Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:47 AM

Chapter 1472

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Tommy's face was blue and white. He seemed to be thinking. After a long time, he bit his steel teeth and made a decision.

"Mr. Xiao, you are right. I really shouldn't stay in her company any more. Storm game company is popular all over the world because of world of Warcraft. If you invite me to be the person in charge of the company, aren't you afraid I'll screw it up? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I believe in Zhang Yuan, so I also believe in you. What's more, the production of games, this kind of technical work, can test whether a person has real talent. If you don't have that level, you can be tested in less than a week. If you really can't, I'll change people. "

"That is to say, if I join the storm, I can only be a temporary leader, right?" said Tommy with a wry smile

Of course, Xiao Hai nodded

Tommy said, "Mr. Xiao, you are very frank. Although I feel a little uncomfortable after hearing this, I am not afraid of challenges. I want to know, if I go to the storm, what treatment will you give me? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I can give you 50000 US dollars for a month's salary. If you want more, it depends on your grades. If you can make a game like world of Warcraft, I can guarantee you will be a billionaire. The specific details need to be discussed with you by the personnel department. "

Tommy thought about it and said, "I heard you're working on a game called the battle of the king.". Is this what I did when I went? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "No. "Battle of the king" has Zhang Yuan and them. It will be finished in half a month. At that time, the staff of storm R & D department will be handed over to you to make a new game. As for whether you can convince them, it depends on your own level. Tommy, I tell you, all the people in charge of my company have become billionaires in two years, and I don't want you to be an exception

Tommy glared and said, "Mr. Xiao, I won't let you down."

Xiaoyunhai, we are willing to join the game

Tommy nodded and said, "of course. Of course, I would like to

Xiao Yunhai held out his hand and shook him for a while, saying, "I wish you to become a billionaire as soon as possible."

In this way, Xiao Yunhai got Tommy Sydney with his eloquence.

Will Zhang Yuan back to the company, Xiao Yunhai came to his office, began to recall the past life of those hot games. Fortunately, he has played. Although he tried it, he did not forget the details.

After thinking about it for a long time, Xiao Yunhai finally chose "dungeons and Warriors" which was popular in Europe and America in his previous life, and "dream journey to the west" for mice, which was popular all over the world.

Say to do, Xiao Yunhai began to write a game planning book.

"Bang bang bang"

Xiao Yunhai was typing, when he heard a knock on the door, he called out, "please come in."

The door opened and Kristi, dressed in a professional suit and high heels, came in.

"Good news, Mr. Xiao. After detailed exploration by experts, the reserves of the oilfield we found in Dezhou are not 20 billion barrels, but 28 billion barrels. The newly established exploration team suspected that there would be oil fields in other parts of the area, so they organized people to explore

Since Xiao Yunhai handed over peck oil and gas company to Gavin Dulles, Gavin Dulles has carried out a thorough reform of the company. In a short week, the whole company took on a new look.

According to Xiao Yunhai's idea, Gavin Dulles has spent a lot of money to recruit a lot of talents and set up an exploration team of up to 2000 people in a group of 500 people to explore oil in various regions of the world, and all the equipment used has been bought, which is the top in the world.

The refinery has already started construction. It is less than 10 kilometers away from the oil field. Xiao Yunhai's requirement is that the oil refining capacity should not be less than 100 million tons per year, and natural gas should not be less than 20 billion cubic meters.

It would cost US $20 billion to build such a huge oil refinery, but it only takes one year to recover the cost.

If there were not such a large profit, there would not be so many oil companies in the world.

Now it's been a long time since the oil and gas exploration company has been in operation for a long time.

If an oil field as big as the previous one is discovered, the whole company will become the top five private oil companies in the world.

Now, the original reserves of Dezhou oil field, which has reached 20 billion barrels, has suddenly increased to 28 billion barrels. To Xiao Yunhai, it is just like adding wings to a tiger.

You know, there is no time limit for the development rights that PEC oil and gas company has spent more than five billion dollars. That is to say, as long as PEC is willing, it can develop for a lifetime. Of course, 30 percent of the profits go to the Texas government. Even so, PEC's profits have doubled.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "great. Peck is back on the right track, and my heart is completely relaxed"PEC's market value has grown tenfold in just one month," Kristi said. Mr. Xiao, can we raise money now? "

"Financing? Can we use it? " Xiao Yunhai asked.

Christie said, "of course. Mr. Xiao, unlike your other industries, energy companies are too risky and accidental factors account for a large proportion. Want to be bigger and stronger, but also to ensure their own security, financing is undoubtedly the best way. We can use the money we get to invest in other industries. In this way, you will remain invincible even if there are problems with PEC oil and gas in the future. "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment, nodded and said, "you are right. The investment of oil companies is too large. It is difficult to develop to the level of TMC energy company by myself alone. By the way, what is the current market value of the company? "

"It just broke the $1 trillion mark," Kristi said

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "the company's market value has increased so much just by discovering a Dezhou oilfield. If there is news from Huaxia, then the market value of our company will rise a lot. "

Christie nodded and said, "yes. It's just that it's hard to say if there's one. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "wait and see. If it is found out, it will be too bad for us to raise funds now. "

Christie said, "then wait."

Kristi reported to Xiao Yunhai about other investments and then left.

Kristi had just left when Xiao Yunhai's phone rang.

Open a look, is brilliant film and television company boss Chu Heng number.

"What does he want himself for?"

Xiao Yunhai was puzzled. He pressed the answer button and said with a smile, "Mr. Chu, how are you?"

Chu Heng said, "Mr. Xiao, long time no see."

Two people said a few polite words, Xiao Yunhai asked: "Mr. Chu, I don't know what you are calling me for?"

Chu Heng said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm looking for you to help me."

It turns out that Chu Heng's brilliant film and television company has directly entered Hollywood, and a reception to celebrate the establishment of the company will be held the day after tomorrow.

But what he didn't expect was that his invitation had been sent all over Hollywood, but there were few respondents.

Later, Chu Heng got the news that Hollywood entertainment companies were not very welcome to the brilliant move in. They thought that this was the vanguard of Huaxia entertainment company. Once he got a firm foothold, there would be other Chinese entertainment companies coming in. At that time, it would be very troublesome. As a result, Hollywood's entertainment companies, after a series of series, even collectively boycotted brilliant company.

Not only will they not attend the opening ceremony of brilliant film and television company, but they also want to unite to expel brilliance.

Chu Heng had no choice but to ask Xiao Yunhai for help. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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