Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:35 AM

Chapter 1436

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At twelve o'clock sharp, Shermer Moore and Matthew Gubler, who had been waiting outside for the guests, came in and stood directly on the stage to give a speech on the founding of Starfall.

Although they are not well-known on Wall Street, we all know that when storm games left, they became multibillion dollar tycoons. In addition, the world of Warcraft that everyone envies is the two of them, so no one dares to look down on them.

After the speech, there were warm applause.

Then, Max Garcia also appeared on the stage, mainly to say some congratulations on the establishment of meteorite game company and its great future.

To our surprise, he invited Xiao Yunhai to give a speech on the stage. All the people's eyes turned to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai drank the red wine in his glass, walked on the stage fearlessly and said with a smile: "although I didn't make any preparation in advance, I still want to thank Mr. Garcia for giving me such a chance to give a speech. To tell you the truth, I was very unhappy when I heard that Shermer, Matthew and Garcia cooperated to set up the star meteor game company. Why? Because they are the founders of our storm game company, but now they have left the storm and turned to the whirlwind flag. Do you think I can be happy as a boss? What a failure I had to make them run. Later, I heard that the meteorite was their own, not a whirlwind, and I was very happy. This shows that they left me not because I failed so much, but because they wanted to start their own business, to be their own boss and to work for themselves. So I'm very supportive

"Both of them are excellent young people with dreams, drive and ambition, which is normal. Having worked with them for such a long time, I fully recognize their ability. After all, there is a successful example, which is the world of Warcraft. So I have no doubt that they can still develop games like world of Warcraft. "

"Here, I would like to congratulate them on having their own star meteor game company, and I hope that Stardust will be a great success in the future development. At the same time, I want to tell them that if they encounter any difficulties that can not be solved in the future, just go to me and find storm game company. We will always be your most solid backing. I just hope that when you succeed, don't forget that you were once a member of the storm. Shermer, Matthew and more than 180 employees who came out of the storm have a bright future ahead of you. Come on. "

Xiao Yunhai's words won applause from the audience, and Shermer Moore and Matthew Cooper were moved to tears.

They went to the stage and hugged Xiao Yunhai fiercely.

Garcia, who originally wanted to disgrace Xiao Yunhai, saw the situation and said with a bitter smile: "I shouldn't have let him go to the stage. His means are really powerful. A few words brought Xie Mo and Matthew to his side, and at the same time, he won the praise of all the people. It's a terrible competitor indeed. "

David Stern nodded and said, "I have to admit that Xiao Yunhai is a genius. No, it should be a monster."

After the reception, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing did not return to the hotel, but went directly to the rehearsal.

So far, everything has been dealt with, and the two began to concentrate on preparing for the New York concert.

Franklin was on the phone at Paramount headquarters in Los Angeles, furious.

"Are you stupid? I wonder if you have a brain problem? Who is Kung Fu Xiao? Is that what you can challenge? If you go to drink with Miss Zhao, you don't see who you are. Don't say that she is the richest lady in the world. Even if she doesn't have this relationship, she is also an international queen. Hundreds of millions of fans can touch you with a cup, which has given you great face. You are not satisfied. You deserve to be banned. "

Billy quailer cried, "Ricky, I was drunk at the party. They are not kind enough to drink with me even though they know I don't have enough alcohol. I really didn't mean to. "

Franklin said angrily, "you can say it. What occasion was it? You dare to get drunk when there are so many bosses on Wall Street. You are looking for death. There's a big change going on in the board of directors, Billy. I'm telling you about the internal network. Xiao Yunhai is one of the most important figures. Don't say it's you and me. Even Mr. stern doesn't dare to offend him now, do you understand? "

Billy quailer asked, "Ricky, what should I do? I can't. I'll ask Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao's forgiveness. "

Franklin sneered, "do you think he will forgive you for provoking Mr. Xiao in front of so many people? Take a break for a while, until Mr. Shaw is no longer a shareholder in stell, and things on the board of directors are settled, then you will be able to pay. Billy, I warn you, your temper is so bad that you should change it. Otherwise, even if you come back, you won't go far. Well, if it's not for your sake that you are my relative, I don't care about you

In this way, poor Billy quailer was completely blocked by paramount, and his information was no longer available.In recent days, "King Kong" has attracted countless movie fans into the cinema with its high public praise. The fire is in a mess. After more than a week of screening, the box office has exceeded three billion dollars.

The day before yesterday, "King Kong" landed in Europe's major cinemas and continued to create miracles. In just two days, it won 800 million US dollars at the box office, which is better than that in North America. On the portals of major movie websites, fans have not scored 8.5 points for it.

Judging from the current situation, as long as there are no special circumstances, King Kong will break through 10 billion US dollars in the world.

However, it is not only Xiao Yunhai's and Marvel's films that can break 10 billion yuan today. Directors of other entertainment companies also don't have a dry meal. With 3D films, six directors have broken the box office of 10 billion yuan, completely breaking Marvel's monopoly.

To make it to the top 10 of the global box office, "King Kong" has to get more than $12 billion.

In this regard, Bickerman is very confident. For him, 12 billion dollars is no difficulty at all.

On January 18, Yunqing's world tour was held in the New York Museum of culture. It was more powerful than the Los Angeles concert.

In particular, Wall Street is located in New York City. Countless tycoons brought their families to watch. Two of them, who are worth more than 100 billion dollars, were so excited that they fainted.

According to statistics, a record number of 584 fans fainted at New York concerts. Four of them died of invalid rescue.

But his family didn't find Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing in trouble like those of Chinese fans, and their mood was very stable.

In the face of the reporter's interview, although it is difficult to hide the sadness, but did not say two people a bad word.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went to the hospital in person, bowed to the four fans who died, and gave each family a compensation of one million dollars.

Yunqing TV broadcast the concert live again, with a higher audience rating than that in Los Angeles.

Not only in Europe and the United States, but also at the strong request of fans, Huaxia Yunqing TV station also broadcast two concerts. The fans were very happy.

Numerous Chinese fans have called for the reopening of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing's concerts.

The Internet is full of posts from netizens.

"It's nothing that stars in your own family can't hold concerts in their own homes."

"It's too painful to be able to watch such a wonderful concert on the spot."

"Depressed. I spent twenty thousand dollars on a ticket to a New York concert. After watching it for less than half an hour, I fainted excitedly and almost didn't piss me off. But I just want to say one word, worth it. "

"It's so happy to envy my brother upstairs."

"Look at other American fans. Even if four people died and hundreds of people fainted, they still did not change their original intention. Look at us again. I'm ashamed. "

"Strongly urge the Ministry of culture to cancel the decision to ban Yunqing's concert."

"Support upstairs. I want to see the concert live. "

"Strong support."

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing have hundreds of millions of fans in China. Just like a big bundle of firewood, a little spark immediately ignited a big fire.

The Ministry of culture has suffered, and the server has been captured by the angry fans.

Liang Qianqiu did not dare to delay. He immediately called important leaders of the Ministry of culture to hold an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with the emergency.

Liang Qianqiu briefly introduced the situation and said: "because we restricted Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing to hold concerts, it led to the dissatisfaction of fans. Now it's just that there's something wrong with the server. What I'm worried about is that they will gather in Yanjing to protest. At that time, it is really out of control. What do you think we should do? "

Gong Bo, director of the film and Television Bureau, said directly: "at the beginning, I said that we could not ban Xiao Yunhai's and Zhao Wanqing's concerts, but no one listened. Now that things have come to this point, I think the order should be revoked immediately. "

After hearing this, Li Chengdong objected: "the Ministry of culture can't change so quickly. The reason why they were stopped at the beginning was that they died in their concert. I heard that in Los Angeles and New York concerts a few days ago, nearly a thousand people fainted and four died. I want to ask, is this still a concert? It's a life threatening meeting. "

Chen Yi nodded and said, "I fully agree with Vice Minister Li. Their concert is so terrible that we can't let them come to China. If something goes wrong, who can afford the responsibility. "

Gong Bo sneered and asked, "if tens of thousands of fans rush into Yanjing and cause more accidents or even political incidents, can you afford to bear this responsibility?"

Liang Qianqiu knocked on the table and said, "we are not going to discuss responsibility now, but to figure out how to deal with it properly. I just received a phone call from the general office of the government, saying that the chief executive attached great importance to this public opinion incident, and there was absolutely no group petition incident. I will report to the chief executive in a moment. Vice Minister Li and Vice Minister Chen, if they don't agree to cancel the order, give me a practical solution. "Li Chengdong and Chen Yixian looked at each other, and no one spoke.

Joking, don't say you can't do it at all. Even if you have it, you dare not say it.

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