Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:16 AM

Chapter 1450

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After dinner, Xiao Yunhai began to call the actors he had determined.

When Xiao Yunxia hears the stage of the grand play, he doesn't want to participate in it.

In particular, those young actors almost lost their breath.

Only Chen Xiangyang had a little problem there. A play he starred in may not be finished until mid July.

Xiao Yunhai asked him about the play and learned that it was Hanhai investment and the director was his old acquaintance Wang Youcai. Xiao Yunhai called him directly.

Wang Youcai was highly appreciated by Xiao Yunhai for shooting Jingwu hero, and was promoted to director. In recent years, he has made two TV plays and two films in succession, both of which have achieved good results and successfully joined the ranks of first-line directors.

When Xiao Yunhai called him, he was drinking with several actors in the circle.

These people will play important roles in his next TV play. The reason why Chen Xiangyang, the leading actor, did not come is because he and Chen Qingqing went back to their hometown to worship their ancestors.

Seeing that the caller ID is director Xiao, Wang Youcai, who has been slightly drunk, immediately tightened his expression and said respectfully, "director Xiao, long time no see."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Mr. Wang, you are a famous director in the circle. You are very busy. I have been to Hanhai for several times without meeting you. Listen to them, you are a workaholic. After shooting one play, you go on to shoot another. You don't even give yourself a break. Mr. Wang, I'd like to remind you that the drama is endless, and the body is the most important thing. Don't get sick because you are tired of filming. It's not worth the loss. "

Wang Youcai said with a smile: "thank you for your concern. For me, filming is no different from resting. In the past few decades, I was really suffocating. Now, with your help, I have the opportunity to film. Of course, I am addicted to it. "

The actors and actresses drinking with him showed a shocked look when they heard Wang Youcai's words.

Everyone in the circle knows that Xiao Yunhai's films have won numerous stars. At the same time, many deputy directors who follow him have been promoted by him and become famous first-line directors in China. Wang Youcai is one of the typical representatives.

When we heard him say Xiao, we had a guess in our hearts. Now when we heard him say that, everyone is sure. Opposite him is Xiao Yunhai, the pride of China and the richest man in the world.

One by one they held their breath and did not dare to make any noise for fear of disturbing their conversation.

Xiao Yunhai talked to him for a few words and said, "Mr. Wang, the reason for calling you is that I want to borrow an actor from you."

Wang Youcai asked, "director Xiao, who are you talking about?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Chen Xiangyang, the hero of your next play. I'm about to start a play in mid June with a very important role for him to play. I heard from him that your play will not be finished until the middle of July. I wonder if you can hurry up and try to finish the play in early June

Wang Youcai thought about it for a while and said, "director Xiao, if you want to speed up, you need to learn from you, hire two teams and take turns shooting. Just in this way, there will be some financial constraints. "

Xiao Yunhai said in a domineering way: "how much money is needed? You can go to Hanhai finance department to ask for it tomorrow. I'll say hello to my father-in-law and ask him to tell the finance department. Mr. Wang, don't be afraid to spend money on filming. You'd better ask for more, refund more and make up less, so as not to delay the shooting progress due to the problem of funds. We have agreed that you will send Chen Xiangyang to me on June 5 at the latest

Wang Youcai said with a smile: "as long as the funds and personnel are in place, I promise there will be absolutely no problems."

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. Come on, Mr. Wang. I wish you a good shot. "

After the phone call, Wang Youcai said excitedly: "this is good. With the support of director Xiao, the problem of our personnel and capital has been solved completely. "

Pang Qiuyan, the heroine, asked: "director Wang, was it Mr. Xiao calling just now?"

Wang Youcai nodded and said, "yes. What's the matter? "

Pang Qiuyan's eyes were full of little stars and said, "I'm a big fan of Mr. Xiao. Unfortunately, I haven't seen him around all the time."

Wang Youcai said with a smile: "director Xiao generally doesn't take part in our entertainment activities. Even the golden cup award is rarely visited, so it's normal that you can't see it. This time, he called me because he wanted to shoot a play in June, and one of his characters happened to be Xiangyang. He asked me to kill him in early June

Photographer Guan Chenghua was surprised and said, "how can this be possible? Time is too tight. "

Wang Youcai said confidently, "Lao Guan, haven't you heard the reason why Mr. Xiao works fast?"

Pang Qiuyan said: "I heard that when he was filming, in order to catch up with the progress, he always liked to use two sets of troupes, sometimes even three sets."

Wang Youcai said, "yes. It's just a matter of money that other directors rarely do. Now I can also enjoy this treatment. This time, we will have two sets of team members. After shooting this set, we can immediately move to the next studio. In this way, the requirements for the actors are much higher. At least you can't ng a lot. "Pang Qiuyan and several other actors all nodded together.

"Director Wang, do you know what film Mr. Xiao is going to make?" An actor asked curiously.

Wang Youcai said, "I don't know. However, Mr. Xiao is the world's first director, and the news that he is going to make a film will soon come out. "

Wang Youcai is right. In less than half an hour after Xiao Yunhai's phone call, the news that he would start shooting a Xianxia blockbuster in June spread throughout China.

Fans have come forward to comment on the major film and television forums.

"Ha ha, the cloud emperor is going to shoot a new film again. It's still my favorite Xianxia blockbuster. It's great."

"I can't imagine how spectacular the scene will be when Emperor yunhuang takes pictures of Xianxia."

"Do you know the name of the film? I'll tell you that it was Zhuxian, which emperor Yun wanted to shoot at the beginning, but had to postpone it because of technical and financial problems. "

"It's true upstairs. It's really Zhu Xian. I have a friend who works for DreamWorks. It is said that in November last year, there was a special effects team with more than 1200 people stationed in dreamland. It is said that it is the people from the magic side. They've been working on the special effects of Zhuxian for a long time, and they're going to shoot it with 3dimax. "

"I can't wait. I used to watch Xianxia movies. Although there are some good ones, I feel a little stingy. I believe that the emperor will bring you a real world of immortals. "

"I don't know. Zhu Xian, just listen to the name, it makes people feel excited. Even immortals can be killed. There is no one else. "

When Xiao Yunhai starts shooting a blockbuster, it's not the fans who are most excited, but the actors in the circle. No matter big stars or famous artists, they all dream of playing a role in it.

Unfortunately, most of the actors in Xiao Yunhai's "Zhu Xian" have been decided, and they basically have no chance.

Just when they were disappointed, Xiao Yunhai's home page suddenly published a message, but also looking for the actor's information, which caused a stir in the circle.

"First of all, thank you for your attention to my new film Zhuxian, which I wanted to shoot three years ago. Unfortunately, its background is too large, and there are some technical problems with special effects, so I have not started it. Now the time is ripe. 3dimax projection hall is being built in full swing in major cinemas. I believe that when this film comes out, it will bring you a real world of immortal swordsmen. "

However, most of the leading roles in the play have not been decided by me. One of them, Lu Xueqi, is a disciple of Qingyun gate. Her character is like white snow and ice, her appearance is like a fairy, but she is silent. The second is Tian linger, who has a childhood sweetheart with the protagonist. He is intelligent and kind-hearted, and is the object of the hero's secret love. "

"The requirements for these two roles are very high. First, they should be young and beautiful. They should be no more than 30 years old. They should be as long as our leaders. Second, they should know kung fu. Even if they don't know kung fu, they'd better practice dancing. Because there are a lot of plays in it. If you don't have good health, you should not come here. Third, the acting skills must be good, and the character of the characters is very clear. Moreover, the opposite plays are all the Empresses of Chinese film masters. If the acting skills are not the best Top, don't waste time. Female artists who feel that they meet the above three conditions can send their resume to the brokerage department of Hanhai film and television investment company. They must be authentic. Thank you

After Xiao Yunhai's post was released, all the brokerage companies in China began to move. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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