Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:40 AM

Chapter 1475

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"Did the brilliant film industry invite people to come here? I've heard that Hollywood companies have united to boycott it. "

"It's not so easy for a Chinese entertainment company to come to Hollywood and have a foothold."

"Yes. Hollywood has always been dominated by European and American film companies. It's not easy to tear a piece of meat out of their mouths. "

A Chinese reporter was unconvinced and said, "what's so great about Hollywood? We are not the emperor of cloud here

"Cloud emperor?" A foreign reporter was stunned, and then immediately reacted and said, "you mean Kung Fu Xiao. He is the richest man in the world and an international superstar. His strength is so strong that he has no problem. Nevertheless, at the beginning, he was also attacked by paramount, Disney and other companies. Do you think this brilliant film company can be compared with Mr. Xiao? "

Another reporter said: "yes, there is only one Kung Fu Xiao and only one manwei in the world. It is impossible for China to have another Mr. Xiao. What's more, brilliant film company has become the target of public criticism. Hollywood entertainment companies regard it as the vanguard of China's march into Hollywood. If it is allowed to taste the sweetness, then other entertainment companies of Huaxia will rush to visit. The cake is so big that I don't want to share it with others. So I'm sure there will be no other company to celebrate brilliance today. "

The Chinese reporter pursed his lips and tried to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Because he knew that both reporters were right.

But soon, things changed.

A lengthened version of Lincoln slowly drove over. The Chinese reporter's face was happy and said happily, "you said no one came? Look, isn't that someone? "

The foreign reporter narrowed his eyes and said, "some people dare to come. Not afraid to be blocked by Hollywood? Damn it. Isn't that big director bickervin? "

"Who is that next to him? Is it from Hollywood, too

"Nonsense. The man's status is higher than that of bikvin, and he is Raul, the actual owner of Marvel comics. Mr. Xiao is usually very little in charge of the company's affairs. Raul is his spokesman in marvel. He has the final say in everything. He has won the trust of Mr. Xiao and is now a billionaire.

"Good fellow, this is a real big man. No wonder even bichoven was so polite to him

Chu Heng has met Raul before, and bick is a famous director, not to mention.

Seeing their arrival, Chu Heng finally put down a big stone in his heart, and said with a smile, "Mr. Raul, director Bickerman, welcome to the opening reception of our brilliant company."

Raul said with a smile: "Mr. Chu can have such a great courage to come to Hollywood to open an entertainment company, the boss is very appreciative. If you have any difficulties in the future, please feel free to say so. As long as we can do it, we will try our best. "

Chu Heng said gratefully, "thank you Mr. Raul, thank you Mr. Xiao."

Seeing this, the American reporter patted his forehead and said: "look at my brain, I have forgotten one of the most important things, that is, the boss of brilliant film company is from Huaxia. How could Mr. Xiao not take care of it. With manwei's support, brilliant may really be able to stand firm. "

The Chinese reporter said with pride: "in foreign countries, we Chinese people are the most united. Brilliant film company has Mr. Xiao as the backing, I believe it will not take long to really brilliant up. "

Chu Heng just sent Raul and Bickerman into the hotel, and another luxury car appeared in front of everyone.

The door opened, and hannett and Lucia came out. The shutter of the camera crackled and the eyes of the flash could not be opened.

Their popularity is much higher than Raul and bikvenko. From the beginning to the end, the cameras in the hands of journalists never stop.

Chu Heng was very happy. After two polite sentences, another car appeared.

Next came Ivan and kozmo, the great director of general pictures.

"Damn it, general Studios is here."

"I bet it was Mr. Xiao who helped to invite him. Otherwise, with the strength of brilliant film company, it is impossible to invite people from GM. "

" Gee, isn't that MGM's action star Carlos? He's here, too

"The big director Mars is here."

"It seems that Mr. Xiao attaches great importance to this brilliant film company. So many people have been invited. "

"Among the eight big Hollywood movie companies, marvel, GM and MGM have the best relationship and seem to have formed an alliance. Since Xiao Yunhai wants to help Guanghui, he has invited them. "

"Look, the stars and bosses of many small and medium-sized entertainment companies in Hollywood have arrived."

Chu Heng and Yan Hanfei looked at the big stars and bosses in Hollywood, and their gratitude to Xiao Yunhai almost reached the peak.Chu Heng just wanted Xiao Yunhai to bring the man to the station. He didn't think he could do that. Not only did the stars come to more than twenty, but even people from GM, MGM and more than 10 small entertainment companies arrived. This not only shows that Xiao Yunhai's face is awesome, but also shows his support for his company.

Near twelve o'clock, a limousine came slowly.

The door opened and Xiao Yunhai, dressed in a suit, stepped out of the car.

"Damn it, Mr. Xiao came to congratulate him in person. This brilliant film company is amazing."

"Mr. Xiao attended these occasions only a few times. I didn't expect that brilliant would have such a great face to invite him here."

"It seems that we have to reevaluate brilliant pictures."

The camera in the hands of journalists once again became powerful. Compared with all the film stars in front of them, the camera was more powerful, and the flash lamp was like a sea of thunder.

Xiao Yunhai waved to everyone, then bent down and picked up Zhao Wanqing.

Two people smile, hand in hand, walk on the red carpet.

Chu Heng and Yan Hanfei looked at each other and went directly to them.

Before he got close, Chu Heng held out his hand and held it with Xiao Yunhai.

"Mr. Xiao, Miss Zhao, thank you very much. If we don't have the help of both of you, we will lose our brilliant film industry to Huaxia. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Chu, don't say that. In Hollywood, we Huaxia entertainment company should keep watch and help each other. If you don't even help your own people, it's a joke for foreigners. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "Mr. Chu, you may not know. When Yunhai received your call, she was really very happy. She drank a lot of wine at home. Since the barriers of entertainment industry in China disappeared, only foreign entertainment companies have been seen to make money in China, but not one of our domestic entertainment companies has gone abroad. Mr. Chu, you are the first one. As long as you succeed, there will be a second and a third. One day, our Chinese culture will be popular all over the world. "

Yan Hanfei exclaimed: "Mr. Xiao always takes China as the most important thing. He is really a model of our generation. Yan admires him."

Xiao Yunhai did not know Yan Hanfei and asked, "are you?"

Yan Hanfei took out his business card and said, "my name is Yan Hanfei. I opened a Hanfei ocean transportation company. I'm a small company with Chu Heng. In the future, I would like to ask Mr. Xiao to take good care of him. "

The ocean transportation company is very dependent on the state government. Xiao Yunhai is Xiao's family and the richest man in the world. If he can get to know him, it will be of great benefit to Yan Hanfei.

Chu Heng said: "this time I can open the company here, but also old Yan gave me confidence, or I am afraid I would not have the courage to come here."

Xiao Yunhai took the business card and looked at it. He held out his hand and shook Yan Hanfei. He said, "Mr. Yan, although we haven't met each other, we've been known for a long time for your ocean king."

Yan Hanfei's face was almost wrinkled with laughter. He didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai, who stood at the top of the pyramid, knew that he was naturally very happy.

Chu Heng said: "it's almost time. Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao, let's go in and talk. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "good."

Four people walked into the hotel, where everyone in groups, holding glasses, chatting there.

When you see Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, you don't have to say anything about manwei. Even the stars and bosses of other companies also come to say hello.

Chu Heng dark sigh: "when can I reach the point of Mr. Xiao?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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