Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:15 AM

Chapter 1451

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The most important thing in the entertainment industry is beautiful women. Although there are few more beautiful than Zhao Wanqing, actresses who are almost or less close to each other can still be found.

"Binglu, open the door quickly. Your chance finally comes." In an apartment in Mordor, a beautiful woman in her thirties, with enchanting eyes and fiery figure, knocked on the door and yelled.

After a while, the door opened, revealing a beautiful face. Although only plain face, but did not affect her beauty.

The beauty named binglu seems to have just woken up, wearing a loose pajamas, still unable to block her slender good figure. In particular, the chest of those two tall and straight peaks, if you let men see, you have to shed nosebleed.

She rubbed her eyes, a bit confused, and said: "Auntie, you come so late, what's the matter?"

LV Yan walked into the room and said, "my aunt, it's only a few o'clock, and you'll go to bed. I tell you, the whole entertainment industry is going to be a mess now. "

Shen binglu was obviously stunned and said, "what's wrong with the entertainment industry?"

LV Yan said speechless: "I really admire you. Binglu, I tell you, yunhuang has posted a message on his homepage this evening. In June, his new film "Zhu Xian" is ready to start shooting. Now there are two important female roles left, and no suitable actors have been found. Three conditions, young and beautiful, good acting skills, is simply tailor-made for you

Shen binglu's face darkened and said, "Auntie, you also believe in such a thing. I think it must be Mr. Xiao who did it on purpose to promote his film. Do we not take part in such things as paying the crown prince to study? What's more, Mr. Xiao always likes to use students from Yanjing Film Academy. How can he not find two actors? "

Shen binglu, 24 years old, used to be the flower of Mordo Film Academy. After graduation, she joined a small film company founded by her uncle.

As a matter of fact, even big companies are scrambling for it under her conditions, but her parents are not at ease. They think that the entertainment industry is a place to hide evils. Shen binglu is so beautiful. If she goes to any other entertainment company, if something goes wrong, it will be OK.

So this let her go to her uncle's company, and this LV Yan is her sister-in-law.

Originally, Shen binglu felt that her parents were too careful. There were so many messy things in the entertainment industry. But when she really stepped into this circle, she found that she was really naive before.

If it wasn't for her uncle and aunt to support her and block countless wine and dinner parties for her, with her unique appearance, she would have been eaten by those unscrupulous directors and deputy directors, and even her bones would not be left.

Fortunately, gold always shines. Last year, her uncle invested in a youth idol drama, in which Shen binglu acted as the heroine. With her super high acting skills and perfect appearance, her fans rose to 60 million and became a famous first-line actor in China. Later, she shot another idol drama, which also won super high ratings, and has since become the representative of idol actresses.

As the best actor of Mordor Film Academy, she acted in the idol drama without any technical content, which really blinded Shen binglu's extraordinary acting skills.

For this reason, Bai binglu often talks about her heroism in front of LV Yan. LV Yan loves her niece very much and finds her a lot of plays, but those directors just take advantage of her fame.

Later, she realized that she was too beautiful and had good acting skills. Unless she was playing the leading role, she would have to steal the limelight from others.

For two months in a row, Bai binglu did not receive any plays.

When she returned home for the Chinese new year, her parents urged her to find a boyfriend and even arranged a blind date for her. Without saying a word, Bai binglu moved to the company's artist apartment.

Lu Yan said, "binglu, you are really stupid when you say you are stupid. Who is Mr. Xiao? The world's richest man, the world's first director, his film still needs publicity? You're kidding. Don't believe you go to the Internet to check, Mr. Xiao's film has not yet been set up, the whole China is a sensation. As for Yanjing Film Academy, if he really found the right actor, could he still use it on his homepage? He is in charge of trillions of wealth in weekdays. He can earn tens of millions every minute. Where can he play with us. I can tell you, after this village, there will be no shop. Don't you always want to do some acting tests? The actors in Mr. Xiao's "killing the immortals" are all movie queens of China. Even if you go there, people don't have to ask you. "

Bai binglu said with a smile: "Auntie, don't worry. I'll take a look at the situation on the Internet first."

Bai binglu opened the computer and looked at it. After a while, her face showed a firm look and said, "Auntie, please hand in my materials. I want to audition Lu Xueqi. "

LV Yan was not angry and said, "I have already passed your information to Hanhai. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, it is expected that news will come. Mr. Xiao's play is bound to face the whole world. If you can get this role successfully this time, it is really out of the quagmire of idol artists. If you are lucky enough to be liked by Mr. Xiao and join Hanhai, it would be even better. "

Bai binglu shook her head and said, "I don't want to go to other companies, or I'm safe with my uncle. At least, you don't have to go out to eat with the bad guys like those female artists. "Lu Yan said, "fool. Your uncle's company is too small to have any future here. As for the things you worry about will not happen, unless you are personally willing, otherwise no one can force you to accompany others. Because Hanhai is supported by Mr. Xiao, there is no problem of funds at all. Is it necessary for you to accompany the wine in the movies invested by your own company? To put it another way, even if you have participated in the films of other companies and there is a big brand of Hanhai, no one dares to force you to do something you don't like, even the Hollywood film companies. This is why Chinese artists want to join Hanhai. It's a pity that Hanhai is too strict in choosing artists. Unless he is a particularly amazing talent, he doesn't want to go in. "

Bai binglu heard about Hanhai film and television investment company and said, "Auntie, even if people want me, do you think my uncle will let me go?"

LV Yan said with a smile: "if it's someone else, I'm sure you won't let it go. But you're his niece. With better development, can he not let it go? What's more, if you really become a movie queen and help your uncle in turn, it's better than shooting ten idol dramas here. "

Bai binglu said: "Auntie, let's not dream. Maybe they don't even give the audition opportunity... "

" Pooh, boo, crow's mouth. " LV Yan quickly interrupted her words and said, "don't say such despondent words. You have to believe that you can do it, understand?"

Bai binglu clenched her small fist and said, "yes, we can do it."

The next day, Xiao Yunhai saw the actor information sent to him by Hanhai brokerage department. Good guy, there were more than 380 copies overnight.

Xiao Yunhai patted his forehead and called out, "wife, if you want to be OK, do me a favor."

Zhao Wanqing came out with her two children in her arms and said, "what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile: "just two roles. As a result, there are more than 380 people who want to rob them. I can't see them alone. In this way, you help me brush the unsuitable people to the next batch. I've said three conditions, and they pretended not to see it. I'm really pissed off. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "everyone has a fluke mind. If I was an agent, I would send my artist's material. You wait a moment. I'll give the baby to my mother and I'll help you

After a while, Zhao Wanqing came over and opened her computer to help Xiao Yunhai read it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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