Published at 11th of May 2022 05:18:01 AM

Chapter 1461

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Is it true that there is such a big gap between the present and the previous world? So why are many large oil fields in the same location as in previous generations.

Could it be that...

just then, Xiao Yunhai suddenly thought of a possibility.

They did not find oil fields in the Midland basin, but did not report them.

If so, it would be a perfect explanation for why Bessie's successor bought shares in peck. Unfortunately, he was a little late.

But such a big thing, if you want to hide it completely, you need to know it from top to bottom, such as Stephens and Luke Ulysses. It is impossible for them to muddle through without opening or closing their eyes. In addition, the explorers who hit the oil must also be involved. It's just taking advantage of others and hiding it for them.

Xiao Yunhai closed his eyes and gently tapped the table with his fingers. He said in his heart, "this matter must be investigated clearly. If you are fooled by them, you can find a piece of tofu to kill yourself. "

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai walked out of the office and came to a deserted corner. He called Raul and asked him to ask five or six private detectives to go to Texas to find out.

Just walked back to the office, just met Luke Ulysses at the door.

"Boss, I'm here to sign for you."

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "sign what?"

Luke Ulysses gave Xiao Yunhai an agreement and said, "this is the agreement signed between our company and the state government of Texas for exploration and development of desert oil in West Texas. We spent half a year walking around the whole place, but we still got nothing."

Xiao Yunhai moved in his heart and made a gesture to come in.

Sitting in the boss's chair, Xiao Yunhai read the agreement and deliberately said, "there will be oil in this environment? Who said that. Although it does appear in other parts of the world, the probability is still too small. Why do you pay so much to explore West Texas? "

Luke Ulysses said respectfully, "boss, this is the conclusion of the US geological survey that there is a great possibility of large oil fields there. Our original major shareholders got this opportunity through various relationships. I didn't expect that there was nothing. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and asked, "what are you doing with this agreement? Isn't it half a year away? "

Luke Ulysses said: "the exploration team is 100% certain that there is no oil, so it is unnecessary to waste any more time there. Our previous contract with Texas was one year. According to the regulations, if we can leave within half a year, we can save 500 million dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "we spent 5.3 billion US dollars to buy the exploration and development rights. We spent a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources, and finally we can leave 500 million. Am I short of five billion? The area is so big, let them continue to explore. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai directly grasped the agreement into a ball and threw it in the garbage can, but his eyes were fixed on Luke Ulysses in front of him.

Luke Ulysses was startled at first, and even bent down to pick it up. It seemed that it was inappropriate for him to pick it up. He recovered quickly, and then a flash of anger flashed on his face.

Xiao Yunhai suddenly came to the conclusion that his guess is likely to be true.

It's impossible for ulysseus to be so nervous about a book.

Xiao Yunhai saw that he turned his head, and his eyes immediately moved away from his face.

Luke Ulysses looked up at Xiao Yunhai and calmly advised him, "boss, 500 million dollars is already very much, which is enough for our company to spend four or five years' salary. The environment there was so bad that the exploration team couldn't stand it. If we go on like this, it's just in vain. "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it for a while, nodded his head and said, "what you said is reasonable. Well, let me think about it. After all, I haven't taken over for a long time. Such an important decision can't be taken lightly. Let's wait until I've got all the information about the company. "

"But I'm afraid half a year is coming, and if we miss it, we'll lose another 500 million dollars," said Luke Ulysses

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "three days later, we will have a meeting to study. Shit, the USGS is not reliable. "

"If they were right every time, the country would have started, and we, the oil companies, would have done something," laughs Luke Ulysses

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's right. All right, if it's OK, you can go out first. Let's get in touch with each other these two days, and we'll get things done quickly. "

"Good," said Luke Ulysses

Then, glancing at the agreement in the trash can, Luke Ulysses turned and walked out.

Xiao Yunhai's face showed a smile, if the Texas side really found the oil field, then peck will soon be able to come back to life. Looking at this Luke Ulysses, this possibility is almost 100%.

Just then, the door of the office was knocked again."Come in." Xiao Yunhai called.

The door opened and Gavin Dulles came in.

Xiao Yunhai got up and said, "Dulles, I just want to talk to you."

Gavin Dulles was very happy to see Xiao Yunhai treat him so politely. He said, "boss, I'm going to report to you about our refinery."

Xiao Yunhai said, "please sit down quickly. Don't worry. Let's talk slowly."

After Gavin Dulles sat down, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I just thought about the upgrading of refinery equipment. Since we have no crude oil supply in that area, why not wait until there is a new oil field and build a new refinery next to it. At the very least, it saves the super high cost of building pipelines and transporting crude oil. "

Gavin Dulles nodded and said, "boss, I totally agree with you. However, these two factories are too old, and I'm afraid the maximum value of these two factories is 8 billion US dollars if we add pipelines. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "eight billion is eight billion. If we have a new factory and new equipment, we can save on transportation alone. Dulles, I have great confidence in the company. As long as we can overcome the current difficulties, success is inevitable. By the way, I want to tell you one thing. After a while, our company needs to organize an exploration team to go to China. The government has agreed that we can privately exploit oil and gas. Once an oil field is discovered, it is owned by us. However, the finished products, like the United States, can only be supplied to China. "

It's a good thing. However, the boss... Forget it, still don't say, gossip behind the back, I really can't do this kind of thing. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "when I first came to the company, I didn't know a lot about it. Let's talk about it. Let's talk about it. I'll listen to it. No third person will know. "

Gavin Dulles nodded and said, "I heard that Mr. Stephens seems to be in touch with Mr. Bessie's TMC energy company recently."

Xiao Yunhai gave a cry and said, "let him be. Anyway, I've already let him go home. In the future, he only has the right to dividends, not the right to manage. The same is true for TMC energy. "

Gavin Dulles said, "that's good. Boss, let me tell you about other refineries. They're also not optimistic... "

half an hour later, Gavin Dulles left.

Xiao Yunhai secretly said: "this Gavin Dulles is a talent. If he came to be the CEO of the company, he would be a good candidate. "

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai called the personnel department and asked the personnel department to send a copy of Gavin Dulles's work experience.

After seeing it, Xiao Yunhai said with satisfaction, "this guy is really versatile. He has worked as the director of exploration department, sales department and refinery director in several oil companies. He is the best candidate for CEO. If you look at it again, it's him. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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