Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:53 AM

Chapter 1467

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The opening ceremony soon ended.

At noon, Xiao Yunhai accompanied Liang Jiahong and the school teachers to have a meal in the dining hall. In order to avoid bringing bad atmosphere to children, drinking is strictly prohibited in school. Therefore, we did not drink, but the atmosphere was not affected, still very warm.

In the afternoon, Chen Jiahong personally taught 60 students in class one the three postures of standing Xingyi Quan.

Xiao Yunhai was idle and had nothing to do, so he watched.

It has to be said that these children from the orphanage are much more tenacious in character than the ordinary children. None of the 60 people cried bitterly and tired, and they all persevered.

After hearing of Xiao Jiahong's praise, he vowed to let them enjoy their happy life.

In the evening, Chen Jiahong, Chen Zhan and Xiao Yunhai sat together for dinner.

Chen Jiahong was very excited and kept talking about the children while drinking.

Seeing his energetic appearance, everyone was relieved.

With Chen Jiahong's physical quality, as long as he is in a good mood, he can live for another 20 or 30 years without any problem.

After dinner, it's already seven fifty-five.

Xiao Yunhai opened a CCTV program and watched the Golden Cup International Film Festival Award Ceremony.

Chen Zhan said with a smile, "Yunhai, you are really good enough. On such a big occasion as the Golden Cup International Film Festival, your "master of the generation" has been shortlisted for seven awards. Even if you only get three or four awards, it will be a great sight. It's very kind of you to come to the opening ceremony of Jiahong martial arts school. If you let those artists who want to go but are not qualified to go, they will not be able to scold you to death. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "uncle, to tell you the truth, I hate to attend these award ceremonies now. I feel a bit flashy. Think of today's children's heartfelt smiles. Don't you think the smiles of these stars on TV are very fake? "

Chen Zhan looked at the professional smiles of the well-dressed and brightly dressed male and female stars, and then compared with the naive smile of those children, he could not help nodding and saying, "you are right. But you'd better be careful, because Wanqing is also in it

Xiao Changfeng pointed to the TV and said, "look, I didn't expect Wanqing to be on stage so soon."

Chen Zhan was surprised and said: "she presented the best screenwriter award. Yunhai, are you also shortlisted for this award? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. See who it is? "

Zhao Wanqing, wearing a long white dress, showed her slender and graceful figure and noble and elegant temperament.

Huang Bo standing with her directly served as her foil.

Huang Bo said with a wry smile, "sister-in-law, I won't come with you to present awards."

"Why?" asked Zhao Wanqing

Huang Bo pointed to the audience and said, "look at them, you are in your eyes. I took the golden cup movie king last year. I was so sad to be your background board. "

"Ha ha ha."

There was a lot of laughter at the scene.

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and sighed, "it's true that those who are near the ink are red and those who are close to the ink are black. The tone and manner in which you speak now is the same as your third brother. "

Huang Bolian said, "sister-in-law, you misunderstood me. I'm not the same as him. He was shameless. I was cheeky at best, and I didn't reach his level. However, you can rest assured, give me a period of time, I promise to surpass him


"I'll go."

"Huang Bo really dares to say so."

"Because they are brothers, otherwise who dares to say so about the emperor."

In front of the TV, Xiao Yunhai and his family were all laughing. Even Chen Jiahong, who had always been serious, couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Yun pointed to Huang Bo's nose and cursed: "this bastard, when I go back, I have to repair him."

Chen Zhan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Yunhai, I think they are right. Ha ha... "

Xiao Yunhai was speechless for a while.

During the live broadcast, Zhao Wanqing said: "neck, you are so brave. I guess you'll have to wear a lot of little shoes in the future

Huang Bo waved his hand and said scornfully, "it's OK. With you to support me, the third brother did not dare to wear shoes for me even though he ate the gall of the leopard with bear heart. People all over the world know that at home has the final say? They say, don't they? "


Zhao Wanqing pushed Huang Bo and said, "don't come. I can't protect you if you piss him off. "

Huang Bo said with a smile: "you said, I feel chilly now. I guess the third brother is looking at me in front of the TV. Let's get down to business

Zhao Wanqing said, "let's have a look at the shortlist."

The best screenwriter candidates and their works, Xiao Yunhai's "master of a generation" were shown on the big screenHowever, in the column, there are many classic lines.

"You must know that if you don't forget it, there will be an echo. There are lights, there are people. "

" when people live in this world, their ability is next. Yes, there is. It's a matter of face. "

" to show you sixty-four hands is to let you understand that there are people outside people and mountains outside. You can't just walk in front of your eyes, you can't have a body behind you


when the audience heard these classic lines again, they couldn't help clapping and cheering.

Huang Bo opened the envelope and asked casually, "sister-in-law, why didn't the third brother come today?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "he went to Feicheng, there are important things."

Huang Bo looked at the list of winners with a smile on his face and said, "now I understand why the organizing committee wants you to be the awarder. Feeling is too troublesome for others, let you give yourself awards. Yes, Xiao Yunhai is the best screenwriter of this golden cup film festival. "


"the cloud emperor is unique in the world."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."


Xiao Yunhai's fans called out the classic slogan.

At the award ceremony, the most interesting scene appeared. One of the winners presented awards to another.

Zhao Wanqing took the trophy and certificate from Huang Bo with a helpless face, then went to the microphone and gave a speech.

"First of all, I want to apologize on behalf of my husband. He didn't come to the scene not because he wanted to show how great he was, but because he did have important things to do when he went to Feicheng and left yesterday afternoon. Secondly, I would like to thank the jury for giving him this award. It took him a full year from the preparation to the release. It can be said that it is quite not easy, with more effort than "2012", but the result did not disappoint him. Finally, I'd like to thank the fans for their love and support of our "master of the generation". Thank you very much

Zhao Wanqing bowed gracefully and walked off the stage.

Xiao Yunhai said: "uncle, how is my daughter-in-law?"

Chen zhanbai gave him a look and said, "a flower was planted on the cow dung."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "as long as the flowers are willing to plant, I will make that cow dung."

On TV, the award ceremony continued, and master of the generation won the best action design without any suspense. Unfortunately, the best supporting actor of Huang Qiusheng and Deng Yue and the best actor of Xiao Yunhai were all taken by others.

It was not until the award of best actress that the honored guests called out Zhao Wanqing.

No matter what award ceremony, the most influential awards are best actor and heroine, best director and best film. Zhao Wanqing was able to win the best female host, even after the best director and best film were lost, "a generation of masters" is not a failure.

We should know that the Golden Cup awards are very different from those before. It is more difficult than before to find a way out of dozens of excellent films in the world and reach the top.

Zhao Wanqing with "a generation of masters" almost all the world's well-known film after a time, in this world, is not a small miracle.

Standing in front of the microphone, Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "I'm really glad to be able to meet such a role as Mr. Gong er. I once told the media that after my husband wrote this script, I read it for the first time, and I was deeply attracted by the life of this legendary woman. To modern people, she is not perfect. Her character is too tough, too strong, and always holding the old rules in her heart, delaying her youth. In his later years, he abandoned himself. But just because of this, we will find that Mr. Gong Er is just a poor little girl in the lake. "

"After so many plays, this part is my favorite. For it, I spent half a year training Bagua Quan, even today, I still practice every day, rain or shine. Now he has become a no small martial arts master. I want to thank my husband, without him, there would be no Miyagi this flesh and blood role. I would also like to thank the golden cup jury for giving her the best present of the best actress. Of course, I would like to thank those fans who like this role, thank you for your support. The last thing I want to say is that I finally won my husband once. I got the honor of the film queen, but he didn't win the film emperor, I was still very happy. After I go back, I'll make a joke of him and see if he's still a cow. "

"Ha ha ha."

Hearing Zhao Wanqing's last witticism, fans burst into laughter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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