Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:57 AM

Chapter 1464

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Dulles is right. This man is damned.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Ulysses, if I were you, I would call the lawyer right now, because the police are coming soon. No, it has already come. "

Mr. Cyril, who is suspected of fraud, is involved in six cases of fraud, Mr. Cyril. After you come in, please come with us. You have the right to remain silent, but what you say will become evidence in court. "

The chief police officer handcuffed Ulysses, nodded to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry to disturb you."

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said, "please everyone."

After the police left, Xiao Yunhai looked at the crowd and suddenly said with a smile, "everybody, what are you doing. We already have at least 20 billion barrels of oil and 600 billion cubic meters of natural gas. Don't you think we should cheer? "

"Yes. We are alive. "

"Long live the boss."

"Long live the boss. "

in just a few days, they are like a roller coaster. Originally, they were ready to lose their jobs. Some of them even went outside to submit several resumes. Unexpectedly, the boss of the company suddenly changed to Xiao Yunhai, the richest man in the world. Then he invested 100 billion dollars, which made them feel hope. Now that they've discovered billions of dollars worth of super oil fields, they're crazy.

As long as there is a glimmer of possibility, not to mention the management, even ordinary employees are not willing to change the company, because that means starting from scratch.

When they were happy for a while, Xiao Yunhai said, "Dulles, you are responsible for the Texas exploration team. From now on, all the work of the whole company will be handed over to you. I originally invested 100 billion dollars in the company, but now it seems that it is a little less. I will give you another 50 billion dollars. Come on, our future is wireless and bright. "

Dulles spirit appears incomparably excited, way: "boss rest assured, I certainly won't let you down."

Terence Bessie, the president's office of TMC energy company on Wall Street, was livid and ferocious. He had no aristocratic demeanor in his daily life. He put his arms on his desk and looked at servey, the Minister of oil exploration, and said, "what are you talking about? Say it again. "

"Boss, Kung Fu Xiao has already known about Texas oil, and the whole PEC oil and gas company is in full swing now. Ulysses, the exploration minister, was taken into the police station by the police, and our plans were all over. "

Terence Bessie's eyes were red, and the whole man was like a wild animal. He picked up his beloved teacup and smashed it with a bang.

"Bucket, it's a bunch of buckets. Say, how did he know? "

"Kung Fu Shaw had always suspected that we were buying shares in peck, and he had long discovered the bug Stephens had installed. Later, with the contract Ulysses wanted him to sign, he became suspicious of the oil exploration team in Texas and asked several private detectives to check it out. It is said that the photos were also shown at the meeting. "

Terence Bessie plumped down in his chair and burst out laughing and said, "well, what a Kung Fu Xiao, I underestimate him. I am worthy of being the film emperor. I have been acting with me all the time, but I didn't see it. Ha ha, it's stupid enough. Well, now that he has succeeded, he has not only acquired the huge oil field worth trillions of dollars, but also acquired all the shares of peck company, which is really a powerful means. "

"Mr. Bessie, what are we going to do next? Ulysses has been in the police station, and if he betrays us, it will be in big trouble. And that Stephens, let him disappear before he's caught. The old man knows too much about us. As for the others, it doesn't matter if we don't contact them directly. "

Terence Bessie said: "Ulysses was not contacted by me. What I knew was very limited. Then I said I didn't know. As for Stephens, he has to see God. The nature of this incident is actually economic fraud. If it is found out from Stephens that it is me, even if I am a member of the Bessie family, I will be jailed. "

Selway nodded and said, "I'll have it cleaned up right away."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Dulles rushed to Xiao Yunhai's office.

Seeing that he seemed to be playing with a little thing, Dulles knew that it should be Stephens' bug and said, "boss, Stephens had a traffic accident. On the way to the airport this afternoon, I was hit by a large truck on the side and died in the car. His wife was not spared. "

When Xiao Yunhai heard the speech, he didn't respond. It seemed that the whole world was not as attractive as this bug. After a long time, he sighed and said, "since he put this little thing in my room, Stephens has only two results left. Become a billionaire or be killed. Obviously, he failed. "

Dulles was stunned and said, "boss, you mean it's not an accident."Xiao Yunhai grinned and looked at Dulles. He said angrily, "if you are Terence Bessie, will you let this possibly jailed Stephens live? Hum, such a big business fraud case, even if Bessie went in, he would never come out of it. So, whether or not Stephens has evidence in his hand to knock him down, he won't take the risk. "

Dulles nodded and said, "it's cruel."

Xiao Yunhai said: "as the successor of the Bessie family, if he is not cruel, how can he have a foothold in the family. These nobles flaunt their proprieties and justice when they are free, and kill people and steal goods when they have something to do. Killing people is just a common occurrence for them. Dulles, you don't need to get involved in these messy things. You should catch up with the work of the company as soon as possible. I don't care about the details. Within half a year, I want to see the whole company back to normal. If you encounter oil field auctions in different parts of the world, as long as you feel valuable, contact Christie immediately and take it directly. Besides, you should organize a group of oil exploration teams to go to China as soon as possible. Geologists say that there is a place in Xinjiang that is likely to have oil. "

Dulles took the lead and said, "yes, Mr. Shaw. It's just what happened to the Texas exploration team? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's your business, it has nothing to do with me. Next, you'd better set up more exploration teams, hire more scientists, and let them search for oil all over the world. However, when the exploration team found it, they were rewarded with at least $500000 each. Don't care about money. With oil fields, money will flow into our pockets, understand


Dulles looked at Xiao Yunhai's young face with admiration in his eyes. These are the people who do great things. They are generous, bold and generous. Compared with those stingy people before, they are just like the sky and the ground.

Working with such a man, Dulles only felt his heart full of passion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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