Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:13 AM

Chapter 1452

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For two hours, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing finished reading over 380 pieces of materials and deleted them. Only 22 pieces were left. After careful inspection, nine pieces were left.

Xiao Yunhai pointed to the photos of nine of them and said with a smile, "they are all. Four for Tian linger and five for Lu Xueqi. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "the most important thing in the entertainment industry is beauty. Some people must hold on to it."

Xiao Yunhai said: "what? Wife, jealous. Hehe, don't worry, your husband, I'm modern liuxiahui. With you in my life, other women are nothing to me

Zhao Wanqing gave him a look and said, "I will tell mom what you just said."

Xiao Yunhai's face changed, and he said with a melancholy face: "it's the most poisonous woman's heart. My wife, you are really cruel

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "you dare not talk nonsense in the future. By the way, during the audition, I'll go too, so that you won't be able to walk when you see those nine beautiful beauties. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, no problem."

Soon, Xiao Yunhai sent the information of the nine people to Sima Qian, and asked him to inform them to audition in Hanhai film and television investment company at 10 a.m. the day after tomorrow.

When LV Yan received the call from Sima Qian, she was having dinner with LV Chengcheng and Bai binglu.

"Hello, I'm LV Yan, agent of Feiteng film company."

"Ms. Lu, I am Sima Qian, Mr. Xiao Yunhai's assistant."

Lu Yan was stunned, and then a burst of ecstasy rose from her heart. Her face was filled with excitement and she said, "Mr. Sima, what can I do for you?"

Sima Qian said with a smile: "Ms. Lu, if Miss Bai binglu has time, please come to Hanhai film and television investment company at 10 o'clock the day after tomorrow. She needs to audition Lu Xueqi in Mr. Xiao's new work" Zhu Xian "with four other female artists

"Of course we have time. We'll be there at 10 a.m. the day after tomorrow. Thank you

Put down the phone, Lu Yan did not care about the image of the laugh up: "binglu, you don't have to go home. Let's go to Yanjing tomorrow. You've got the qualification to audition for Zhuxian

"Really, that's great. I knew binglu could do it, but it was just an opportunity. Now the opportunity is finally here, binglu. You must take the role anyway Lu Chengcheng clapped his hands and said happily.

Bai binglu, with a smile on her pretty face, said, "as long as you give me a stage where I can compete fairly, I have absolutely no problem."

Lu Yan said, "binglu, don't be too careless. There are four opponents in total. Since you can get into Mr. Xiao's eye, you will certainly be your strong enemy. "

Bai binglu confidently said: "don't worry, auntie, no matter who the opponent is, this role belongs to me."

Lu Chengcheng thought for a moment and said, "this is very important. Maybe it will be the turning point for binglu to reach the peak of her performing arts career. In this way, swallow, let's take a plane to Yanjing today, and then find a stylist to dress up

Lu Yan nodded and said, "OK. Brother, if Mr. Xiao takes a fancy to binglu and wants to sign her to Hanhai, would you like to release her? "

Lu Chengcheng said: "nonsense, of course. Hanhai is now the most wanted place for artists in the circle. With binglu's acting skills, he will definitely become the most outstanding existence there. Maybe, in two years, we will have to rely on ice dew to really fly

Lu Yan said with a smile, "that's good. I'll book the ticket and we'll be there this afternoon. "

some other actresses were also surprised after being informed.

Soon, the audition day came.

The beautiful white binglu, dressed by a famous Yanjing stylist, became more dazzling. Together with LV Chengcheng and LV Yan, she came to Hanhai film and television investment company.

As soon as I entered, I saw a group of people quarreling with the front desk service staff.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Meng Xuewei. You can only bring up three people at most."

"How about that. Today's audition is very important for us Xuewei, so we brought several professional stylists and makeup artists to win the role. You don't want us to go up now. In case Xuewei is affected, can you afford this responsibility? " A very feminine looking man shrieked.

Looking at the peerless beauty with sunglasses and a pair of lofty appearance, LV Yan whispered, "this Meng Xuewei deserves to be called queen in the circle. She is really proud."

Lu Chengcheng said with some schadenfreude: "it's a pity that she is too stupid. I didn't see where it was. I brought more than ten people here. If you let Mr. Xiao see this posture, you can imagine what the result will be. "

Lu Yan nodded and said: "it's a pity that her audition role seems to be Tian ling'er. Otherwise, we can make the next opponent before we start."

Bai binglu said: "it's really hard to say. Although she is a little more arrogant, but the play is really very good, otherwise there will be no media call her the fairy in the play. "A beautiful front desk attendant said, "Ms. Meng Xuewei, if you really ask so many people to go up, I need to report."

Just then, a middle-aged man came in outside the door. Seeing this, he frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, "what's going on? Why are so many people in the company hall? "

The front desk woman quickly said: "Mr. Zhao, this Ms. Meng Xuewei is to audition, she wants to take her team up, so there is a contradiction."

It was Zhao Mingsheng who knew that his daughter and son-in-law would audition in the company today. Hearing the words, he said, "let them all go up. Don't let some trivial things affect Miss Meng's performance. "

The boss spoke, the staff naturally dare not object, said: "good, Mr. Zhao."

Meng Xuewei, who stood there without speaking, took off her sunglasses, revealed a pure and beautiful face, and said with a smile: "thank you, Mr. Zhao. I'm really sorry, I paid too much attention to this audition, so I brought the working team on weekdays to avoid problems in dress. If you are not polite, please ask Mr. Zhao Haihan. "

It has to be said that Meng Xuewei is able to be one of the first-line artists in China. She is really very good at speaking. She is very comfortable to listen to.

Zhao Mingsheng waved his hand and said with a smile, "you are welcome, Miss Meng. You'd better hurry up. The audition is on the third floor. Your clothes are all ready. This time you really need styling and make-up. You have your own team, that's the best. It saves a lot of trouble. "

Meng Xuewei said with a smile: "thank you, Mr. Zhao. We'll leave first."

After the crowd left, Zhao Mingsheng looked at the white binglu three people who had been standing there.

"You are Mr. Lu of Feiteng film company, aren't you?" Zhao Mingsheng looked at Lu Chengcheng and asked.

Lu Chengcheng held out his hand, shook Zhao Mingsheng, and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhao, your memory is very good. We met only once at a cocktail party half a year ago, and I'm flattered that you remember me. "

In the Chinese entertainment circle, Zhao Mingsheng's Hanhai has become the leader of the entertainment company, and he himself has become a star in the circle. Wherever he goes, he will be warmly welcomed by everyone.

At the last reception, Lu Chengcheng only offered him a glass of wine without saying a word. Unexpectedly, Zhao Mingsheng still remembered him, which surprised Lu Chengcheng.

Zhao Mingsheng said with a smile, "Mr. Lu is joking. Is this Miss Bai binglu? Are you here to audition? "

Lu Chengcheng introduced Zhao Mingsheng and said, "Mr. Zhao, binglu is my niece. I was worried that something went wrong with her audition, so I came with her."

Zhao Mingsheng looked at Bai binglu for a moment, and his eyes flashed with amazement. He said with admiration: "my wife likes the two TV plays played by Miss Bai very much. I didn't expect Miss Bai to be more beautiful in reality than on TV. Mr. LV, it's really a blessing to have this niece. "

Lu Chengcheng said with a smile: "Mr. Zhao, you know that my Feiteng film and television company is too small to invest in making some idol dramas. But my niece graduated with the first professional course of Mordo Film Academy, but it's a pity that I have no use for it. No matter whether binglu has entered the eye of Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao in this audition, if your company has any suitable role in the future, please take more care of it. "

Zhao Mingsheng said, "certainly. Ha ha, with Miss Bai's acting skills, I believe I will be able to audition successfully. Quietly tell the three that there are only two examiners in this audition, my daughter and son-in-law, so you don't need to be nervous. Time is coming. The three of you should go up quickly. The company's stylists are waiting there. "

Lu Chengcheng said, "OK, we'll go up right now." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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