Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:58 AM

Chapter 1463

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On the morning of the third day, Xiao Yunhai called the heads of various departments to hold a meeting.

After explaining the company's situation, Xiao Yunhai said: "I have an important personnel arrangement to tell you. After careful consideration, I decided to give the position of CEO to Gavin Dulles

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, everyone was in a daze. Then they all took a look at Ulysses and found that his face was blue and hard to see. Obviously, he didn't even do the face project.

In the company, in addition to Stephens, Ulysses has the greatest power. Now Xiao Yunhai has suddenly promoted Gavin Dulles to CEO. If Ulysses can be reconciled, it is a strange thing.

Don't mention anyone else. Even Gavin Dulles didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai would suddenly make him the CEO. He was shocked and then a burst of ecstasy.

He is only in his forties this year. He has worked as a senior manager of several oil companies. He is a clean door to the oil industry.

It's a pity that he is full of talent and thinks his ability is not inferior to any oil company's boss. However, he can only be the director of an oil refinery.

I thought my life was over, but I didn't expect another village. Xiao Yunhai, the president of the company, made himself a CEO less than a week after he took office. He was moved by the death of a confidant.

Dulles stood up and said, "thank you for your trust, Mr. Shaw. You can rest assured that I will manage the company well for you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it is not good management, but to surpass TMC and build the company into the world's first oil and gas company. As long as you work hard, in less than five years, I promise you all here will become billionaires. "

Xiao Yunhai's voice is not big, but it is enlightening to hear everyone's ears.

Being a billionaire is the dream of all professionals, but it's too hard to achieve it. The so-called dragon among the people on wall street looks like a bull, but there are only a few people with a real value of more than 100 million US dollars.

Xiao Yunhai saw everyone's stupefied expression and said with a smile: "what? You don't believe it. Look at the people in charge of my company. They used to be wage earners with hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, but now, they are all billionaires. Even for employees, there are dozens of people who have become multimillionaires. What's so surprising about that. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

After Xiao Yunhai's voice dropped, Dulles clapped his hands first, and the others clapped in succession. His face was very excited.

When people say that, they don't necessarily believe it. But Xiao Yunhai said that they believed it.

Because magic effects, Marvel comics, Yunqing TV and now storm games have set an example for them.

The whole United States who does not know that Xiao Yunhai is the most generous boss, very good to employees. The worst average employee gets more than $400000 a year, not to mention the top executives.

At this moment, Ulysses suddenly stood up and said, "Mr. Xiao, I don't accept it. Why is the position of CEO not me, but Dulles. In terms of ability, I think I am not inferior to him. "

Xiao Yunhai narrowed his eyes and said, "your ability is not inferior to him, but your character is not good."

On hearing this, Ulysses was furious, patted the table and said, "Mr. Xiao, what do you mean? I will sue you for libel. "

"Slander?" Xiao Yunhai looked at him coldly and said, "you may sue. Mr. Ulysses, do you really think I don't know all the tricks you're up to? Well, I don't know much about the business of oil companies, but I'm not a fool. "

Xiao Yunhai took out the agreement that Ulysses gave him this morning, and fell on the table severely. He cried out angrily, "you are so brave."

Ulysses's face was pale, his legs trembled uncontrollably, his cold sweat came out of his face, and he roared in his heart: "does he know? How is that possible? He's only been here for a few days. "

All the people present were very surprised to see him. They didn't know what happened.

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "do you know what a crime this is? I've consulted my lawyer, and I think it's OK to get a life sentence. You know what I mean by these words, Ulysses

Ulysses sat down on the chair, his throat moved, and he took a mouthful of saliva so loud that even Kristi, who was sitting on the edge, heard it.

"Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry I didn't understand you?" Ulysses clenched his fist, even his knuckles were white, and stood there.

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "there is a saying in China that no coffin can be seen and no tears can be shed. You have really made a perfect interpretation of it. Mr. Ulysses, you look like you are. It's a poor psychological quality. You really want to be the CEO of the company with such a mentality. You really think too much. It doesn't matter if you don't say so. Go to the police station and say it. "

Ulysses's eyes were full of horror and said, "Mr. Shaw, you can't do this. Behind me is the Bessie family. You can't afford to offend meXiao Yunhai snorted and said, "wrong. You are just an heir, not the whole Bessie family. By the way, aren't you tough? How to tell the master behind him all of a sudden. Yes? Scared? "

Ulysses was about to bite his lips and bleed. He wanted to talk, but he found he couldn't say anything.

Nearby Dulles asked curiously, "boss, what's going on?"

Xiao Yunhai took out some photos from the file bag and handed them to Dulles.

Dulles took a closer look and found that there were several huge wells, surrounded by jet oil.

The key is that Dulles knows all the people in the picture. It is the exploration team sent by his company to Texas.

That is to say, they have discovered oil, but they have not reported it to the company.

At the thought of this, Dulles's face was mixed with surprise and joy. He laughed twice, and was so excited that he suddenly stood up, pointed to Ulysses and swore: "you are so bold. How much good has TMC energy given you that you dare to do such a thing. For three years, three years, we finally found the oil field. You are such a pickpocket that you, together with the entire exploration team, hide from the company. You should have been sent to hell. "

"What? '

"oil found? '

"God, I don't know."

When people heard such news, they were all clamoring.

Ulysses was as if he had lost his soul. All his strength seemed to have been drained. His face was so pale that he looked like a vampire who had never seen the sun in his life. He murmured, "yes, you do. We've tried our best to let you know. "

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "is it hard? Your security measures are so bad that some of my private detectives got what I wanted easily. But, yes, how can such a big move be hidden? "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Ulysses's eyes slightly had a trace of look and asked, "I don't understand. You've only been here for four or five days. How could you possibly know about this?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you have done too many things before, and you are too anxious. How powerful is TMC energy company? How can it suddenly value our company for no reason? Mr. Stephens, the vice president, is even better. He installed a bug in my office. I really convinced him. By the way, and you, run to my office with the agreement and ask me to sign. I want to terminate the exploration half a year in advance so that TMC can take over. Ha ha, so many questions, if I can't guess your intention, then I would be too stupid. But I have a question. How much money did TMC give you to betray our company? "

"They didn't give me money, but they promised to give me a 2% stake in the whole field," Ulysses said in despair

"Two percent? You're too cheap. " Dulles said scornfully.

"Do you know how big that oil field is?" Ulysses quirreau said crazily? Preliminary estimates suggest at least 20 billion barrels of oil. At least 600 billion cubic meters of natural gas. Remember, at least. Otherwise, how could TMC take a fancy to us. "

"At least 20 billion barrels of oil and 600 billion cubic meters of natural gas?"

"Shit, I feel crazy."

"The current price of oil is 95 dollars a barrel, and the 20 billion barrels is two trillion dollars. If it's made into petroleum products, God, we've got it. "

"Not only that, but there are 600 billion cubic meters of natural gas. The price of one side is three dollars, which is 180 billion dollars. Ha ha ha, that's great. "

Everyone was surprised, but the look at Ulysses was very angry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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