Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:29 AM

Chapter 1440

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After years of development, Hanhai film and television media company has become the leading entertainment company in China.

It seems that the artists of the company are influenced by Xiao Yunhai. Both directors and actors are meticulous in filming, and pay great attention to clothing, props and other details. Of course, you can also spend money.

Other companies directed 100 million films, to Hanhai, at least 150 million, but the effect is far better than other companies.

In the past two years, both the film box office and the TV series ratings are very excellent, and there are few works that lose money.

Wang Tianming has been shooting Hanhai's films and TV series all the time. Suddenly he comes to the production teams directed by other companies. This is not good for him. Especially the performance of the actors is hard for him to accept. Compared with Hanhai's actors, both his acting skills and artistic ethics are far from satisfactory. When the two were compared, it would be strange for him to hold back.

Zhao Wanqing asked, "when I just went upstairs, I heard Mr. Huang say that the entertainment industry has changed a lot. What's the matter?"

Wang Guoan and others looked at each other and sighed.

Sun Yanjun said: "since foreign entertainment companies settled in China, the circle has been filled with all kinds of impetuous gas, and now it is more and more serious. Although they met a large number of young boys, they were very popular, and they were both handsome and handsome. No matter what the plot is like, fans will go to see any of these ginseng plays in their faces. As a result, these little fresh meat became the guarantee of the TV series ratings. The high pay was frightening. They couldn't stop their swelling heart. They felt that they were very good, and naturally their eyes were higher than the top. "

At that time, Xiao Yun had not heard of such serious things

Wang Tianming nodded his head and said, "although it was too much last year, there was still some self-knowledge. But the long-term invasion of flowers and applause, not to mention the mentality of their young people, even we old people are not necessarily able to control. Do you know how much the leading actor and actress in my play are paid? One hundred million for the male lead and 80 million for the heroine, which is still a matter of face. Yunhai, even if you are not sure you can have this pay. There are more than 60 assistants, bodyguards, make-up artists and stylists they have brought, with an average of more than 30. Moreover, they have to give them a single room, which almost makes the director cry. "

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai found that the world's small fresh meat seems to be more cattle than the small fresh meat of previous generations.

Huang Peiqi said: "Yunhai, when you went upstairs, you told me that such a phenomenon was caused by the market. Yes, that's really the reason for the market. These young people shoot TV series are generally fashion dramas, or else they are full of loopholes in martial arts drama and immortal knight errant drama, but there is no way, the audience love to watch, others have high ratings, advertisers are naturally flocking to it. But we old people can't do it. Before your prison break became popular all over the world, directed by Chen Qingqing, directed by Mr. Wang Guoan, Mr. Sun Yanjun and several other teachers, the "Daming Dynasty" was just overwhelmed by the youth idol drama starring three little fresh meat, and the audience rating was less than a quarter of that of others. Well, I don't know what's going on with the audience now. It's just that there's no distinction between good and bad

Speaking of this, all the old people who are excellent in acting are very sad and indignant. They speak in succession and denounce the exaggeration in today's circle.

When everyone expressed their opinions, Xiao Yunhai asked Huangbo in a low voice: "neck, does Hanhai company have such a small fresh meat?"

Huang Bo shook his head and said, "No. We don't have many artists, and we all rely on acting. If anyone dared to raise his tail, he would have been called to tea by the brokerage department

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. We can't control the actors of other companies, but Hanhai can't produce such fresh meat. "

Seeing that all of them were about to vent their anger, Wang Guoan tapped on the table and said, "OK, everyone, we are not here to hold a complaint meeting. We have no ability to change the big environment of the entertainment industry, as long as we do our own work well and play our own plays well. I'm calling you here to discuss a matter. It turns out that our association was set up to protect artists. Nowadays, artists almost never have the same unfair things as before. So I wonder if we can change the purpose of the association? Change it from protecting artists to developing Chinese film and television industry. "

Sun Yanjun nodded and said, "I think so. In any case, the association has been set up, and it is better to make it play the largest role. "

Others agreed.

Wang Guoan said: "since it is the development of China's film and television industry, let's discuss the problems of China's film and television industry. A few days ago, when I was chatting with Director Chen Qingqing and director Hong Tianzao, I talked about a huge drawback in today's entertainment industry. Actors emerge in an endless stream, and new people come to the fore every year, but it's hard for directors, especially young directors. In addition to the sea of clouds, there are few directors who can make a difference. "

"Even if it is a youth idol drama, entertainment companies are looking for experienced directors to shoot. Now the competition in the film and television industry is becoming more and more fierce, so it is several times more difficult for new directors to get ahead than before. In the long run, after the older generation of directors have retired, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for young directors to be able to take the top, which will lead to a fault. This is a very serious thing for China's film and television industry. "Sun Yanjun nodded his head and said: "yesterday, director Chen called me and asked me to talk about this matter with you in any case. My words were full of worries. Although we have several young directors in Huaxia, and Yunhai can even be called the first director in the world, no matter how powerful they are, they can make at most two films a year, which can not change the overall situation. "

Huang Bo suddenly said, "I know that every year, many students from the Department of directors graduate from Yanjing Film Academy. They usually work for people in the production team, not to mention vice directors. It's good to be an assistant. Some people wrote a script to contribute, even if it passed, the entertainment company would not let him direct. Among the more than 30 director students with me and my third brother, only Zhao Zhen and Wang Wei, who worked with my third brother, really mixed up. Almost all the others changed their careers. Compared with actors, it's really difficult for directors to get to the top. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "in this case, let's set up a support fund for cutting-edge directors. Any new director who wants to shoot a film or TV series can write his script and shooting ideas in writing and apply to us. Once approved, they will be given funds to shoot. What do you think? "

Wang Guoan nodded: "I've thought about this. Just where does the support fund come from? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "raise funds to become a shareholder. There are so many people in our association. Even if one person is 10000, they can make one hundred million yuan. What's the difficulty? "

Wang Guoan patted the desk and yelled, "that's it. For the development of China's film and television industry, I personally invested 20 million yuan. "

Sun Yanjun said: "Lao Wang, don't be excited. Let's discuss the detailed implementation rules first. According to Yunhai, the application needs to be reviewed, which is undoubtedly the most important thing. Who is responsible for it? How can we be fair and just? "

Entertainment circle is the interpersonal circle. Everyone has relatives. It is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to be truly impartial.

Xiao Yunhai searched for a circle, and finally put it on Wang Tianming. He said, "Mr. Wang is a person who doesn't rub sand in his eyes. I think the director of the audit department will let Mr. Wang act as the director."

They all agreed.

Sun Yanjun said with a smile: "give it to Lao Wang. I'm 120 at ease. He's not academic and doesn't have to deal with relationships. Secondly, he has a strong ability and has made plays all his life. The quality of his plays is clear at a glance. Lao Wang, how about it? Would you like to do this thing that has made great contributions for thousands of years? "

Wang Tianming didn't think about it, so he nodded and said, "of course. Don't worry, if you let me do it, I will only look at the strength, not the background. It's just that I can't stand it on my own

Wang Guoan thought about it for a while and turned to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Yunhai, Lao Wang is from Hanhai film and television media company. Can you ask your editorial department to help with the preliminary review? We can pay them another salary. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "that requires the consent of my father-in-law and the editorial department."

Zhao Wanqing said, "my father must have no problem. As for the editorial department, I don't think it's a big problem. After all, it's a good thing for them to earn another salary after work. "

Wang Guoan said happily, "that would be great. They are all experienced editors, more than enough for the first trial. Now we mainly draw up a list of audit team members, so the framework will be set up. Other departments, we can recruit from the community. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's better to meet new directors who are related to themselves during the audit. The relevant auditors can avoid subjective judgment errors. As far as the box office is concerned, they are not as important as commercial films. There are lots of literary and art films that are neither well received nor seated. What if we come across a script like this? Is it through or not? "

Xiao Yunhai's problem is very realistic. In this increasingly competitive film and television industry, it is obvious that literary and artistic films can not do business films. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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