Published at 11th of May 2022 05:17:36 AM

Chapter 1478

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On the second day after returning to Yanjing, Xiao Yunhai took a private plane to Hengdian film and Television City, and the deputy director Shu Jun went to pick up the plane.

On the bus, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Shu Dao, I've really bothered you in the last month. I've run a lot of places."

Shu Junming is very handsome. He is 1.8 meters tall. He has a slender body and beautiful features. He is a handsome man in any way. Only a pair of soft eyes makes Xiao Yunhai feel uncomfortable.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Shu Junming said: "I have really traveled to many places. Most of them are scenic spots, so I'll be a public fund tourist."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "you have a good attitude. What's the situation here in Hengdian

Shu Junming said: "in order to speed up the progress, we have rented more than 20 studios and employed more than 1000 carpenters and decorators to build the scene under the guidance of Mr. Lei Hongshen, the art director. Guiwang cave, Caomiao village and Qingyun hall have been built. Now we are making the scene of dixue cave. It's just that too much money has been spent. Every day, the wages paid to the workers and the rent for the studio have reached more than two million yuan. It's heartbreaking to watch. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "if you want to make a good film, you don't care about money. You know, this time I used a 3dimax camera, and most of the plays of "Zhu Xian" were shot in the studio. If you don't make these scenes perfect, how can we bring the audience to the picture? "

Shu Junming nodded and said, "Mr. Xiao, I understand. It's just a little hard to accept."

Xiao Yunhai said: "now spend more money. After the film is released in the future, it will be returned dozens of times or hundreds of times. In the end, it is still us who make a lot of money. Have you finished all the props? Weapons like the sword for killing immortals and the blood eating stick can't be careless at all. "

Shu Junming said: "according to the drawings you gave, the props group has been finished. It looks very good."

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good."

An hour later, they came to Hengdian film and television city and met with the art director Lei Hongshen.

Lei Hongshen is over 50 years old. He is small and thin, and his hair is half white and half black. But he is very energetic. He is one of the best art directors in China.

He has been shortlisted for the best art director Oscar three times. Although he failed to win the award, his strength can be seen from this.

When Xiao Yunhai first saw Jiao fangtao's "Xiaocui", he thought that the scene of the immortal family was very good, so he found him through Jiao fangtao.

To be able to cooperate with Xiao Yunhai, the legendary director, Lei Hongshen naturally won't refuse and readily agreed.

But not two days later, when he took over a large stack of sketches in Xiao Yunhai's hands, the whole person was not good.

Because there are dozens of scenes that need to be built. The design of places such as ghost King cave, Qingyun hall and dixue cave is extremely complicated. Lei Hongshen has a headache, let alone do it.

Fortunately, he has professional ethics. If he changes people, he may give up.

It has to be said that Lei Hongshen's level is indeed the best in the world. In a short week, he used computer software to draw the blood dripping cave and Qingyun hall.

Xiao Yunhai had a look, very satisfied, especially the use of color, is to the point of God.

Xiao Yunhai admired him very much. Without saying a word, he asked Shu Junming to take Lei Hongshen to Hengdian film and Television City, and asked him to guide the workers to build these scenes, so as not to delay the filming time.

In the studio of dixue cave, Xiao Yunhai meets Lei Hongshen, who is conducting on-site command.

"Teacher Lei, it's hard for you."

Xiao Yunhai came to Lei Hongshen and said solemnly.

Lei Hongshen reached out his hand and shook him for a moment, then said with a smile, "it's worth being tired. Mr. Xiao, I have to admit that the scene of your film is not the biggest one I have ever met, but it is the most strict in terms of details. More than 1000 people were invited to build the site at one go, and you are willing to do so in China. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if you want to make a good film, you must dig into the details. Even the details are not good, no matter how good the actors perform, the fans will not buy it. Mr. Lei, is this a blood hole

Lei Hong nodded deeply and said, "that's right. You said that the blood dripping hole is a very important place in the play. In the design, we should pay attention to the texture, give people a sense of visual oppression and space, and add some mysterious colors. I think it's good. Mr. Xiao, you are a director. Do you think there is anything inappropriate? "

Xiao Yunhai looked around, thought for a moment, and said: "the black heart old man and Mrs. Jinling are the top experts in the world. Their residence should not only have a mysterious feeling, but also have a kind of momentum to suppress the world. I think we can carve huge dragon and phoenix patterns on the walls of the cave, so as to show their strength. What do you think, Mr. ray? "

As soon as Lei Hongshen's eyes lit up, he came to the computer where he was working. He added a dragon and a phoenix thundering for nine days to the walls on both sides of the effect picture. All of a sudden, the whole picture became more majestic.

Lei Hongshen patted his thigh and said happily, "Mr. Xiao, your suggestion is really wonderful. Let's go and see the other scenes that have been done. We'll discuss what needs to be changed. "Finish saying, also wait for Xiao Yunhai reply, hold computer to go out.

Xiao Yunhai saw his impatient appearance, and with a smile on his face, he quickly followed him, and said in his heart, "no madness, no survival.". It seems that this sentence can be applied not only to actors but also to other professionals. Just like the art director Mr. Lei Hongshen, if he was not full of enthusiasm for art design, how could he have achieved today's achievements? "

They came to a super large studio with an area of 6000 square meters. As soon as they entered, Xiao Yunhai saw a grand and strict hall standing there, overlooking all living beings.

If you put it in the clouds, it would be a palace of immortal family.

Xiao Yunhai could not help but blurt out: "good."

A glimmer of pride flashed on Lei Hongshen's face and said, "Mr. Xiao, the palace took 800 staff members to work round the clock in turn. It took ten days to complete the palace. This is the peak of my career

Xiao Yunhai vomited a long breath and said, "Mr. Lei, I'm looking for you to be right."

Lei Hong said with a deep smile, "don't praise me. Let's take a look at the shortcomings. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "on the whole, it's almost done to the extreme. Next, it's mainly about the details. Do you have any loopholes?"

They stayed in the Qingyun hall for two hours, but they found out a lot of harmless problems.

Lei Hongshen wrote it down and asked the staff to deal with it immediately in the afternoon.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai invited the crew to a five-star hotel.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Xiao Yunhai stood up, took up his glass, and said, "dear teachers, brothers and sisters," this film is the most difficult one I have ever shot since I was a film, but it is also the one I hope the most. Over the past month, due to my various reasons, I failed to work with you. This is my dereliction of duty as a director. Today, I came to see the preparation of the crew, I feel very satisfied. Here, I sincerely propose a glass of wine to all of you, and thank you for your efforts in "killing the immortals."

Xiao Yunhai said, a look up, full of a glass of wine to drink down, not a drop left.

All the people applauded in unison, and they all drank the wine. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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