Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:24 AM

Chapter 1444

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Fuhua entertainment company, president Zhang Fuhua is furious, pointing to Zhou Boyuan's agent Yongge.

"What are you doing? Zhou Boyuan is young and not sensible. You Shang Yongge is more than 40 years old, and has been in the circle for more than 20 years. Are you a mother's fool? More than 20 people besieged a film emperor, and they were also photographed by reporters. Do you know how much influence this matter has? Ah? I managed to cultivate such a cash cow. Now it's OK. I directly offended the public anger. Dozens of movie queens have spoken, and some even have to ban him directly. What do you say now? Say it

Shang Yongge's face turned red, but he was not scolded. He drank too much at the lunch party and poured it directly under the table. Otherwise, such a thing would not happen if he was there.

Shang Yongge thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Zhang, for today's plan, we can only let Boyuan apologize publicly. He was drunk and didn't know what he was doing

Zhang Fuhua asked, "how do you explain the post on his homepage?"

Shang Yongge said: "it was written by his propaganda staff. He drank too much wine and fell asleep long ago."

Zhang Fuhua took a long breath and said, "this is a good reason. Lao Shang, this matter is very important. It is impossible to muddle through. Once it is not handled properly, Boyuan's life will be completely over. He's the cash cow of our company. He can't fail in any case, understand? "

Shang Yongge nodded and said, "Mr. Zhang, I know."

At this time, there was a knock at the door. With Zhang Fuhua's permission, Zhou Boyuan pushed the door and came in.

"Mr. Zhang, you are looking for me." Zhou Boyuan's face turned pale.

Although he is the most popular fried chicken in the circle, he is a young man in his twenties. It is impossible for Zhou Boyuan not to be afraid when he sees a large number of movie queens bombarding him on the Internet.

Zhang Fuhua looked at him coldly. Suddenly he grabbed a document and hit it in Zhou Boyuan's face.

Zhou Boyuan was stunned. He looked up at Zhang Fuhua and found that his gentle eyes had turned red, just like a wild animal.

Zhang Fuhua's tone was like the Arctic ice and snow, which was chilling. He said, "do you know how much the company has paid to get you to the top? All the films will be popular in China for a whole year. Zhou Boyuan, is that how you repay the company? Is that how I'm rewarded? "

Zhou Boyuan lowered his head and said nothing.

He is very clear about Zhang Fuhua's temper. If he dares to explain one sentence, he is sure to be met by a storm.


Zhang Fuhua slapped the table and said angrily, "speak, are you dumb? Aren't you great? More than 20 bodyguard assistants stopped the family. If it's just an ordinary person, who is that? It's the Chinese film emperor. Do you know how big a movie maker's social circle is? You got kicked in the head by the donkey. What happened to Wang Tianming, I let you stop. It's good for you. Your fans are looking for him. Instead of stopping them, you're fueling the flames. People are angry in the hospital, you should not let him go. Zhou Boyuan, don't forget that he is an actor of Xiao Yunhai's company. Don't talk about you. Even if I am not in his eyes, I may not be able to see him if I want to see him. "

Zhou Boyuan cried and said, "Mr. Zhang, I didn't expect Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing to be there."

Zhang Fuhua was directly angry and said: "you mean that if they are not there, you can treat a film emperor like that. I find out now that you are hopeless. I don't understand. Is entertainment so dirty? It's only a few years ago that innocent boy has turned into this

Shang Yongge said: "Mr. Zhang, please calm down for the time being. We must now issue an apology statement to the outside world without any delay. Otherwise, once the artists protection association takes measures, it's really over. "

Zhang Fuhua also knew that the situation was urgent, so he made a gesture and said, "go quickly. You'd better reflect on it. I don't want this kind of thing to happen again. "

Zhou Boyuan nodded.

At 6:30 p.m., Zhou Boyuan held a press conference.

His story has spread all over the Internet and attracted the attention of hundreds of media.

At the press conference, reporters raised questions to Zhou Boyuan one after another.

"Mr. Zhou, why do you want to surround Mr. Wang Tianming? Is it because of the crew last time? "

Zhou Bo said: "I'm drunk. After seeing Mr. Wang, I felt uncomfortable instinctively, so I went up. I don't mean to deliberately encircle, but I have a lot of assistants and bodyguards, which leads to this illusion. Actually, I didn't mean anything else

"Mr. Zhou, are you blaming Mr. Xiao Yunhai for helping Mr. Wang by publishing such things on the home page as seniority

Zhou Boyuan shook his head and said, "that post is not from me. At that time, I was already asleep. It was sent by my propaganda staff"Mr. Zhou, as a popular star with more than 100 million fans, do you think your behavior is improper? Including in the crew, Mr. Wang was strongly dissatisfied with you because he said a few words about your acting skills. Even as a result, Mr. Wang was hospitalized by your fans. Do you think that Mr. Wang, as the film emperor of China, is not qualified to teach you drama? "

Zhou Boyuan frowned slightly and said, "Mr. Wang's acting skills are obvious to all. Naturally, he is qualified to tell us about drama. It's just that there were too many people in the crew at that time, which made me feel a little lost face, which led to the conflict. Here, I sincerely apologize to Mr. Wang Tianming. Zhou Boyuan is young and impulsive. Please forgive me even if you don't mind. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Boyuan stood up and bowed deeply.

"Click, click."

The flash lights up so wildly that people can't see clearly.

Less than an hour after Zhou Boyuan's press conference ended, Qu Wanyan, another hero, also made a public apology in front of the media.

He didn't see his wife's tears on the Internet. If you don't worry about being blocked by the entertainment industry, you won't apologize even if you kill them. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "yes. But in any case, Mr. Wang's business has already achieved a good result. As for Zhou Boyuan and Qu Wanyan, it is estimated that they will not have a good life in the future because of this. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's not difficult, but it's completely over. Although they have apologized, but after this incident, who would like to cooperate with them in filming. There is no acting, no talent, and you can't get along just by your appearance. They are even more beautiful than Chinese artists. So it's better to keep a low profile. People who think they are great, arrogant and arrogant, and whose eyes grow to the top of their heads, are unlikely to succeed. "

Xiao Yunhai's guess is all right. Zhou Boyuan and Qu Wanyan suffered an unprecedented blow to their interpretation career because of the impact of the incident. They almost became the rats that everyone called out to fight in the industry. Within half a year, they disappeared completely. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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