Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:15 AM

Chapter 144

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"All right, Lugo. Half a month after shooting five MV, you are not satisfied

Xiao Yunhai's album has ten songs. According to his attitude of keeping improving, he originally wanted to make all the songs into MV and make a truly perfect album.

But the company did not agree, the reason is that although Xiao Yunhai's album has been strongly supported by the music department, after all, it has not been tested by the market.

If all the songs are made into MV, the cost will be very high. If the album sales are not good, it will be very easy to lose money.

Although Wang Lin and others argued, Xiao Yunhai only got the right to shoot five MV. After careful consideration, Xiao Yunhai chose five songs: fireworks easy to cool, Orchid Pavilion preface, ten years, boast and fairy tale.

The other four songs have been finished, and only a small part of the last ten years is left.

Although Lin Yuying's singing skills are good, her acting skills are not flattering. It takes at least a week to complete a video.

Lin Yuying thinks that Xiao Yunhai can't finish all the shooting so quickly, so she asks Cao Huaqiang for help.

In order to catch up with the shooting progress, all the staff were ready at 8 o'clock the next day.

Fearing that Cao Huaqiang would call other staff, LV Pengfei asked everyone to turn off their mobile phones and concentrate on shooting on the ground that he would try to finish all the work before lunch.

Xiao Yunhai's acting skills are still flawless, and the heroine's performance is extremely good under his guidance. Finally, the crew finished all the shooting at 13:00 p.m.

Lu Pengfei took a deep breath, patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder and said, "brother, it's done."

Xiao Yunhai said gratefully to LV Pengfei: "brother Lu, thank you really. You can rest assured that I will remember my promise. "

In order to thank LV Pengfei's team for their help, Xiao Yunhai paid a full 20000 yuan to invite everyone to a high-class hotel to have a meal.

Although it was at noon, we didn't drink much wine, but the delicious food constantly brought up still made the atmosphere extremely hot.

Xiao Yunhai announced on the wine table that he would give a big red envelope to all the people present when the album sold well.

After the completion of the video editing, we only need to finish the editing work.

Even if Cao Huaqiang is strong in the company, he does not dare to take the world's public opinion and discard the finished product of Lu Pengfei's painstaking shooting for no reason.

If he does, I'm afraid he will have to go home the next day.

After all, the three vice presidents are only working, and there is a chairman standing there on top of them.

In the afternoon, Lu Pengfei came to Cao Huaqiang's office and was severely criticized by Cao Huaqiang.

But Lu Pengfei was only half a day late, and did not delay anything that was too bad. So although Cao Huaqiang was very dissatisfied in his heart, he could not help it. He could only say that he had a meal with a little thunder and rain.

However, LV Pengfei knew that the narrow-minded Cao Huaqiang would not give himself a chance to make a TV play, so he put all his hopes on Xiao Yunhai's "Legend of Zhen Huan", hoping that the play would start shooting soon.

All the things have been finished. Xiao Yunhai only has the work to shoot the photo album.

In previous lives, the album of singers, photo album is a dispensable thing.

But in this world is very different, the album must put the singer's photo album, to show respect for the fans.

Although Xiao Yunhai sounds incomprehensible, the rules have been formed and Xiao has no intention of challenging.

As one of the largest entertainment companies in China, Tianhua's strength is undoubtedly very strong, all kinds of facilities and talents are very complete.

In order to avoid the situation when Xiao Yunhai was shooting MV, Su Yingxue hired the best photographer in the company, named Zhu ran.

He can be regarded as the Taishan Beidou in the industry. In addition to shooting for those heavenly kings and empresses, ordinary people simply won't touch him.

Su Yingxue is also because Zhu Ran's daughter Zhu Xiaoxiao is a good friend, so she can ask him to leave the mountain. With him in, let alone Cao Huaqiang, even if the chairman comes in person, don't try to block Zhu Ran's shooting.

Zhu ran, 58 years old, is a big man with a little bit of weight and silver hair, but he is meticulously combed.

Maybe it's because he has been a photographer all his life. His eyes are so bright that when he looks at Xiao Yunhai, he even feels pricked by a needle.

With Su Yingxue's help, he walked slowly to Xiao Yunhai.

For such a character, Xiao Yunhai naturally did not dare to wait. He stepped up to Zhu ran and said respectfully, "thank you, Mr. Zhu, for condescending to come here. I am really flattered."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Zhu ran waved his hand kindly and said with a smile, "you don't have to be polite. In addition to the girl Yingxue, I also want to see what kind of peerless character tianwaike is who can write the legend of Chu Liuxiang and Xiao Li FeidaoXiao Yunhai said to himself, "tianwaike is neither as elegant as Chu Liuxiang nor as benevolent and righteous as Li xunhuan. He is just a layman in the world."

Zhu ran said with a smile: "where are Chu Liuxiang and Li xunhuan in this world today. There are two things in my life that I'm very proud of. One is my photography skills, the other is my eyes. It's a great honor for me to be a young person in the future

Su Yingxue is very happy to hear Zhu Ran's evaluation of Xiao Yunhai. Xiao Shibo never thought that she would be so proud of herself.

Xiao Yunhai repeatedly said: "Mr. Zhu is too flattering. Yunhai is not worthy of it."

Zhu ran, with a smile, said, "I'll see if you dare. But now, you're going to listen to me. Let's go in. "

Xiao Yunhai followed Zhu ran into the studio, which was covered with a variety of different styles and styles of clothes, which made Xiao Yunhai feel dizzy.

Then, Xiao Yunhai's mental breakdown happened. Under Zhu Ran's command, he spent an hour changing dozens of clothes, which almost made him feel sad to vomit blood.

What he didn't know was that he was already a very plastic model in Zhu Ran's eyes.

This is not because of Xiao Yunhai's appearance. Zhu ran doesn't know how many people are more handsome than him. What really satisfies him is Xiao Yunhai's temperament.

He has both the fierce and unrivalled spirit of a warrior and the scholar's spirit of a scholar.

This is the first time in Zhu Ran's shooting career to see such a unique temperament of artists. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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