Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:10 AM

Chapter 148

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Su Yingxue turned to see Xiao Yunhai still calmly watching the video and said, "Yunhai, can you say that you can watch such news?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what can I do? Can I bite him? Achievement, achievement is the hard truth, and everything else is in vain. All right, sister Xue, they are just making public opinion. Once we pay attention to it, we will be cheated by them. "

After answering the reporter's question, Xia Chengfeng sang the theme song "night" of the album.

It's a top-notch song bought with two million dollars. It's really good.

Finally, a number of celebrities appeared in succession at the press conference to cheer him on the platform. Soon, the press conference was over.

Xiao Yunhai asked Su Yingxue, "sister Xue, who will come to our press conference tomorrow?"

Su Yingxue said mysteriously, "it's a secret. You'll know it then."

Xiao Yunhai did not question Su Yingxue's betrayal.

He entered Tianhua company for a short time. He didn't know any of them except Lin Yuying and Dong Piao Piao. Dong Piao has gone to participate in a variety show, and Lin Yuying is his enemy, so it is impossible to go.

As for the stars he knows, such as ye Yongren, Chen Huan, Han Shilei, Yao Na and so on, they are usually very busy. He has no intention to invite them.

However, he believed that Zhao Wanqing would certainly go if others did not go.

In the afternoon, the major entertainment media reported Xia Chengfeng's album conference.

Entertainment has known: this morning, Xia Chengfeng, a famous singer of Hongda entertainment company, held an album release conference called "night", and the scene was extremely hot. With the super pre-sale volume of 2.2 million, Xia Chengfeng threatened that the total sales volume of this album would exceed 10 million, and it might even become the emperor.

Peak Entertainment: the agent of Xia Chengfeng, a top-line singer of Hongda entertainment, spoke ill of Xiao Yunhai, the famous cloud emperor on the Internet at the press conference, claiming that new people should act according to their ability and never try to be brave.

Music front line: Hongda entertainment Xia Chengfeng's night vs Tianhua newcomer Xiao Yunhai's fairy tale: who wins and who loses?

the excitement of the media did not stop Xiao Yunhai from holding the next day's album conference.

Xiao Yunhai takes the Rolls Royce phantom arranged by the company for him to drive slowly to the door of the hotel. Looking out of the window, he is stunned.

He found that today's situation seems to be bigger than that of yesterday's summer Chengfeng's press conference. The major media, including those big newspapers, tabloids, big magazines, small magazines, all kinds of music, gossip, TV stations and so on, almost all of which are closely related to the entertainment industry have come.

Su Yingxue beside said with a soft smile: "we want to thank Xia Chengfeng for his free publicity."

Xiao Yunhai understood the meaning of Su Yingxue.

Yesterday, Xia Chengfeng spent a lot of time on Xiao Yunhai at the press conference. Although he didn't have any good words, no matter what he said, he virtually made free advertisements for Xiao Yunhai. In particular, his agent Zheng Quanyou's open query and provocation, let Xiao Yunhai stand on the crest of the wave. There are more reporters than yesterday.

When Xiao Yunhai's car came over, sharp eyed reporters immediately shot Xiao Yunhai. Who can use Rolls Royce besides the hero of this conference?

"The phantom, the Rolls Royce phantom. It's said that Tianhua company is such a top-notch car in the world. No one else has used it except the king of heaven queen of our company. This time, Tianhua entertainment company has spared no effort to support Xiao Yunhai, a newcomer. "

"Of course. No matter who has a pre-sale of more than 1.4 million albums, I'm afraid they are eligible to take this kind of car. "

"Yes. Don't regard Xiao Yunhai as a newcomer. The popularity and popularity of yunhuang is no less than that of any Chinese artist. The only drawback is that there is no work that makes him stand up. Once the album reaches eight million, he will instantly become one of the top stars. "

"Yes. It's unprecedented to have such achievements in half a year. "

In fact, Xiao Yunhai was able to ride the Rolls Royce phantom to come, mainly relying on the help of vice president Zhang Xuedong.

Because of Zhang Liang's affairs, Zhang Xuedong has a great interest in Xiao Yunhai.

Zhang Xuedong knows how proud Wang Lin and Yue Changting are. And to be able to get both of them good at the same time, and even let Yue Changting tear his face for him, what a genius Xiao Yunhai should be.

So, at the moment Xiao Yunhai's album came out, Zhang Xuedong immediately came to one and listened to it in the office all day. With his years of experience, even Xiao Yunhai doesn't dare to say for sure how much this album will sell. He just thinks that eight million copies are no problem.

He also heard from Wang Lin that Xiao Yunhai encountered difficulties in recording albums from the company level. Therefore, in order to eliminate Xiao Yunhai's dissatisfaction with the company, Zhang Xuedong specially invited Wang Lin, Yue Changting and Xiao Yunhai to dinner, and made every effort to promote Xiao Yunhai's album.Xiao Yunhai also reciprocated by writing a top song to his nephew Zhang Liang. It is said that it has become popular on the Internet.

For Xiao Yunhai and Xia Chengfeng, Zhang Xuedong is very concerned. In order to help Xiao Yunhai support the scene, he asked the chairman to use the Rolls Royce phantom. Xue Tianhua originally disagreed, but after listening to Xiao Yunhai's album, he changed his decision instantly.


Mengfang slowly stops, Xiao Yunhai comes out of the car, and suddenly, the magnesium lamp crackles, which makes Xiao Yunhai's surroundings white.

"Xiao Yunhai, what route will your album take? As the founder of huaxiafeng, is there any Chinese song in it

"Xiao Yunhai, what do you think of Xia Chengfeng's album? Will the release date be changed for this. "

"Do you have any confidence to win the challenge? After all, the opponent is very strong. "

Countless questions came to Xiao Yunhai. Looking at the noisy scene, Xiao Yunhai smiled and said calmly: "there are too many questions from everyone. I don't know who should answer first. I will give you free time to ask questions later. Please stop asking questions. "

Finally, he was killed from the siege of many reporters. Xiao Yunhai walked into the hotel hall, and his posters were hung on it, and the soft music played back and forth.

"Orchid Pavilion preface", "mice Love Rice" and a series of Xiao Yunhai's songs constitute the basic melody of the hotel hall.

After Xiao Yunhai went in, the reporter began to enter. The noisy footsteps filled the whole hall, but after a while, the hall was already crowded.

Every reporter held his camera, because otherwise, Xiao Yunhai would not have been photographed.

Under the chairmanship of the host, Xiao Yunhai briefly introduced the tracks of his new album.

"All the lyrics and music of this album were completed by me independently. In order to meet the needs of different audiences, I tried many types of music styles. In addition to the three old songs "Orchid Pavilion preface", "big man" and "existence", there are seven new songs including rock "in full swing of life", "love song" fairy tale "," only one ", Cantonese song" grandiose ", sentimental love song" ten years ", inspirational song" wide sea and sky ", and Huaxia wind" fireworks easy to be cold ". In fact, the inspirational song "the sea and the sky" is no longer new. I used to sing it at our new year's reception party of Yanjing Film Academy, but it didn't spread to the outside world. "

"It's called fairy tale, but it's not that it's the best song on my album. To be arrogant, every song in it has the strength to be the main theme, and none of its quality is below the top. So, you can buy with confidence. "

After Xiao Yunhai introduced the situation of the album, the press conference entered the time of free questions.

Like Xia Chengfeng, the host first found several media newspapers prepared by Tianhua company in advance and asked some unimportant topics.

Other journalists are very polite and have no impatience. After Xiao Yunhai answered a few questions, the real test of him began.

A reporter asked, "Xiao Yunhai, I would like to ask, are you having any trouble with Xia Chengfeng? We all know that in recent years, some famous stars will avoid releasing new albums on the same day. But both of you were put on January 12. It's just a challenge arena. I don't know why? "

Xiao Yunhai had expected that the press conference would ask this question, so he said with an air of self assurance: "I have nothing to do with teacher Xia. This time, when the company determined the release date of my album, I didn't know that teacher Xia would also choose this day. After all, I'm just a newcomer. Although I have some fame, I still have a big gap compared with teacher Xia. Maybe it's just a coincidence that teacher Xia said. Otherwise, it can't be teacher Xia who has nothing to do but deliberately suppress me. "

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, many reporters automatically omitted the first half of the part and recorded the four words "suppressing new people" at the back.

They know that Xiao Yunhai announced the date first, while Xia Chengfeng announced it immediately. Therefore, the truth of the matter is that Xia Chengfeng deliberately suppressed him for some reasons.

In fact, Xiao Yunhai also said this to the media. It's a good topic for the old to crack down on the new. Although we can't let Xia Chengfeng hurt his muscles and bones, at least he found a little problem.

In the entertainment industry, many big problems are formed by the accumulation of numerous small problems.

"Excuse me, Xiao Yunhai, what do you think of what Xia Chengfeng's agent Zheng Quanyou said?"

Xiao Yunhai's face changed. Zhengrong said, "I'm sorry for what Zheng Quanyou said. During my time in the entertainment industry, I met a lot of predecessors in the music industry. They are very friendly to our teachers, such as Mr. Yao and Mr. Chen. But Mr. Zheng is not as a senior demeanor, inside and outside, I only feel his sarcasm and sarcasm to me. What is more chilling is that Xia's teacher was silent and chose default. To be honest, I'm sad and angry. I'm very disappointed with Mr. Xia's attitude towards new people. ""Hua"

Xiao Yunhai's answer made the whole meeting room in an uproar. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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