Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:12 AM

Chapter 1453

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The three took the elevator to the third floor.

A young man in his thirties, dressed strangely, saw Bai binglu, and his eyes brightened. He rushed up and said, "is it Miss Bai binglu? I didn't expect you to be so much more beautiful than on TV. My name is Cheng Liangliang. I'm the stylist arranged by the company for you. Come with me if you can

Bai binglu, smiling like a flower, said, "OK, I'll trouble Mr. Cheng next."

Several people came to a spacious dressing room. Bai binglu sat in front of the dressing table and saw a picture on it. A woman was holding a long sword. Her white dress was fluttering. She looked like she was herself.

Bai binglu points to the photo in surprise and asks, "Mr. Cheng, why is my photo here?"

While combing her hair, Cheng Liangliang said, "this is the character image set by Mr. Xiao according to your appearance. Therefore, this is just a physical work for us, and we don't need to make any changes. Just now I saw Ms. Meng Xuewei bring her team here. Ha ha, it's really useless at all. "

Lu Yan asked, "Mr. Cheng, do you have any tips for audition?"

Cheng Liangliang shook his head and said, "I haven't seen Mr. Xiao now. How can I know what to pay attention to. However, I heard from people in the company that Mr. Xiao is a low-key and traditional person. He pays most attention to the acting skills of artists, and the last thing he likes is those artists who do not try to improve their acting skills, but blindly publicize them. Therefore, in Hanhai, both directors and artists have spared no effort to improve their ability. Although they also do publicity, they will come out only when there are new works. On weekdays, it is very difficult for you to see the artists of our company from those newspapers and the Internet. "

Lu Yan said: "no wonder Hanhai film and television media company has so many excellent artists, but few people make the front page headlines. So it is. Mr. Chen, I heard that artists in your company never need to go out to deal with dinners, and they are very free on weekdays. They don't prescribe anything like forbidding love, do they? "

Cheng Liangliang said triumphantly," yes. Entertainers in the entertainment industry go out to eat and drink with each other, and even suffer from hidden rules, which are all for the role. To put it bluntly, the companies behind them are not able to give up, but can only suck up those big bosses. However, we are not the same as Hanhai. As long as the script is suitable, we don't care how much money we spend. We are the biggest investors. We are all from other companies to flatter us. We don't need to flatter others at all. I tell you, there are only 134 artists in Hanhai, and they all have the potential to become movie queens. Therefore, they follow the line of strength. It's not a matter of love, marriage and children. "

Lu Yan sighed, "I'm so lucky to be an artist in your company."

Cheng Liangliang said with pride: "of course. Do you know what our artists worry about most? Because there are too many scripts, I don't know which one to play? According to the company's statistics, we started shooting an average of eight films and TV series every month last year, and the company had only 134 actors, so we just picked scripts and were not good at it. For example, Mr. Xiao's good brother, Huang Bo, took six scripts of the film and TV series that were ready for shooting yesterday and studied them in the office for a whole day. At the end of the day, I don't know if it's a good choice. "

Bai binglu said with envy on her face: "you are so powerful."

Lu Chengcheng asked, "Mr. Cheng, do you think it is possible for binglu to become an actor of Hanhai?"

Cheng Liangliang said: "it depends on Miss Bai's acting skills. If you can get into the eyes of Mr. Xiao or Miss Zhao, there is absolutely no problem. Most of the artists in our company are introduced by them. "

Lu Chengcheng was thoughtful and said, "thank you for telling us so much, Mr. Cheng."

Cheng Liangliang said with a smile: "it's nothing. It's not a secret in our company."

Half an hour later, Bai binglu's make-up is finished. Cheng Liangliang looks left and right, and is very satisfied.

Cheng Liangliang clapped his hands and said, "Miss Bai, you are the fourth actor to audition, so you need to wait. After a while, the staff will bring you the clothes and swords of the characters, and you just need to change them. "

Bai binglu nodded and said, "OK."

Cheng Liangliang smiles and is about to leave. Before he opens the door, Lu Chengcheng, next to him, pulls out a big red envelope from his pocket and says, "Mr. Cheng, I'm really in trouble. I don't want to pay homage to you."

Cheng Liangliang's face changed, and he quickly shook his head and said, "Mr. Lu, you must not harm me. If I accept your red envelope, I will be dismissed as soon as the company knows about it. This is a lesson from the past. "

With that, Cheng Liangliang opens the door and leaves.

Bai binglu's gorgeous face showed a thoughtful look, and suddenly said, "uncle, aunt, I want to enter the vast sea."

Lu Yan said with a wry smile, "binglu, there are not ten thousand Chinese artists who have such a mind, but there are also 8000. The key is to see whether people accept them."

Lu Chengcheng sighed and said, "I've just heard what Cheng Liangliang said. I'm really shocked. We are worried about not having a play or a role, but they dislike too many plays and don't know which one to choose. It's true that people die more than people. Goods are better than goods. Binglu, you must show your strength well later. Perhaps, there is a good chance of entering the vast sea. "Bai binglu bit the delicate red lips and nodded heavily.

Ten minutes later, a girl came in with her clothes in her arms and said, "Miss White, please change your clothes as soon as possible. It's your turn."

"OK," said Bai binglu

Entering the dressing room, Bai binglu changed into a white chivalrous woman's clothes, holding a long sword in her hand, and came out.

The girl saw the beauty of Bai binglu so thrilling that she couldn't help exclaiming: "Miss Bai, you are so beautiful, you are just like nine fairies descending into the world."

Bai binglu smile, such as flowers bloom, said: "thank you for your praise. Shall we go? "

The little girl nodded and said, "let's go."

Bai binglu follows the little girl to the entrance of a small conference room for audition. She happens to meet a beautiful woman who has just come out. It is her old acquaintance Yao Xuan. The relationship between the two is very bad. In the original play, Yao Xuan was female No. 1, and Bai binglu was originally female No. 2. As a result, she just destroyed it.

Yao whirled the corner of his mouth slightly pulled, looked at her contemptuously, and then left.

There was no abnormality on the white ice's face, as if he had not seen her.

"Next." There came a loud and steady voice.

Bai binglu took a deep breath, shook the sword in the handshake, and walked in with light steps.

On the stage, Bai binglu saw Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, the most enviable and enviable couple in the world's entertainment industry, and said, "Mr. Xiao, Miss Zhao, Hello, my name is Bai binglu. I'm Lu Xueqi's audition."

Xiao Yunhai looks at Bai binglu carefully and nods secretly. In terms of appearance, Bai binglu is better than the three before him. He and Zhao Wanqing are very suitable for playing Lu Xueqi.

"Miss Bai, thank you for your audition in Yanjing. I have seen the two idol dramas you shot on the Internet. I want to ask, is the line in the play dubbing or your own real voice? "

Bai binglu was stunned and said, "of course, it's your own voice."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "very good. Lu Xueqi's role in Zhu Xian, I think you should see the relevant instructions. With an idiom to describe it as cold as ice, there is a kind of high cold temperament that does not flow with ordinary dust. The most important thing for an actor is the temperament of the role, so the content of our audition is very simple. Give you one minute to become the real Lu Xueqi. "

Bai binglu nodded and closed her eyes.

She knew that although the emperor said that the audition was very simple, in fact, it was very difficult for artists, involving the transformation of temperament.

Unless the acting skills reach the level of top actors, they can easily change the aura. Ordinary artists do not have this ability at all.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Bai binglu and asked Zhao Wanqing in a low voice: "wife, what do you think of this white binglu?"

Zhao Wanqing said softly: "it's very beautiful. There's no problem with her appearance. The key is to see her acting skills. The first three can't do it at all, playing Gao Leng fan into a facial paralysis. I hope this white ice dew can surprise us

A minute later, Bai binglu opened her eyes. Her eyes were like a cold sword, showing a sharp air. She was a little stiff, and a strong momentum came out of her body. It was as cold as ice and snow on the Arctic, and the temperature around her seemed to have dropped several degrees. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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