Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:52 AM

Chapter 1468

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Looking at Zhao Wanqing, who is gorgeous and elegant on the stage, Bai binglu, sitting in a remote corner, said with envy: "in the future, I must become a real movie queen like sister Zhao."

Soon came to the best director, Xiao Yunhai once again regretted losing to a new Danish director, Keith Ruth

In front of the TV set, Xiao Yunhai picked up his tea cup, sipped it gently, shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "it's so pathetic. It's just that the movie emperor is gone, and the best director is gone. How can I be so miserable. By the way, who is this case Ruth? I don't know. "

Chen Xiuzhu did not have a good temper said: "you are busy all day, even home do not return, can know he is strange."

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "Mom, you can't even know it."

Chen Xiuzhu said triumphantly, "of course. His "John's life", I also went to the cinema with your father. It was really wonderful, and it gave people a different kind of moving

Chen Zhan said: "this film belongs to the category of literature and art film, but the box office has reached 4.6 billion U.S. dollars. It is well received by fans all over the world. Yunhai, the best film is probably produced between your "master" and "John's life."

Even Xiao Yunhai has to admire a $4.6 billion film.

Seeing Keith Ruth walking on the podium, Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "how old is he this year? It seems very young. "

Chen Zhan said with a smile: "like you, 28 years old. The media call him the director most likely to surpass you. "

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "it's very powerful. Maybe I can in the awards, but it's almost impossible to surpass me at the box office

Xiao Yunhai is confident in this point.

Keith Ruth didn't seem to be good at words. He simply said a few thanks and went back to the stage.

Next came the best picture. Shen Qiu, chairman of the golden cup organizing committee, opened the envelope himself. Seeing the name inside, he was stunned. Then he said with a smile: "the Danish film" John's life "won the best film of this golden cup International Film Festival. Congratulations to them."

The crew of "John's life" jumped up with joy and hugged each other tightly. The excitement was beyond words. Keith Ruth's eyes were filled with tears.

Huang Qiusheng clapped his hands and shook his head with a wry smile: "Wan Qing, thanks for winning the best actress award this time, otherwise our" master of the generation "crew will really lose everything. Yunhai doesn't know that he won't get the prize, so he didn't come. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "where would he know. However, it is normal for the cast of "John's life" to win the award. Keith Ruth is worthy of his reputation for winning more than four billion dollars worldwide with an art film. Mr. Huang, do you know which company he is from

Huang Qiusheng laughed and said: "it seems to be a small company in Denmark. Yes? You don't want him, do you? I've heard that many Hollywood studios wanted to recruit him, but they all failed. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "try it later. What if he takes a fancy to us marvel. "

Huang Qiusheng said, "yes. You marvel is unique in Hollywood and is the place directors and actors want to go most. Maybe you can do it

Coincidentally, when Xiao Yunhai saw that the best film was won by "John's life" again, his eyes immediately shot a light, stood up and walked to the room.

Chen Zhan thought that his nephew lost to others. He was not happy, so he quickly comforted him: "Yunhai, don't you feel sad, isn't it a loss? With your ability, you will win back next time

Xiao Changfeng and Chen Xiuzhu also looked at him with concern.

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said with a smile, "who said I was sad. I want to check this guy online? If I have a chance, I will take him under my command. "

With that, Xiao Yun went to the second floor on the sea.

Chen Jiahong said, "the three of you are really worrying. With Yunhai's current status and status, will he care about an award? I'm kidding

"Dad, you said with a smile

Xiao Yunhai went back to his bedroom and saw that Keith Ruth was just a director of a small Danish company. He had not yet entered Hollywood. He picked up the phone and called Zhao Wanqing.

At this time, just after the party, Zhao Wanqing's assistant Xiao Fang saw that it was Xiao Yunhai's call. She hurriedly came to Zhao Wanqing, who was talking to Huang Qiusheng, and handed her her her mobile phone.

"Husband, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "wife, go and find the best director for me. I want to sign him into our Marvel cartoon company."

Zhao Wanqing laughed and said, "husband, we really want to go together. I was just about to go over and talk to him

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "this is called the heart has a soul. Come on, as long as he is willing to join us marvel, any conditions can be said. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "I know."Put away the mobile phone, Zhao Wanqing went to the case. Ruth, like the stars.

As one of the biggest black horses in the Golden Cup International Film Festival, Keith Ruth became famous overnight. Many actors and even film emperors have found him and want to make a good relationship with him.

After Zhao Wanqing came over, the artists around gave her a way to see what the richest lady in the world wanted to do.

Other entertainers who were talking and laughing also paid attention to her.

"I said that Miss Zhao would not be so angry that she would deliberately trouble him."

"It's hard to say. Originally, there was a great chance that the "master of a generation" would win the prize, but it was finally intercepted by case Ruth, who was not a famous person. I don't think it's comfortable for anyone. "

"Bullshit, definitely not. After Yun Huangqing has always been very atmospheric, how can you go to find someone else's trouble for a few awards? "

However, Zhao Wanqing has come to case Ruth.

Keith Ruth was a little nervous. After all, she was the richest lady in the world, and the world-famous movie queen had a hair thicker than her own thigh.

In this award ceremony, his work "John's life" completely defeated Xiao Yunhai's "a generation of masters". If they are not happy and have to deal with themselves, they are afraid that "John's life" will be their last film.

As a result, Keith Ruth was very nervous, with a forced smile on his face and said, "Hello, Miss Zhao."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "Mr. Ruth, congratulations on winning the best director and best film awards tonight. I've seen John's life, and it's really wonderful. My husband just called me to congratulate you on his behalf

Keith Ruth's throat moved and said, "Mr. Shaw, you are welcome."

When other artists heard Zhao Wanqing's words, they all thought that Zhao Wanqing was making ironic remarks. One by one, they looked at Keith Ruth with pity.

This case Ruth is unlucky enough to be remembered by the richest man in the world.

Shen Qiu, chairman of the golden cup organizing committee who has been paying close attention to this side, frowned and walked several steps to case Ruth, but did not speak.

He is the chairman of Jinzun. If it is because of the award, Xiao Yunhai presses people with pressure, and he can't say that he will break his face this time.

However, with his understanding of Xiao Yunhai and his wife, they should not be so stingy.

Zhao Wanqing said, "Mr. Ruth, my husband asked me to ask him if you are going to Hollywood? He is very appreciative of your talent and would like you to consider joining our Marvel Comics company. Whatever the conditions, we can discuss. "

When they heard this, they suddenly realized.

Shen Qiu also put down his heart and said with a smile: "Wanqing, Mr. Ruth just won the golden cup best director, and you started. It's too anxious. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a wry smile, "chairman Shen, I can't help it. My husband is thirsty for talents now. Marvel Comics makes more than 100 films and TV works every year, but there are less than 10 directors. Most of the films can only be filmed by outside directors, which is a drag on the company. If Mr. Ruth can join us in Marvel, it will kill two birds with one stone, both for the company and for himself. I just don't know what Mr. Ruth thinks

Keith Ruth thought for a moment and said, "Miss Zhao, if I become a member of marvel, what can I get?"

Seeing that he didn't refuse on the spot, Zhao Wanqing even said, "I don't know. You can talk to my husband directly , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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