Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:27 AM

Chapter 1442

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"You can try to move." Xiao Yunhai can't help it any longer and says coldly.

Zhou Boyuan turned to see Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing with big sunglasses. They didn't recognize their identities for a while. He said angrily, "what are you? How dare you take care of our business. I advise you not to cause trouble

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, walked through the crowd with Zhao Wanqing and came to Wang Tianming and said, "Mr. Wang, you are right. The young people are really domineering."

Wang Tianming had already seen the two men. He said with a wry smile, "director Xiao, there is no way. This is the sorrow of the film and television circle."

"Director Xiao?" Hearing Wang Tianming's words, he Xingde finally recognized the identity of men and women with sunglasses in front of him. His face immediately turned pale as paper. His body could not help shivering there. He asked cautiously, "are you Mr. Xiao Yunhai and Miss Zhao Wanqing?"

Xiao Yunhai took off his sunglasses, looked at him, and said without expression: "good. I invited Mr. Wang to have a drink at noon today. I didn't expect to meet such two young people who didn't know the sky and the earth. It was really depressing. Zhou Boyuan, aren't you going to move Mr. Wang? Come on, if you have the courage, just move and try

Xiao Yunhai's identity and status in the entertainment industry has reached the highest point. He is a person standing at the top of the pyramid. Let alone a little Zhou Boyuan, the boss of the entertainment company behind him should be honest and honest in front of Xiao Yunhai.

Seeing that the man in front of him is Xiao Yunhai, Zhou Boyuan and Qu Wan Yan are very scared and nervous.

Wang Tianming is a film emperor actor of Hanhai investment film and television company, and Hanhai will be Xiao Yunhai sooner or later. It's good to satirize other people's actors in front of others.

Zhou Boyuan's wine suddenly woke up, and with a smile on his face, he said, "Mr. Xiao, Miss Zhao, it's a great honor to meet you here."

Qu Wanyan also forced a smile and said, "I'm glad to meet you today. I'm your loyal fan, Qu Wanyan."

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy, and said: "our loyal fans come to our company's film emperor's trouble. I really can't be such a fan as you. Mr. Wang is a senior in the film and television industry. I don't know how many plays he has played. How lucky are you two to get his advice. I didn't expect Mr. Wang's kindness was taken as a donkey's liver and lung. It's really speechless. Two, my request is not high, you apologize to Mr. Wang, I will not pursue. "

Zhou Boyuan is also a young man. When he started his career, he became the most popular little fresh meat in China. His eyes were higher than the top of his head. He was used to flaunting his power. Even an old artist like Wang Tianming, he would dare to hate it. This shows that.

Therefore, although he is afraid of Xiao Yunhai, he can't even think about asking him to apologize to Wang Tianming.

"Mr. Xiao, I didn't do anything wrong. Why should I apologize? Is Mr. Wang Tianming from your Hanhai film and television investment company? "

"Nothing wrong?" Xiao Yunhai, with a trace of anger on his face, said: "Mr. Wang is nearly 60 years old this year. In terms of age, he is older than your father. In terms of identity, he is an elder in the circle. Anyway, should you respect him? Don't you think what you just said is too much? Do you think you are red and popular, you can be unscrupulous. I tell you, you're far from it. "

Zhou Boyuan bit his teeth and said, "Mr. Xiao, you are more popular than me. You are even higher in the circle. I can't compare with you. I can't fight against you. I can only apologize. But please remember that I am sorry not because I am willing, but because I am forced by you. "

Wang Ganyuan would like to apologize, but I would not like to apologize. Zhou Boyuan, Qu Wanyan, I tell you, the most important thing for artists to be successful is artistic ethics. If you don't change your frivolity, you won't achieve much in your life. Yunhai, Wanqing, let's go. Well, rotten wood cannot be carved. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and turned to say, "you two are good for yourself."

Looking at the car that Xiao Yunhai and Xiao Yunhai left slowly, Zhou Boyuan's eyes flashed a trace of cruelty and said coldly, "wait and see, sooner or later, I will stand upright in front of you."

Qu Wanyan shook his head and sighed: "brother Zhou, it's too difficult."

On the bus, Xiao Yunhai looked at Wang Tianming and said, "Mr. Wang, the words of Zhou Boyuan and Qu Wan are too much. They dare to stop you in public. It's unreasonable."

Zhao Wanqing said, "in the morning meeting, everyone said that these little fresh meat were arrogant and impolite. I still wonder how arrogant they are. Just now I saw that even Mr. Wang and they dare to stop and find trouble at will. We can imagine how good they are. Husband, I think we should just let our company announce it to the public and kill them, so as not to let others think that we are easy to bully. "

Wang Tianming shook his head and said, "the total number of their fans is at least 100 million. If the company does this, their iron powder riot will cause great trouble. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what's more important is that we learn from the unknown. If we use the reasons of disrespect for Teacher Wang to block them, we can't convince the public at all, and we will also attract the boycott of their fans to Miss Wang. "Zhao Wanqing raised her eyebrows and said, "what should I do? Is that all? I can't help but think of their stinky faces. It's so unreasonable. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said: "the company is not suitable to speak. We can personally denounce this kind of behavior. Just now, I saw several media reporters secretly take photos of the conflict. It is estimated that the pictures have been uploaded to the Internet. After we went back, we posted a post on the home page. We didn't name names or names. I think even a fool knows who we're talking about. Hum, even if their fans are dissatisfied, do they dare to trouble us? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "OK, that's it."

Wang Tianming said, "director Xiao, Wanqing, thank you for helping me out. Ah, I've been acting in the entertainment industry all my life. I don't know how many people have been offended by my bad temper. But it's the first time that I've been in such a mess by two young people. It's really a bad night. Since "Langya Bang", I have made several TV series in succession. I want to have a rest recently. "

Xiao Yunhai comforted him: "Mr. Wang, you must not take these things to heart. But if you want to rest, I support it. After all, you are not young. It is very good for your health to take some time out every year to cultivate yourself. However, in the second half of this year, I may make a Xianxia movie called "Zhuxian". There is a character in it. I think it is suitable for you. Don't forget to set aside a schedule for me

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Wang Tianming's eyes brightened and said, "no problem. I'll wait for you this year

In the whole entertainment industry, if we want to say who the actors want to cooperate with most, it is undoubtedly Xiao Yunhai.

To make his films, you don't need to worry about the quality, let alone the box office. And after the screening of the film, no matter which actor, popularity can be soaring.

All the actors who worked with him before, without exception, have become the hot topic in the Chinese film and television circle.

Therefore, when he heard that Xiao Yunhai wanted to make his own film, Wang Tianming agreed without thinking about it.

Of course, he didn't want to be popular. He wanted to make more films like Langya bang. He didn't waste his time in the entertainment industry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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