Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:05 AM

Chapter 1458

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I'm afraid even Xiao Yunhai didn't expect that this Stephens would put a bug in his office.

All day long, the wild geese pecked their eyes, which means Xiao Yunhai.

Stephens picked up the cell phone on the desk, dialed a number and said, "where are you now, Mr. Bessie?"

A steady voice came from the phone.

"In five minutes, I'll be there. Is it time for Xiao? "

Mr. Bessie, don't come by yourself. After listening to Stephens, Terence Bessie pauses for a moment and says, "Kung Fu Xiao is really Kung Fu Xiao. No wonder my peerless cousin will be shriveled in his hands. But no matter how powerful he is, he is not calculated by you. OK, I'll send my secretary there. What about his shares? "

Stephens said: "I'm afraid there is no chance. Kung Fu Xiao doesn't mean to sell shares at all. We can only take advantage of the fact that he is not familiar with the various departments, quietly muddle through. As long as you can get him to sign the list, there will be no problem. But I can't do it, because he already suspects me

Terrence Bessie said, "I see. Your exploration minister, Luke Ulysses, is also one of my staff. You can contact him and see how to deal with it. "

"Yes. Good bye, Mr. Bessie

Ten minutes later, Stephens knocked on the door of Xiao Yunhai's office and said, "Mr. Xiao, everyone is here. Let's go to the meeting room."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK. Is it Mr. Bessie here in person

Stephens said: "No. It seems that his secretary came here on his behalf and said that Mr. Bessie had other important things to deal with. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly, and said with a smile, "OK, I know. You go out first. I'll be there in a minute

After Stephens left the conference room, Xiao Yunhai's face immediately pulled down.

Although the other side only sent a secretary over, but Xiao Yunhai still felt that there was a problem in his heart.

Christie said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw, it seems that Mr. Bessie doesn't attach too much importance to our company. He should be able to explain the problem."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "you can't think so. As long as our rivals hold shares in PEC oil and gas, we can't afford to take it lightly. Because I really don't understand why energy companies as big as them want to buy shares in peck. "

"It's really a problem," Christie said

Xiao Yunhai said: "no matter, go to the meeting first."

Xiao Yunhai came to the conference room and saw everyone sitting there chatting, men and women, old and young.

After Xiao Yunhai came in, his voice stopped suddenly, and all the sixteen eyes looked at him.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen." Xiao Yunhai said with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Xiao."

They all got up and said hello to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai made a gesture to please sit down, and then sat down as chairman of the board of directors.

"Who is Mr. Bessie's representative, please?"

On the left, a beautiful young woman showed a professional smile and said, "Hello, Mr. Xiao. I'm Sylvia grott, Mr. Bessie's secretary. Mr. Bessie has something important to deal with and has no time to come over, so he asked me to apologize on his behalf

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "it doesn't matter. Mr. Bessie is in charge of such a large company that it is normal to be busy. Miss grot, I wonder if you know why your company suddenly acquired our shares? I really don't see that peck has anything you need. "

Sylvia grott stroked her hair and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Shaw. I'm just Mr. Bessie's secretary. I can't possibly know such a big thing."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I'm sorry, it's not appropriate for me to ask. Please give me a message that if Mr. Bessie has any intention of selling his shares, please contact me. I'll buy it at a price more than 50% of the current market value. "

Sylvia Grote took up her pen, wrote Xiao Yunhai's words on the record book, and said, "I will certainly bring them."

Xiao Yunhai nodded to her, looked around and said, "have you ever thought about selling your shares? The price of 150% is not low. "

Three or four of the eight shareholders showed an active look on their faces, and several others were also under consideration.

Xiao Yunhai said: "not only that, I can help you pay off the bank loans. You know, we still owe the bank 23 billion dollars, one percent of the shares is 230 million. In addition, I heard Stephens say that more than 13000 employees have not been paid their salaries for three months now. This is absolutely inappropriate and must be made up immediately. Ladies and gentlemen, I am confident that I can make the company bigger and stronger, but only if you have to hand in the money, understand? "As soon as Xiao Yunhai's voice dropped, a middle-aged man stood up directly and said, "Mr. Xiao, I own 2% of the company's shares. I'll sell them to you now."

"I have one percent. There's no reason why I don't sell at this price. "

"I'm one percent, too."

Less than five minutes after the meeting, all six shareholders sold their shares, which was a precedent for the board of directors.

Xiao Yunhai is very clear about these people's ideas.

Although he himself is the richest man in the world, oil and gas companies are not so easy to do. The key is whether they can discover oil fields and whether oil reserves can continue to increase. These things, even if Xiao Yunhai has money, can't do it.

It's better to take advantage of this opportunity to cash out the shares. Even if it's only 1% of the shares, after a series of conditions of Xiao Yunhai, we can make hundreds of millions of dollars in disguise.

However, Xiao Yunhai thinks that under his leadership, PEC oil and gas company will certainly make great plans. In a short time, the market value will grow exponentially. Little Li is not in his eyes at all.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Ms Christie, you take everyone to my office, sign the contract, and then ask the bank to call them the money."

Christie stood up and said, "OK, Mr. Shaw. Please follow me

Soon, only Xiao Yunhai, Stephens and Sylvia grott were left in the conference room.

Xiao Yunhai said, "Mr. Stephens, can you tell me why you don't sell it? I'm afraid that under such conditions, everyone will be moved. "

Stephens said with a smile: "I believe that under Mr. Shaw's management, the future income will certainly be far higher than the present preferential terms. I'm very confident about that. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "is it so simple? Mr. Stephens, you think I'm a fool. I'm sure there's absolutely something I don't know about peck oil and gas, right? "

Stephens was shocked, but his face was calm and said, "Mr. Xiao, your suspicion is too heavy. At this point, peck oil and gas has been on the verge of collapse. If there is anything valuable, it will not be reduced to today. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "is it? Maybe. Now that there are only three of us left on the board of directors, I would like to talk about the measures I will take next. The employees should pay off the loans and their shares within the first two days

Mr. Shaw, I don't have that much money

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's your business, it has nothing to do with me. I will only be responsible for my own part, and then completely separated from you. In other words, whether you pay or not, the loan you owe will only be related to you personally, not to the company. However, you can't lose a cent of the money of the company's employees. Otherwise, more than 13000 employees will not let you go. Again, I'll only pay for my own part, OK? "

Sylvia grott said, "I'll report to Mr. Bessie."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "very good. The second thing is financing. I will inject 100 billion US dollars into the company to update the relevant technologies and equipment for oil exploration and exploitation, and recruit scientists, chemists and geologists. The company must be on track in the shortest possible time. Your shares will also be diluted. I will ask professionals to calculate and will never let you suffer losses. The third thing is to recruit CEOs from Wall Street. "

"Hiring a CEO?" "Mr. Shaw, I've worked for PEC all my life and I think I'm capable of being the CEO," Stephenson said

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Stephens, Peck is at this point. You suddenly tell me that you can pull the tide. If you stand in my position, will you believe it? Besides, you're old enough to go home and have a rest. I will ask the financial department to give you your bonus every six months, and I will never lose you a cent. "

Stephens's face was livid and hard to see. His eyes were like a fierce wolf staring at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, don't you think it's too much?"

Seeing his ferocious face, Xiao Yunhai suddenly laughed and said, "Mr. Stephens, is this your true face? You can't judge a person by his appearance. But do you really think you can compete with me? Don't make international jokes. Pack up for me this afternoon and leave at once. Do you understand? "

Stephens stood up and said angrily, "you will regret it."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I don't regret doing things. That's all for the board of directors. It's over. "

Stephens didn't return, and left with hatred. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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