Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:48 AM

Chapter 1471

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After a two-day break, Xiao Yunhai accompanied Zhao Wanqing to the Grammy Awards ceremony.

Like Xiao Yunhai, Zhao Wanqing was shortlisted for eight awards including best singer, best album, best single and most popular female singer for last year's "forever in my heart". Meanwhile, Xiao Yunhai was also shortlisted for the best Album Producer Award.

When the plane landed at Los Angeles International Airport, Los Angeles time was 7:00 p.m., and her brother-in-law Zhang Yuan and housekeeper iver Spencer came to pick up the plane.

On the bus, Xiao Yunhai asked about the "battle of the king".

Zhang Yuan Dao: "another half a month to enter the stage of internal testing."

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "so fast?"

Zhang Yuan said with a smile, "it's been three months. It's been slow."

Xiao Yunhai said: "great. Zhang Yuan, I really want to thank you very much. By the way, do any of these people want to stay? Especially the mouse. If he can stay, I can make him the head of storm games

Zhang Yuan said: "elder brother, I usually help you to test their words. Most people, including mice, would like to stay, but they can't leave home. Their parents are in China, so it's basically impossible for them to work in Los Angeles

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "I don't have to let them stay in America. It's good to have Allen in the game, but mice are needed to make the game. Simply, I set up a branch of storm game company in China, with the mouse as the minister, who is responsible for the production of the game

Zhao Wanqing asked, "what about the R & D Department of the storm?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "spend a lot of money on recruitment. There are so many game designers in America that I don't believe we can't find a genius. "

Zhang Yuandao: "it's not difficult to make a game. What's difficult is creativity. As long as the creativity is good and the game is fun, you can definitely succeed. When I was in college, I knew an American with strong ability to study in China, named Tommy Sydney, graduated from Harvard University. I had a meal with him the other day. Unfortunately, he is now the head of the R & D Department of Miko game company, otherwise he is quite suitable. "

"Miko games?" Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "why haven't I heard of it?"

After the acquisition of storm game company, Xiao Yunhai made some understanding of the whole game industry. Famous game companies in various countries are in his mind, but there is absolutely no Miko game company in it.

"Miko is a company specialized in making stand-alone games under the banner of stell game company," Zhang Yuan said

Xiao Yunhai suddenly realized that he had never heard of it

Compared with online games, stand-alone games are relatively simple to make, but the income is not big. The main source of income is some download fees, which can not be charged through point cards like online games.

In the whole game industry, the market share of single game is less than one tenth of that of online game.

Zhao Wanqing asked, "Zhang Yuan, if this Tommy Sydney is still so good, why work in Miko? Is it not that heroes are useless

Zhang Yuan said with a wry smile: "this guy is a saint of love. The manager of Mick game company is a girl he likes. For her, Tommy was willing to work for her. Otherwise, with his ability, he would have been in the game industry for a long time. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "this guy is really stupid enough. He doesn't know the meaning of the sentence" distance produces beauty. ". Wandering around in front of people all day long. If the girl was interested in him, she would have been with him for a long time. Zhang Yuan, you'll make an appointment with him at noon tomorrow. I'll talk to him. "

"No problem," Zhang Yuan said with a smile

Soon, the three returned to the manor villa, mice and others had been waiting for them in the restaurant.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Xiao Yunhai said: "brothers, thank you for your efforts and hard work in the production of the battle of the king.". When I was in the car, I heard Zhang Yuan say that he would be able to enter the internal test in half a month. This speed is far beyond my imagination, but also shows your strong ability. Here, I'd like to propose a toast to you. Do it


After a cup of wine, the mouse said with a smile: "boss Xiao, we are the only one to thank. In just three months, you have given us tens of thousands of dollars of income, which we did not dare to think about before. On Chinese New Year's day, when I dropped 20000 US dollars on the tea table, that sense of achievement was not mentioned. My mother cried and said that I was finally promising

Others nodded.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you deserve it. When I was in the car, I told Zhang Yuan that I wanted to set up a branch of storm game company in Huaxia, which would be responsible for the development and production of games, and the operation of the Games would be handed over to the headquarters. I don't know if you're interested? "

As soon as the mouse's eyes lit up, he said, "of course I'm interested. If it's not because America is too far away from China, I would like to stay in the storm. "

"I agree. You'll have a bright future with boss Xiao. ""I agree."

"As long as it's in China, I'll do it."

When Xiao Yunhai saw that everyone had agreed, he was very happy and said, "great. This branch is headed by rats. You are responsible for the recruitment of technicians and programmers. Basic monthly salary 10000 Chinese dollars, after the completion of the game, according to the results of your commission. If we can make a world of Warcraft, ha ha, I promise everyone sitting here is a multimillionaire. "

The mouse thought for a while and said, "boss, there's no problem in the game production, but let's plan it's hard for us."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said: "the planning is in charge of the planning department of storm game company. You don't need to manage it. I've got a lot of ideas in my head, and then you just have to work it out. "

The mouse laughed and said, "that's OK. Let's drink to our beautiful tomorrow


The wine didn't finish until 11 p.m.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing took a hot bath. After some cloud rain, they fell asleep.

At noon, he saw Zhang Yunyuan in Sydney the next day.

His age is about the same as Zhang Yuan. He is not tall. He is about 1.7 meters. He looks ordinary. His eyes are small. He has some zits on his face.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Tommy was very excited. He took out a new album from his bag and said excitedly: "Mr. Xiao, I am your super fan. When I heard Zhang say you would invite me to dinner this morning, I was so excited. God, it's like a dream. Mr. Xiao, would you please sign my name and take a picture

"No problem, of course."

Xiao Yunhai took up his pen, signed his name on the album, and then took a picture with Tommy. The three of them sat down.

After ordering some steak, hamburger and so on, Zhang Yuan asked, "how are you doing now, Tommy? Have you taken care of your goddess? "

Tommy's face darkened and said, "No. Oh, I chased her for three years, but I didn't even touch her hand. It's so sad. I'm ready to give up now. "

Zhang Yuan said: "if you are sincere, gold and stone will open up. Keep working hard and you'll succeed. "

Tommy nodded and said, "you're right, even though I know you're just comforting me. Mr. Xiao, what can I do for you

Xiao Yunhai said: "our storm game company lacks a person in charge of the technical department. Zhang Yuan attaches great importance to you, saying that your talent and ability are very strong, so I hope you can join the storm."

Tommy said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, since Zhang recommended me to you, he should also tell you why I stayed in stell."

Xiao Yunhai drank two mouthfuls of juice and said, "that's right. I have heard of him, and I am more confident. Please come to me

"What do you mean, Mr. Xiao? Why didn't I understand? "

Xiao Yunhai said confidently, "Tommy, I ask you, have you ever thought about why you have chased her for three years, and have not succeeded now?"

Tommy's eyes flashed and he said, "why?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "two reasons. Either she's got someone else and doesn't like you at all, or you're just too hopeless. If it's the first, no matter where you work, the result is the same. She can't be with you. If it's the second one, come to storm games. As long as you design a game like "world of Warcraft" and become famous, when you go after her, you will get twice the result with half the effort. Tommy, if you were a woman, would you like to obey your subordinates? No matter how strong a woman is, she needs a big tree to protect her from the wind and rain. But you are not as good as her. How can you protect her

In his previous life, Xiao Yunhai never fell in love. After crossing the world, although she married Zhao Wanqing, they had already been in love with each other. And because it is a star, so did not like ordinary people to talk seriously.

So really speaking, Xiao Yunhai is just a child. But I didn't expect that it was such a young child. In order to retain talents, he even turned into a love expert to comfort others. Xiao Yunhai felt a little speechless.

What makes people speechless is that Xiao Yunhai's words actually have an effect on Tommy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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