqing with his wine in his hand, there was no one to persuade him. They were all waiting to see the joke.

Zhao Wanqing is chatting with the Oscar winning actress Alisa Anne, but doesn't see Billy Queller.

Eliza Anne touched her and said, "Zhao, Mr. Queller from Paramount Pictures seems to be coming towards you. It seems like I want to have a drink with you

Zhao Wanqing looked at him and frowned slightly, saying, "but I don't know him."

Eliza Anne said, "I think he's a little drunk. You have to be careful. This man is famous for his short temper in the circle. You'd better ask Mr. Xiao to come. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "no need."

Zhao Wanqing practiced the eight trigrams palm to the level of Ming Jin. Although she lacked experience in fighting, she was more than enough to deal with a person who did not know kung fu.

Soon, Billy Queller came to Zhao Wanqing, drunk and said, "Miss Zhao, can I have a drink with you?"

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "of course."

He took a glass of red wine from the waiter, touched Billy quailer and sipped it gently, who drank the whole glass.

Seeing that the wine in Zhao Wanqing's glass didn't seem to move, Billy quailer couldn't hold his face any more. He said discontentedly, "Miss Zhao, you don't have to give me face."

Zhao Wanqing didn't want to see a drunkard and said, "I'm sorry, I can't drink too much."

Next to Eliza Anne said: "queler, Miss Zhao has a drink with you. It's very good. You don't have to worry about other issues. Let's go, Zhao. I'll introduce you to some other Hollywood actresses. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and was about to turn around and leave when she suddenly felt her arm held by a hand.

"Miss Zhao, I came here with good intentions to propose a toast. You can't treat me like that." Billy quailer said with a red face.

Zhao Wanqing's arm shook and broke away from his hand. He said angrily, "you show me some respect. It's my freedom to drink as much as I can. I didn't ask you to toast. "

Zhao Wanqing's voice was a little loud, which immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

Hearing his wife's voice, Xiao Yunhai hurriedly came to the front and asked, "what's the matter?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "he is drunk and making trouble."

Xiao Yunhai's face sank, and his eyes were like swords staring at Billy quille's eyes and saying, "I don't care if you are really drunk or pretending to be drunk, you'd better stay away from my wife. Otherwise, I don't mind giving you more memory. "

Billy quelleben was very dissatisfied with the Xiao Yunhai couple's snatching the limelight from him at the airport. After being drunk, this dissatisfaction was magnified to the limit and said, "why. I came to offer Miss Zhao wine. She only sipped it lightly, which is too contemptuous. Kung Fu Xiao, people are afraid of you, but I'm not afraid. "When Xiao Yunhai heard him speak, his tongue was tied, and he could not help shaking his head and laughing: "if the wine is poor, you should drink less wine, so as not to be disgraced in public. Wife, forget it. This man is completely drunk. There is no need to pester him

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "I wanted to go, but he dragged me hard."

They wanted to be quiet, but Billy quille was more aggressive and said, "stop. Well, what's so great about you. To put it bluntly, I was not an artist at the beginning, and I didn't know how many rich people had taken care of them. Who doesn't know about that in the entertainment industry. Now it's developed. I'll pretend to be noble here. I'm sorry... "

just after the words were finished, Billy Quiller felt that his neck was tight, and he had a heavy blow on his abdomen. Then, he vomited all the wine and food he drank, and the smell was terrible.

Xiao Yunhai is the natural one.

His face was gloomy and frightening. He put Billy Queller on the ground with one foot and said coldly, "there is a saying in China that disaster comes from the mouth. Quailer, you are so brave to slander us here. I hear you're Paramount's new star. Good. From now on, you're not

Billy quailer drank the wine in his stomach and was beaten out by Xiao Yunhai. When he heard Xiao Yunhai's words, he said, "by what?"

Xiao Yunhai said coldly: "I am the second largest shareholder of STEL network company, and paramount is just a subsidiary of it. Mr. stern, you won't object? "

David Stern, with a smile, said, "this man is disrespectful to Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao. That's disrespectful to our stern board of directors. I'll talk to paramount and kill him completely. From today on, he won't be on the screen. "

There is no way that David Stern supports Xiao Yunhai.

In such an occasion, if he does not give Xiao Yunhai face, it is likely to completely infuriate Xiao Yunhai.

If Xiao Yunhai was angry and sold his shares to the bass family, David Stern would be ruined.

With his understanding of Xiao Yunhai, it is not impossible for Xiao Yunhai to do such a thing.

Naturally, Billy quailer couldn't have known David Steele. He knew that he was paramount's real boss, and even Franklin, his backer, would listen to him.

I don't have any capital to compete with each other.

To get here, Billy quailer came to his senses in a cold sweat and said, "Mr. stern, I was just drunk and said something inappropriate. Please don't block me anyway."

David Stern said, "you shouldn't have asked me."

Billy quailer quickly turned to look at Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing and said, "Mr. Xiao, Miss Zhao, I'm confused after drinking. If the two adults don't remember the villains, let me go."

Xiao Yunhai snorted, without a trace of pity in his look. He said coldly, "if you say it, you can't take back the water that has been thrown out."

With that, Xiao Yunhai took Zhao Wanqing's hand and left.

Two bodyguards came to Billy Quiller and said, "Mr. Queller, please go out with us. You are no longer welcome here. "

Billy quailer was pulled out with a pale face.

Seeing his appearance, the stars who encouraged him all laughed happily.

"Let him feel great all day long, and now he is honest."

"Well, I don't know who I am. Miss Zhao's sip of wine has already given her a lot of face. It's so funny that he has to take an inch. "

"This Billy quailer is a spoiled fool. Hollywood probably won't have his place anymore. "

"It goes without saying. Kung Fu Xiao and David Steele join hands to kill them. Who dares to offend them and go to him for filming? Isn't that for death

Just like an episode, in the hearts of people did not cause half a ripple, after all, the gap between the two sides is too big. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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