Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:55 AM

Chapter 1465

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They talked for a long time, Dulles left excitedly.

Xiao Yunhai stood up from his chair and relaxed for a while.

Peck oil and gas company is completely finished today. I believe Dulles should have no problem in the following development.

It's time to go back.

At this time, a burst of music sounded, Xiao Yunhai picked up his mobile phone, saw the number of Terence Bessie, his face showed a playful smile.

Press the answer button, Xiao Yunhai said nothing, waiting for Bessie to speak first.

After a long time, Terence Bessie said, "do you have time now, Mr. Shaw? I'd like to invite you to a cup of coffee

Xiao Yunhai said, "good."

From the company, Xiao Yunhai came to the appointed coffee shop. As last time, Terence Bessie contracted out the venue.

After sitting face to face for a while, Terence Bessie said quietly, "this is the worst time I've ever lost."

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of bitter cat excrement coffee, frowned slightly, and said, "I'm not afraid of opponents like gods, but afraid of teammates like pigs. The main reason why Mr. Bessie failed in chess was that your teammates were really stupid

Terrence Bessie asked, "when did you begin to doubt?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "from the beginning, I have never trusted anyone."

Terrence Bessie said, "you deliberately set up a board to let me go inside and cheat me into selling you the shares, didn't you?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. I have a lot of confidence in PEC oil and gas and naturally want to have it all. "

In recent days, the market value of peck oil and gas company has soared in geometric multiples after Xiao Yunhai became the owner. The banks that have been urging them to repay their loans are not in a hurry. Instead, they take the initiative to call the finance department to ask if they need loans.

It has to be said that Xiao Yunhai is a very hard brand. Of course, he has a bank, so he can't use the loan from the other party.

Terence Bessie suddenly said in Chinese: "stealing chicken can't make rice. It should be me."

Xiao Yunhai said: "the oil field in Dezhou doesn't belong to you, and the 12% shares you buy make you at least 2 billion. In this case, you did not lose, but you became the winner. "

Terence Bessie laughed and said, "Mr. Shaw, you are really a comfort."

Xiao Yunhai fixed his eyes on Terence Bessie and said, "at least it's much better than Stephens who had a traffic accident and Ulysses, who is about to be sentenced to life imprisonment. Mr. Bessie, you must have something to do with the death of Stephens

The soft lines on Terence Bessie's face suddenly became cold. His eyes were like sharp blades. He looked back at Xiao Yunhai coldly and said, "he's not dead. What should I do? If you get the evidence, I'll end up with Ulysses. "

Terence Bessie is a bachelor without any concealment, which fully shows his domineering power as the second successor of Bessie family. And his eyes are full of aggression, with a strong sense of killing.

Naturally, Xiao Yunhai would not be afraid. With a smile, he said: "Mr. Bessie, if I were you, I would never show my killing chance to an expert with the best Kung Fu in the world. In that case, you would die before you did. There are only three or four bodyguards around you. Even four or five hundred can't protect you. "

Terence Bessie, with his mouth cocked, regained his usual aristocratic appearance, and said, "Mr. Xiao, a fool will fight you. Now that you've won an all-round victory, peck oil and gas is back to life. With that super large oil field in Texas, it can rank among the top 10 private oil companies in the world. Maybe we still have a chance to cooperate. "

Moody and tolerant.

After listening to Bessie's words, Xiao Yunhai gave him the eight word comment, and at the same time raised his danger level to the highest level, saying: "as long as Mr. Bessie doesn't regard me as an enemy."

After coffee, Xiao Yunhai got up, shook hands with him and said, "sorry, I'm going back home to prepare for the concert. Good bye, Mr. Bessie

Terrence Bessie said with a smile, "I'm leaving too. Let's go together."

Looking at the car that Xiao Yunhai left slowly, Terence Bessie's smile on his face quickly disappeared and became extremely gloomy. He said, "Kung Fu Xiao, we have a long way to go."

After dealing with New York, Xiao Yunhai flew back to Yanjing.

Zhao Wanqing came to pick up the plane in person. Seeing Xiao Yunhai, she immediately welcomed her.

Xiao Yunhai kisses her on the face twice, hugs her slender waist, walks, and asks: "these days, how is your home?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "everything is normal. Don't worry. I hear that you are against the Bessie family again in New York. Tell me when you get home. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, no problem."When they got home, it was already 6:00 p.m., Chen Xiuzhu and Yan Feiyun made a table full of

dishes, and the family sat together and had a beautiful meal.

During the dinner, Xiao Yunhai told the whole story about the Texas oil field in the United States,.

After hearing this, Zhao Mingsheng took a cold breath and said, "it's dangerous. Cloud sea, that is, you are careful. If someone else had changed, I'm afraid that trillions of oil fields would have been taken away by Terence Bessie

Xiao Yunhai complacently said: "on his two sons, but also want to hide from me, how possible. That Stephens was even more stupid to install a bug in my office. Hehe, he may not know, this is the rest of my play. "

Zhao Wanqing took a mouthful of food, put it into his mouth, and said, "don't brag here. If it wasn't for Ms. Christie, you wouldn't even find out, OK

Yan Piaoyun said, "Wanqing, you can't say that. Yunhai can find the key to the problem from some details. It is impossible to achieve this without careful thinking and bold imagination. "

Xiao Yunhai thumbed up his thumb at Yan Feiyun, and laughed and said, "it's still my mother who has eyes. Comrades, let me tell you one thing. With this oil field, our family's wealth has exceeded four trillion US dollars. "

No one said anything. They seemed to be shocked by the figure of four trillion.

After a long time, Xiao Changfeng said, "four trillion US dollars, that is 12 trillion Chinese dollars, almost catch up with the annual GDP of a province."

Zhao Mingsheng said with a wry smile: "elder brother, it's not nearly catching up, but has already surpassed. Last year, the gross domestic product of Southern Henan Province just exceeded one trillion yuan, which was two trillion yuan less than that of the sea of clouds, not to mention those poor provinces. "

Xiao Changfeng sighed: "I really did not dream that the Xiao family would come out of such a world super rich."

Xiao Yunhai said, "Dad, what is this? Give me another ten years, and I'll double the number ten times. We will be the fifth largest family in the business world

Chen Xiuzhu patted him on the head with chopsticks and said, "you boy, don't daydream here. It's the most important to accompany two children more in the future."

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "the old Buddha said yes, I will obey the orders."

The crowd burst into laughter.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai accompanied the two children to play for a while, and Zhao Wanqing took them to bed.

Half an hour later, Zhao Wanqing came out wearing a nightgown.

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai was playing with his computer, he poured him a cup of tea, sat beside him and leaned his head on his shoulder: "husband, to tell you the truth, have you thought about our mother three these days?"

Xiao Yunhai hugged Zhao Wanqing and asked her to sit on her legs. Looking at his wife's beautiful face, he said in a soft voice, "yes, of course I do."

Said, the right hand has quietly extended to her arms, gently rubbing the two towering peaks.

Zhao Wanqing not only didn't stop her, but also stood up. Her face was flushed and her eyes were blurred. She allowed her husband to do evil on her body. Naturally, there was a snake pan war. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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