Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:31 AM

Chapter 1439

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An hour later, Xiao Yunhai returned home.

Seeing two children playing there in the living room, Zhao Wanqing ran over and hugged them, kissing them on their faces, tears falling down.

I haven't seen you for such a long time, but I think Zhao Wanqing is a mess.

Xiao Yunhai did not want to see the two children in this period of time seems to be a circle of fat, his face can not help but smile.

"Mom, it's hard for you." Xiao Yunhai said.

Chen Xiuzhu waved her hand and said with a smile, "what's the trouble. It's much easier than raising you and ling'er at that time. "

"Yes," said Yan. At that time, we worked and looked after the children. Could we not work hard? "

After chatting for a while, the family went to lunch.

In the next few days, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing didn't go anywhere. They had been playing with their children at home.

That day, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Wang Guoan, asking him to attend the annual meeting of the Chinese artists Protection Association.

The artists Protection Association has been established for three years. Xiao Yunhai donates a lot of money every year to maintain its operation. After dealing with several cases of artists being oppressed by the company, few artists have complained to the association.

I'm kidding. The artists Protection Association has tens of thousands of members, from the third tier to the film emperor and then to the big directors. Once they are boycotted by them, let alone small and medium-sized entertainment companies, even big companies like Hanhai can't stand it.

Those companies that deal with them have disappeared from the entertainment industry. With their examples, naturally, there will be no boss who will do anything shady.

In the past three years, although Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing are members of the association, they have not yet attended a meeting.

Therefore, after President Wang Guoan called, Xiao Yunhai decided to attend without thinking.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing arrived at the appointed hotel. As soon as they got off the bus, they met Huang Peiqi, the film emperor.

They rushed up and said hello.

"Miss Huang, long time no see."

Huang Peiqi said with a smile, "what kind of wind has brought you two here?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "Mr. Huang, you are criticizing us."

Huang Paiqi waved his hand and said, "I'm kidding. Come on, let's go up. "

The three walked and chatted.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "teacher Huang, what kind of play have you been filming recently?"

Huang Peiqi shook his head and said with a wry smile, "I've been resting for half a year. There's no drama to look for me."

Zhao Wanqing was surprised and asked, "how can it be? With your acting skills, what can't be done? Miss Huang, are you too picky about the script

Huang Peiqi sighed and said, "today is different from the past. You two either hold concerts or shoot movies and TV series in Hollywood. It's not clear that China's film and television industry is very different from the past. Old guys like me, Lao Wang and Lao sun have rarely been asked to film with us. Now it's beauty, not acting. High looks, poor acting skills, ratings can't be low. But the appearance is low, the acting skill is good, the audience rating is also ordinary. "

Zhao Wanqing showed a slight frown and said, "how can this happen?"

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "it should be caused by the market."

Huang Peiqi nodded and said, "that's right."

The three people came to the conference room. There were more than 30 people sitting in the meeting room. Basically, they were old people like Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun and Zhang Hong. There were not many young artists, only Yu Yuexian, Deng Yue, Huang Bo, Chen Jie and Qin Yunyi.

Most of them are acquaintances of Xiao Yunhai. When they meet, they are naturally lively.

Yu Yuexian joked: "are the famous Mr. Xiao and Ms. Zhao free to attend our meeting? It's not easy. "

Huang Bo nodded and said, "yes. For three years in a row, I almost forgot that my third brother and sister-in-law are also members of the association. "

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Huang Bo and said, "well, you have a neck. Sister Yu says we're just fine. You dare to follow us. Do you think I don't have the rule of law? Wife, go back and tell Dad to put on more shoes for this boy. No good film will be connected to him, only for him to find that kind of open chest, naked breast and bare buttocks. Look at his dishonesty. "

Zhao Wanqing smiles, nods and says, "good."

Huang Bo, with a sad face, cried out, "third brother and third sister-in-law, you can't do this to me. I'm wrong. I shouldn't say that you haven't attended a meeting in three years, let alone that you have occupied a committee member in vain. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "good, you boy, you often talk about us behind our backs."

"Ha ha ha"

the crowd burst into laughter.

"You look very happy." A middle-aged man in his fifties and elegant appearance came in. It was Wang Tianming, whom Xiao Yunhai had not seen for a long time.

Since Wang Tianming played the role of the emperor of langyabang, he has quickly become a hot topic in the entertainment industry. However, at this time, Xiao Yunhai saw a trace of fatigue in his eyes.Wang Guoan asked, "Lao Wang, are you OK recently?"

Wang Tianming waved his hand and said with a smile, "what can I do for you. At most, I was scolded by those crazy fans. Do they dare to beat me? "

Xiao Yunhai was confused and asked, "Mr. Wang, how can someone scold you?"

He and Zhao Wanqing have been holding concerts, and they are not too concerned about the domestic entertainment industry, especially the TV circle. Hearing Wang Guoan and Wang Tianming's endless words, Xiao Yunhai is a little confused.

Wang Tianming saw Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile, "I said how can we laugh constantly? It's Xiao who got it. "

Ever since he followed Xiao Yunhai to shoot Langya bang, Wang Tianming has admired Xiao Yunhai's professionalism. He has always called him Xiao Daodao.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Wang, can you tell me something about it? I haven't been back from abroad for a few days. I don't know. "

Wang Tianming said: "people in this circle all know that last month it was very fierce, and now almost all of them have stopped."

It turns out that a while ago, Wang Tianming took part in an ancient costume drama, playing the hero's father.

The script is really good, the plot ups and downs, twists and turns, is very attractive. After Wang Tianming finished reading, he let the agent take over without saying a word.

After signing the contract, Wang Tianming heard that both the male and female protagonists were at the level of small fresh meat, which made him feel bad.

Looking for some works performed by the other party on the Internet, Wang Tianming's heart suddenly cooled. Their beauty was not enough to choose, and their plays were also very popular. Only their acting skills were really unbearable.

But it's too late to regret, and Wang Tianming can't do anything wrong, so he has to brave his head into the crew.

Wang Tianming has always been known for being strict with drama. Although he reminds himself not to look for trouble every day, the acting skills of those two actors are so poor that they are not in the play at all.

That's all. The other party often goes outside in two or three days, either to shoot advertisements or to have commercial performances.

Where can Wang Tianming bear this, he can't help but say a few words to them.

This is amazing. The two hot fried chicken turned over on the spot. Together with their agent, You ridiculed Wang Tianming one by one and almost died.

It's not over. I don't know who sent the story to the outside. Good guy, these two fans of fresh meat suddenly ran away. They started attacking Wang Tianming on his homepage and scolded him. Even some iron powder went to Hanhai film and television investment company to protest and ask for Wang Tianming to be banned.

Such a thing lasted for more than half a month. Wang Tianming was anxious and angry, but he was helpless.

He was old and had high blood pressure. He was depressed physically and mentally. After a long time, he was admitted to the hospital.

As for the role, naturally it will not be able to perform.

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's really unreasonable. Mr. Wang, who are those two bastards? I'll take it out for you. "

Wang Tianming waved his hand and said, "forget it. It's all over. If you go to them again, you'll make a lot of noise and make unnecessary troubles. Anyway, I've decided that in the future, I'll only shoot the movies and TV plays of Hanhai, and I won't accept the plays of other companies, even if the scripts are good , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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