Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:02 AM

Chapter 1460

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Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "can you listen to me? I mean, you won't be paid three months' salary, but I didn't say you won't be paid half a year's salary. "

Rockebenedict was stunned and said, "Mr. Shaw, what do you mean by that?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm already the president of our company. I have to give you some benefits, right? You're all going to sleep on the street. The salary of three months is not enough. I'd like to double your salary. "

"Wow, double that. That's great. '

"Kung Fu Xiao is not trying to coax us, is there such a good thing? How I feel like a dream. "

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and asked, "who is the Minister of finance?"

A middle-aged woman with glasses and professional clothes stood up and said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm Dora Jonah in charge of the finance department."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "Ms. Joana, how much money do we owe our employees?"

Without thinking about it, Dora Jonah replied, "the salary for three months is 85.63 million dollars, and our finance department has no money now."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "I remember that there are more than 13000 employees in our company, that is to say, their average monthly salary is only more than 2000, right?"

Dora Jonah nodded and said, "yes. It turned out to be more than 3000 yuan, but the company was really in a slump, so the salary was reduced to 2500 yuan. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "too few. In this way, I'll call the finance department for $500 million this afternoon to double the salary of these three months and give it to them. Do you understand me? "

Dora Jonah said happily, "I understand."

"Yeah, that's great. Long live the boss."

"Long live the boss."

"Long live the boss. '



the employees who came to protest were elated and shouting to Xiao Yunhai the slogan of long live the boss.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "I haven't finished speaking yet. This morning, I have decided to inject 100 billion US dollars into our company for the updating of the company's technology and equipment and its future development. You are the company's most valuable wealth, I hope you can return to their respective positions, do their own work. From today on, your salary will be doubled and paid on time every month. Your salary will increase after we have made achievements and found new oil fields. I want to ask you, do you believe me? "

"Believe it."

"Believe it."

Everyone was singing and shouting like Xiao Yunhai had a concert.

Xiao Yunhai said: "thank you for your trust. I announced that the new PEC oil and gas company will be renamed as Yunqing oil and gas company. Our future will be infinitely beautiful. Our goal is only one, to be the world's first oil company. I promise you, as long as you work hard, everyone's annual salary will not be less than $100000. If I can't, I'll just jump off the 72nd floor. "

"Well, long live the boss."

"Long live the boss."

Everyone heard Xiao Yunhai's words, one by one excited, the ground turned red, and the blood was boiling inside.

A crisis passed like this.

Having a meal at noon, Xiao Yunhai summoned the heads of all departments of the company and held a meeting.

After introducing each other, Xiao Yunhai asked, "do you have any difficulties in your work? Tell me. We'll solve it as soon as possible. "

Gavin Dulles, the director of the refinery, said: "boss, our six major refineries are seriously aging and their efficiency is very low. The annual refining capacity is only 80 million tons. A bigger problem is that our two refineries in the south of the United States are running out of oil and are going to be shut down for half a year. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "don't you say our refinery is very good? It used to be the top 10 in the world. How could this happen? "

Gavin Dulles said: "boss, they're talking about scale, not refining capacity. Once the device is updated, it's sure to get into the top ten, no, the top five. "

"How much does it cost to replace all six refineries with the latest equipment? Haven't we explored or bought an oil field these years? "

Gavin Dulles said: "it will cost at least 23 billion dollars to upgrade completely, and 42 billion dollars to replace it with the safest and most efficient equipment. As for the oil field, let Luke talk about it. "

Exploration minister Luke Ulysses cleared his throat and said, "it's impossible to buy because we don't have the money. We can't compete. As for the oil exploration department, the explorers have been looking for oil, but they have not found it in many places. They have spent a lot of money wrongly. This is the related materials of the exploration area in recent years. I have brought them to you. What's more, the equipment we use is very old and needs to be replaced as soon as possible. The complete set is between 8 billion and 16 billion dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "it's all money. It seems that oil is making money, but there is also a lot of investment. Dulles, how much annual refining capacity can we achieve if we replace it with the best refining equipmentGavin Dulles thought and said, "a refinery can reach 40 million tons."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "good guy, we have to catch up with the four refineries now."

Gavin Dulles said: "I'm talking about the most conservative numbers. If you do, we can sell three and keep three. "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "you can go to my office alone to talk about it. Ulysses, the most important thing for oil companies to be big and strong is to find new oil fields. Otherwise, we have to wait for death. Therefore, I will allocate the money to the finance department. You can contact me as soon as possible to finish the equipment business first. You tell the staff that I will reward each of them with at least half a million dollars for discovering the oil field. "

Luke Ulysses nodded and said, "yes."

Other departments also talked about their own situation, so the meeting ended.

Xiao Yunhai returned to the office with the information that Luke Ulysses gave him. He sat on the chair and looked at it carefully.

The United States and China, oil belongs to the state, oil companies in the United States found in the United States without the government's permission, is prohibited to export to foreign countries.

And the oil they find will also be exploited by the government. For example, if you explore oil in an area of Los Angeles, whether you have explored it or not, you have to pay a large amount of exploration expenses to Los Angeles. If oil is discovered, the city of Los Angeles will get a 30 percent stake. If the oil area exceeds your area, you will have to pay extra.

The oil companies are very dissatisfied with this, but they can't help it. If you want oil, you have to agree. If you don't agree, please leave. There will be countless companies interested in it.

In the past three years, PEC oil and gas company has paid tens of billions of US dollars in exploration expenses, but it has failed to obtain anything. It is a waste of huge human, material and financial resources.

Xiao Yunhai has in his mind the distribution map of large oil fields in the United States of America in his previous life. He looked at it from the very beginning, but none of them was right.

Just when he felt disappointed, Xiao Yunhai suddenly brightened his eyes and found that the latest exploration site was in the Midland basin of the Permian Basin in Texas, and it is not over yet.

This is Peck's last chance. For it, the government of Texas has been given 5.3 billion US dollars. If it fails, it will succeed. However, half a year later, the news from the news said that there was little hope, which also contributed to the complete end of peck.

But Xiao Yunhai clearly remembers that a huge oil field in the United States was discovered in this place in the past, with reserves of more than 20 billion barrels, but now nothing has been found. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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