Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:08 AM

Chapter 1456

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Bai Huijie said: "sister binglu, it's really enviable that you can receive such a huge production just after you enter the company."

Bai binglu and Bai Huijie are the same age, but their birthday is two months older than her, so Bai Huijie calls her elder sister.

Huang Bo said with a smile: "wife, it doesn't matter. When the third brother comes, I'll give you a role. What's more, it depends on our appearance. How can we get a supporting female disciple? "

Bai Huijie rolled her eyes and said, "forget it. I'll polish my acting in other movies. One day, I will be the heroine in the third brother's movie

She clapped her hands and said, "I think so."

Huang Bo looked at the time. It was already half past six and said, "three brothers and three sisters in law, what's going on? It's half an hour late. They won't stop coming, will they? I'll tell you first, I don't have any money with me today. "

Bai Huijie gave him a hard twist and said, "husband, can you make some achievements?"

Huang Bo said with a smile: "we can save a little bit, but a little bit."

Just then, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came in and said, "neck, you're going to cook this meal today. Last year, I made at least 100 million yuan. I'm still stingy here. It's not a man. Isn't it, Hui Jie? "

Bai Huijie said with a smile, "third brother, don't worry. He won't invite me."

"Good." Everyone clapped.

Huang Bo, with a sad face, said, "why is it always me who gets hurt?"

"Ha ha ha."

Huang Bo's appearance made everyone laugh.

Xiao Yunhai sat down on the throne and said: "ladies and gentlemen, the reason why we have gathered you today is to welcome another beautiful lady, Miss Bai binglu, from Hanhai. Don't think that she was born in idol drama, so you don't think her acting skills are not good. I tell you, in our company, her acting skills can be at the forefront, even if it is neck can not necessarily be better than her

Bai binglu blushed and said, "brother Xiao, you flatter me."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "binglu, your brother Xiao is not a person who praises others easily. To be judged by him as a good actor, at least he has to have the strength of a real first-line actor

Wang Tianming said: "director Xiao, Lu Xueqi has found it. Has Tian ling'er found the right one?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes, it's Meng Xuewei from longhui film and television company."

"Meng Xuewei? The queen of idol drama Wang Tianming said in surprise.

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Mr. Wang, don't look down on the actors of these idol dramas. Binglu is one. Meng Xuewei's acting skills are not under her. It's an accident. "

Wang Tianming frowned slightly, and said, "I'm afraid that Meng Xuewei is not good to serve."

Du Hongtai said: "I also heard that Meng Xuewei likes to put on airs very much. She needs 20 people to serve her in a play. She is very vain. However, the girl is eloquent and good at acting. She has never heard of her bullying or anything. She has no reputation. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, I'm the master of my territory. No one can make waves in my crew. Don't talk about her, Meng Xuewei. Even if she is an Oscar winner, she has to listen to my arrangement honestly. Otherwise, I won't be polite

Wang Tianming thought of Xiao Yunhai's strength in the crew, nodded and said, "this is it. By the way, director Lu said that the post production of Xianxia films is very troublesome. From the script you gave me, more than 90% of them seem to have used special effects. When will it be shown? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I want to create a real fantasy world of immortal swordsmen. To achieve this goal, with the ability of fantasy and magic, even if you give them two years, they may not be able to do it. So I'm going to divide the special effects lens of the whole film into 25 parts. I'll recruit 4500 special effects artists from outside, plus 500 magic people to form a special effects team of 5000 people, which is divided into 25 groups, with people from the magic special effects company as the team leader, and each team is responsible for one part. In this way, it can be done in less than half a year. "

Zhao Wanqing's face was startled.

A team of 5000 people, 25 groups, this is the most created film history.

After a long time, Huang Bo began to say, "third brother, my admiration for you is just like a flowing river. A special effects team of five thousand people. Damn it, you can do it. "

Ruda took a sip of tea and said with a wry smile, "if I had a team of 5000 people, it would be estimated that mang Huang would have been painted by now."

Bai binglu often heard people in the circle say that emperor Yun is the most atmospheric director, but she did not expect him to be so grand. She could not help murmuring, "how much does it cost?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's only a few hundred million dollars at most. As I said, whatever money can do, whether it's manwei or Hanhai, is nothing. In order to get the best visual effect of Zhuxian, I would like to spend an extra billion yuan. "Wang Tianming said, "director Xiao, you have not changed at all. For the sake of the film, it's still money flowing. I don't care at all. "

Huang Bo said: "Mr. Wang, you are wrong. The third brother is richer now. In the past, if it had been a river. "

The crowd burst into laughter.

That night, the people had a good time.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai took everyone to KTV to sing songs for two hours, and then returned home.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai took Sima Qian and two bodyguards on the plane to New York.

Christie called him and said that he had bought 65% of the shares of PEC oil and gas company, hoping that he would come to New York as soon as possible to organize a board meeting.

Xiao Yunhai listened, did not wait for a moment, rushed to New York.

It was just six o'clock in the morning when she came out of the New York International Airport.

Sitting in a bullet proof luxury car, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Ms. Christie, I didn't expect you to move so fast. In less than a week, it's done. "

Christie said, "speed is the price. Mr. Terence Bessie seems to be interested in peck oil and gas, so I have to get ahead of him and spend another three billion dollars on it. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "spending more now is to make more money in the future. It's all little things, and I'm very interested in this Terence Bessie. Is he also the heir of the Bessie family? "

Christie nodded and said, "yes, and it's very high up, like second. He is in charge of TMC energy, the third largest oil company in the world. He has oil fields all over the world, with crude oil reserves of 25.74 billion tons, second only to the oil companies of two Arab countries, which is very powerful. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "since we have taken him down first, will he become angry?"

Christie said with a wry smile: "I heard that because of this, he broke one of his favorite cups. He was very angry. He now owns 12% of the shares and is already a shareholder of peck. He is likely to attend today's board of directors. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "then I really want to meet him. Let's see how this Mr. Bessie is better than the former Miss Bessie. Hehe, I seem to have offended the Bessie family inadvertently, and I have ruined their good deeds twice. "

"It's the heirs, they don't represent the Bessie family," Christie said

When he arrived at the hotel, Xiao Yunhai washed himself and ate something. Then he followed Christie to the headquarters of peck oil and gas company. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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