Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:54 AM

Chapter 1466

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After the rain, Xiao Yunhai hugged Zhao Wanqing in his bedroom and said, "wife, have we set the time for our domestic concert?"

Zhao Wanqing drew a circle on Xiao Yunhai's chest and said, "it's all settled. A total of five, namely, Zhenghai, modu, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Xiangjiang. It starts on April 1, every six days, and ends just one month later

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "today is March 15th, which means we still have half a month to go, right?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "yes. I almost forgot to tell you one thing. The Golden Cup International Film Festival will be held on March 18. Would you like to go

When Xiao Yunhai was on the Internet, he took a look at the golden cup film festival.

This time, "master of the generation" has been shortlisted for seven awards, including best director, best film, best actor, best actress, best action design, best screenwriter and best supporting actor, and the voice of winning the award is very high.

Xiao Yunhai is not surprised by the shortlist of "a generation of masters". Last year, I won so many awards at the major awards ceremonies. If the golden cup award was excluded, it would be impossible.

What really surprised Xiao Yunhai was that Hanhai film and television investment company actually occupied half of the whole country in terms of the number of films shortlisted.

A total of 32 films were shortlisted, including 14 foreign films and 18 domestic films. Among them, seven films from Hanhai were shortlisted for various awards, which made innumerable entertainment company owners envious and jealous.

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "wife, forget it, I won't go. Now I really don't have any interest in these awards. I don't care whether I win the prize or not. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "but I have promised to go. Anyway, you have nothing to do at home, so you should accompany me to relax, OK

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "you forgot. March 18 is the official opening day of my grandfather's school. I have to go and help

Zhao Wanqing said, "if you don't tell me, I almost forgot. OK, you're busy. Husband, otherwise, I will not join in. Shall we go together

Xiao Yunhai said: "forget it, you have promised others. It's not appropriate not to go. If I get the award, I'll give you a speech. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "OK."

After talking for a while, the couple made love again, and then they went back to the children's bedroom and fell asleep with their arms around them.

Two days later, Xiao Yunhai and his parents arrived in Feicheng ahead of time. Chen Jiahong was very happy.

While eating, Xiao Yunhai asked, "grandfather, what are you like? Is everything going well for the school? "

Chen Jiahong laughed and said, "it's very smooth. We have recruited 300 boys and 300 girls, all about 11 or 12 years old. There are 30 teachers in total, all very excellent, the canteen invited seven or eight chefs, cooking is very good. Children have to practice martial arts every day, nutrition must keep up. I'll talk about the rest later. "

Xiao Yunhai held up his glass and said with a smile, "grandfather, I wish you the president a smooth job."

Chen Jiahong laughed and said, "good."

At 9:30 the next morning, Chen Jiahong and his family came to the school.

Looking at the tall buildings, the spacious lawn and the beautiful environment, Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "grandfather, the money is really not in vain."

Chen Jiahong said triumphantly, "of course."

At this time, Meng Fang stepped forward and said, "master, everyone has gathered in the playground.

Can we hold the opening ceremony? "

Mengfang moved his family from Yanjing to Feicheng years ago and became a martial arts teacher in the school.

Before, in the Xingyi Taiji sect, Chen Jiahong's disciples spent most of their time in teaching. Therefore, although he did not have a teacher's qualification certificate, his teaching ability was only better than that of any teacher.

Chen Jiahong was very moved to see his disciple bring his family to Feicheng. He bought a villa for Mengfang.

Mengfang and Zhao Yan refused in every way. Chen Jiahong glared and said angrily, "don't just go away, or I will be upset when I see you."

Meng fang had no choice but to take his father-in-law, mother-in-law, wife and children to live in.

For Chen Jiahong, the Zhao Yan family are very grateful.

A few hundred villas were given to my disciples casually. I can't find such a master all over the world.

Not only Mengfang, but also several of Chen Jiahong's disciples came back to be teachers.

Chen Jiahong said with a smile, "let's go."

As he walked, Xiao Yunhai asked, "grandfather, have you prepared your speech?"

Chen Jiahong snorted and said, "don't look down on me. When I hit the Japanese devils, I did not give you less encouragement. "

Chen Xiuzhu said with a smile, "Dad, heroes don't mention their bravery. You are over ninety now. Don't try to be brave. "Chen Jiahong said indifferently: "I am really old, but I still don't ask the

questions when dealing with ten or eight strong men."

They came to the playground.

The playground was full of people, and 600 orphans in school uniforms stood still, just like javelins.

Around him were the teachers hired by Chen Jiahong, the directors of the orphanages and the neighbors who came to see the excitement.

Seeing those lovely young faces, Chen Jiahong's face blossomed with joy and strode to the rostrum.

In fact, what's more, even Xiao Yunhai felt a kind of joy from his heart when he saw these children.

Chen Jiahong stood in front of the microphone in high spirits and said in a loud voice: "dear teachers and students, the Jiahong martial arts school which has been built for almost a year is finally about to open. My old man is very happy."

"I know that you are all children who grew up in orphanages. You don't have the love of your parents, you can't enjoy the warmth of your relatives, and you don't know where your home is. But now, I tell you, you will have a family in the future, which is the Jiahong martial arts school where we are. You are my grandson and granddaughter of Chen Jiahong. "

"Hello, grandfather."

The children at the scene called out in unison.

Hearing their shouts, Chen Jiahong's eyes were red. He took a deep breath and continued: "Jiahong martial arts school is a martial arts school, which practices real Chinese Kung Fu. But Kung Fu is not good. You have to learn culture. Before learning martial arts, you should learn to be a man. I hope that after you go out, you will become both literati and martial arts people and useful to the society.... "

when Xiao Yunhai saw that the old man didn't even bring a book on the stage, he said wildly for 20 minutes. The applause from the bottom also rang out from time to time, and he couldn't help exclaiming," Mom, I didn't expect that my grandfather still has this skill, and I'm almost catching up with the speaker. "

Chen Xiuzhu said with a smile, "stop talking about you. Even I didn't expect your grandfather to have such eloquence."

After Chen Jiahong finished his speech, he turned his head and looked at Xiao Yunhai. His face was full of fun. Xiao Yunhai murmured that it was not good.

Sure enough, Chen Jiahong said, "the main reason why this school has been built successfully, and it can make us have no worries about food and clothing, is mainly because of your senior brother Xiao Yunhai. Do you know him, children

"Yes. The emperor of clouds is the best in the world. " Cried six hundred children.

Chen Jiahong was stunned and said with a smile: "it seems that he is quite famous. Now let your senior brother Xiao Yunhai tell you a few words, OK? "


Xiao Yunhai looked at his grandfather who had succeeded in the plot. He stepped onto the rostrum helplessly and said, "students, first of all, welcome to our Jiahong martial arts school. I believe you should all know that the reason why your headmaster set up such a martial arts school is not to make profits, but to promote Chinese Kung Fu and cultivate talents with both literature and martial arts. Our campus has spent 560 million yuan from the site selection to now. All the materials are the best. In order to give you a comfortable living and learning environment, he invited more than 30 excellent culture teachers, more than a dozen excellent chefs, five clinic doctors, and the teacher who teaches you Kung Fu is a master in martial arts. "

"The school uniforms you are wearing are all tailored to your size, and the food you eat will be made for you according to the scientific proportion. Although I didn't go in the dormitory, it seems that all of you are equipped with air conditioning from the outside. Every month, the school will give you the necessary living expenses to buy some daily necessities. What we have done is not to reward you, but to create a good learning environment for you so that you can become talents. In the same way, we hope that you will not fail to live up to our efforts. If you want to get ahead in the future, you must make unremitting efforts now. "


"That's all I'll say. By the way, I almost forgot, and the last sentence, when you are grown up, you can work in my company. This is called "fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders."

"Ha ha ha ha."

The whole school burst into laughter.

Then, the teachers all came to the stage to introduce themselves. When it was the martial arts teacher's turn, all the teachers and students in the school unanimously asked them to perform.

Naturally, Meng Fang and others were not afraid of it. They put forward their unique skills and won the applause of everyone.

Seeing the yearning and envious look of those children, Liang Jiahong was very satisfied. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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