Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:46 AM

Chapter 1473

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Seeing that Chu Heng has the courage to come to Hollywood for development, Xiao Yunhai still admires him very much.

In the past, Hollywood entertainment companies entered China one after another. Now it's hard to find a Chinese company attacking Hollywood. Let alone Chu Heng, his friend. Even if it's his enemy, Xiao Yunhai has to help out.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'm very happy to be the first to stand up and eat crabs. Mr. Chu may rest assured that we will take manwei's artists with us. If you agree, I can invite some other Hollywood companies for you, such as GM and MGM

Chu Heng said happily, "thank you so much, Mr. Xiao."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Chu Heng was completely relieved.

In order to create a strong momentum, Chu Heng invited many media reporters to attend the brilliant opening ceremony. But Hollywood's entertainment companies shared the same hatred and refused to participate, which immediately put him in an extremely embarrassing situation.

If there were three or two stars that day, this one didn't come and that one didn't arrive, then face would be really lost at all.

Now Xiao Yunhai helps to invite people, which is definitely a good thing for Chu Heng.

Marvel comics is one of the top eight film companies in Hollywood. In terms of strength, it can definitely rank in the top three. It has more than 100 films a year, and it has dozens of first-line directors and stars.

Once Xiao Yunhai makes a move, let alone those small and medium-sized entertainment companies, even the eight big Mac companies will have to give face.

After talking with Chu Heng, Xiao Yunhai called Kerry and Welch and asked them to go to the platform of brilliant pictures at noon the day after tomorrow.

Kerry naturally needless to say, it was an old friend, did not think about it, and agreed to come down.

With the cooperation between general motors and Yazhou electronic technology company of Xiao Yunhai, mobile phones and tablet computers have become popular in Europe and the United States. GM is making a lot of money. Welch naturally wants to give Xiao Yunhai more face.

Help people to the end, send Buddha to the west, Xiao Yunhai and let Raul inform those small and medium-sized entertainment companies that have cooperated with marvel.

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai and Marvel Comics company are lobbying for brilliance in person, the entertainment companies that originally wanted to give brilliance some color had to agree to come down.

We should know that Marvel Comics does not have many actors. The hundreds of films invested by Marvel require a large number of Hollywood actors. Even if the leading role is not available, there is no problem with supporting roles.

If you offend Xiao Yunhai, I'm afraid that the future film will not be with them. Such a thing, the boss of small and medium-sized entertainment companies naturally will not allow it to happen.

At six o'clock the next evening, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went to the Grammy Awards ceremony in full dress.

The ceremony was arranged to the Staples Center, where celebrities from all walks of life showed up, attracting thousands of fans and hundreds of media attention.

When Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, arm in arm, appeared in front of the public, cheering like thunder, shaking in the sky over Los Angeles.

After the world tour, fans in Europe and the United States fully appreciated their charm. Their popularity directly broke through the 500 million mark, and no one could compare with them.

What's more, Zhao Wanqing is still the most popular candidate in this award ceremony. It's good for fans not to faint excitedly.

A reporter saw this scene, while taking photos, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "great. It has never happened before that two Asian stars can do this in Europe and America. "

Another reporter heard the speech and said, "there's no way. Who can make people talented. What's more, Kung Fu Xiao is still the richest man in the world. Naturally, countless people worship him. "

When they came to the signature area, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing signed their names, and the off-site reporters next to them interviewed a few words.

"Mr. Xiao, Miss Zhao, your world tour is over. I'd like to ask, when can I meet you with the new songs you sang at the concert? The fans are waiting a little bit impatient

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing looked at each other and said, "I will make a new film in June. The album can only be completed this month, and it is estimated that I can meet my fans and friends next month."

"Great. I believe you will be very happy to hear this news. Miss Zhao, how do you feel now that you have been nominated for seven awards

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "I'm a little nervous. I hope I won't get a prize."

"You are a joke. Although I don't know who the final prize will go to, if the jury really doesn't give you an award, let alone you, we fans will not agree

"Thank you for your support," Zhao said

Entering the venue, Xiao Yunhai met a lot of acquaintances, and we had a good time together.

Half an hour later, the party officially began.

As usual, one or two singers will perform for each award.

Originally, the organizing committee also looked for Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, but they refused. After so many concerts, they really don't want to perform again.Similar to what you predicted, Zhao Wanqing became the biggest winner of the Grammy Awards. Out of the seven awards, she won five awards, and no one can compare with her.

At the same time, Xiao Yunhai also won the best album production award.

The couple won a big victory, and their fans on the Internet became lively.

"I knew that Zhao, the goddess, won the most Grammys this time."

"Nonsense. One album of Goddess Zhao has sold 110 million copies. If the award is not given to her but given to someone else, Grammy will really follow the footsteps of Oscar

"Kung Fu Xiao and the goddess Zhao Zhen are a perfect match. Last year, Kung Fu Xiao swept through Grammy, and this year the goddess Zhao did the same. This can be a good story in the history of music. "

"I love Kung Fu Xiao and goddess Zhao. They are not only my idols, but also my role models. They make me believe that true love exists in this world

"What makes me most happy today is not how many awards the goddess Zhao can win, but that their new songs at the concert are finally about to start recording. I can't wait to wait."

"Yes. At the concert, they sang 18 new songs, and the first classic. God, this is the rhythm of two albums. "

On the home pages of the major well-known websites, the grand event of Grammy has also been reported. Without exception, the headlines are all about Zhao Wanqing.

"Goddess Zhao won five Grammy Awards for her album" forever in my heart. "

"After Kung Fu Xiao, the goddess Zhao swept Grammy again, and the couple became a good story in the history of music."

"Chinese singers rule Grammy, goddess Zhao won five awards including best singer, which shocked European and American music circles."


after the Grammy Awards ceremony, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing attended a dinner hosted by the Grammy organizing committee.

After seeing the two men appear, Eliot meets them first. This time, Eliot won three awards after Zhao Wanqing.

"Miss Zhao, I am so sad. I should have been the most beautiful person in this award ceremony, but I was beaten down by your five awards. Xiao, should you compensate me? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, I'll ask people to make you more trophies like Grammy tomorrow to compensate you. By the way, do you want the most popular female singer or the best female singer? "

Then came Katrina Graham heard Xiao Yunhai's words, almost spurted out the red wine in her mouth: "Mr. Xiao, you are so humorous."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "thank you for your praise."

A few people gathered around to chat and laugh constantly. Soon, many singers gathered around Xiao Yunhai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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